International Emergency Nursing Vol. 63 July 2022

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International Emergency Nursing Vol. 63 July 2022

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International Emergency Nursing Vol. 63 July 2022<br /><br />
How help-seeking behaviors help reduce emergency nurses’ stress?
Unpredictable and challenging circumstances make the nursing
profession extremely demanding and stressful [1,2]. A survey conducted just before the COVID-19 pandemic showed that job pressure, leading to
stress and poor mental health, is the main…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 63 July 2022<br /><br />
Pre-hospital emergency nurse specialist’s experiences in caring for patients with non-specific chief complaints in the ambulance – A qualitative interview study
Background: Pre-hospital emergency nurse (PEN) specialists are faced with patients presenting with non-specific
chief complaints (NSC) to the emergency medical service (EMS) on a daily basis. These patients are often elderly and one in three has a…
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