International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023

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International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023

Collection Items

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
Subjective mental workload in Spanish emergency nurses. A study on predictive factors
Introduction: Mental workload refers to the cognitive or intellectual requirements that a worker is subjected to in a workday. The objective of the present work was to discover the subjective mental workload of nursing staff at Hospital Emergency…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
Missed nursing care in emergency departments: A scoping review(Review)
Background: Patient safety is a global health priority. Errors of omission, such as missed nursing care in hospitals, are frequent and may lead to adverse events. Emergency departments (ED) are especially vulnerable to patient safety errors, and the…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
Patient involvement in decisions about discharge from the emergency department: A qualitative interview study of the healthcare professionals’ experiences
Background: Patients in the emergency department are less involved in making decisions than they would like to be. Involving patients improves health-related outcomes, but success depends on the healthcare professional’s ability to act in a…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
Taking or creating control: A qualitative study of uncertainty among novice nurses in ambulance care
Introduction: In emergency nursing situations, uncertainty may lead to delays, or block a decision which can have devastating consequences for a patient. The ambulance service is a complex clinical environment that often challenges the…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
The effect of a video-based COVID-19 paediatric patient education on state anxiety in children with suspected COVID-19 admitted to hospital
Background: Anxiety causes the long-term psychological impacts on children during the pandemic.
Objective: The aim of this study is to reduce anxiety in paediatric patients and increase their adherence to treatment through a video-based COVID-19…

International Emergency Nursing Vol. 69 July 2023<br /><br />
Nurses’ knowledge and self-assessment of their clinical experiences of<br /><br />
intraosseous access: A multicentre cross-sectional study
Background: Intraosseous access is an effective and safe option when difficult vascular access occurs. The knowledge, competence, and clinical experience of nurses are collectively essential for the successful implementation of this approach in…
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