Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 4 2020
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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 4 2020
Collection Items
Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol.10 issue.4 2020
Barriers to the implementation of prehospital thrombolysis in the treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in South Africa: An exploratory inquiry
Introduction: Evidence-based guidelines advocate percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as the mainstay
reperfusion strategy for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the South African health
system is not well positioned…
reperfusion strategy for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the South African health
system is not well positioned…
Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol.10 issue.4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Developing sustainable prehospital trauma education in Rwanda
Introduction: Every year, > 5 million people worldwide die from trauma. In Kigali, Rwanda, 50% of prehospital
care provided by SAMU, the public prehospital system, is for trauma. Our collaboration developed and im-
plemented a context-specific,…
care provided by SAMU, the public prehospital system, is for trauma. Our collaboration developed and im-
plemented a context-specific,…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Frailty screening of Tunisian older adults: feasibility and usefulness in the Emergency Department
Introduction: Frail older adults are at an increased risk for adverse outcomes after an Emergency Department
(ED) visit. Several tools exist for the screening of frailty among these patients. However, no tool has been
validated in Tunisia. This…
(ED) visit. Several tools exist for the screening of frailty among these patients. However, no tool has been
validated in Tunisia. This…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of community-based first responder development for the management of drowning casualties in rural areas of Bangladesh
Background: Drowning is the leading cause of childhood death in Bangladesh. In order to minimize the number
of casualties Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB) incorporated a ‘first responder’
program which includes Cardio…
of casualties Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB) incorporated a ‘first responder’
program which includes Cardio…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Standardised management of atraumatic epistaxis for improved outcomes in an emergency department with off-site ear, nose and throat cover - A quality improvement project
Problem description: Otorhinolaryngology services are not available in all hospitals and atraumatic epistaxis is a
common presentation to Emergency Departments (ED). Not all ED staff are experienced in managing epistaxis
and there appeared to be a…
common presentation to Emergency Departments (ED). Not all ED staff are experienced in managing epistaxis
and there appeared to be a…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
An analysis of the descriptors of acute myocardial infarction used by South Africans when calling for an ambulance from a private emergency call centre
Introduction: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a time sensitive emergency. In resource limited settings,
prompt identification and management of patients experiencing AMI in the pre-hospital setting may minimise
the negative consequences…
prompt identification and management of patients experiencing AMI in the pre-hospital setting may minimise
the negative consequences…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
A cross sectional study of the availability of paediatric emergency equipment in South African emergency units
Background: Despite children representing a significant proportion of Emergency Unit (EU) attendances glob-
ally, it is concerning that many healthcare facilities are inadequately equipped to deliver paediatric resuscita-
tion. The rapid…
ally, it is concerning that many healthcare facilities are inadequately equipped to deliver paediatric resuscita-
tion. The rapid…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of lockdown measures implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic on the burden of trauma presentations to a regional emergency department in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic triggered unprecedented nationwide regulations aimed primarily at
slowing the spread of the virus. The objective of this study was to describe the effect of these regulations on the
number and severity of trauma…
slowing the spread of the virus. The objective of this study was to describe the effect of these regulations on the
number and severity of trauma…
Jurnal internasional afrika vol.10 issue 4 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of nursing education and a monitoring tool on outcomes in traumatic brain injury
Introduction: Throughout the world, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and
mortality. Low-and middle-income countries experience an especially high burden of TBI. While guidelines for
TBI management exist in high…
mortality. Low-and middle-income countries experience an especially high burden of TBI. While guidelines for
TBI management exist in high…
Jurnal Nasional Infokes vol.10 issue 4 2020
Core competencies required by toxicology graduates in order to function effectively in a Poisons Information Centre: A Delphi study
Introduction: The availability of trained Medical Toxicologists in developing countries is limited and education
in Medical Toxicology remains inadequate. The lack of toxicology services contributes to a knowledge gap in the
management of…
in Medical Toxicology remains inadequate. The lack of toxicology services contributes to a knowledge gap in the
management of…
Collection Tree
- Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 4 2020