Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 1 2022

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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 1 2022

Collection Items

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Ultrasound virtual skills based workshop: An African experience in the COVID era
Telemedicine has emerged as a valuable tool for medical training, now more than ever. It involves exchanging
healthcare or healthcare information digitally across large distances. This form of teaching has become more
common due to significant…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Trauma training in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review of ATLS alternatives
Introduction: Trauma training for front-line providers is a critical component of injury mitigation and trauma
systems strengthening. Although the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course is standard in much of the
world, cost and administrative…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The status and future of emergency care in the Republic of Kenya
Kenya is a rapidly developing country with a growing economy and evolving health care system. In the decade
since the last publication on the state of emergency care in Kenya, significant developments have occurred in the
country's approach to…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The ethical considerations for emergency care research in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review of the published literature
Introduction: Research studies on emergency care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) face many ethical
considerations, including obtaining valid informed consent from vulnerable patients. This study aims to describe
the body of literature…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The characteristics of geriatric patients managed within the resuscitation unit of a district-level emergency centre in Cape Town
Introduction: The world's population is aging and this trend is also seen in South Africa. This increase will
invariably affect acute care services. The geriatric population attending emergency centres have not been
described in the South African…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Perceptions and reflections of early graduates of the first emergency medicine residency program in Ethiopia: A qualitative study
Introduction: A bi-institutional partnership between physicians at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and the
University of Toronto, Canada led the development and implementation of a novel emergency medicine (EM)
postgraduate training program at…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Monitoring of characteristics of the patients visiting an emergency center in Cameroon through the development of hospital patient database
Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have struggled to utilize health information technology and thus lack in
accurate patient data. This paper describes the method of collecting patient data and patient characteristics in an
emergency centre in…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Malaria and COVID-19: A double battle for Burundi
Malaria has become a serious public health concern in Burundi. An outbreak that has the potential to evolve into

an epidemic has eradicated nearly as many individuals as the Ebola crisis within the adjacent Democratic Re-
public of the Congo. The…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Incidence and factors associated with being a victim of community assault; retrospective review of medical records in an Emergency Centre
Introduction: Community assault is an interpersonal violence frequently seen in the emergency centres around
South Africa. Its aim is to inflict serious injuries to a suspected perpetrator. Data has not been published in
Mamelodi Regional Hospital…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 1 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Five-year analysis of clinical presentations and predictors of stroke mortality in rural Southwestern Nigeria: A retrospective observational study
Introduction: Stroke mortality and its predictors are important outcome measures in stroke epidemiological
studies and clinical trials. There is an observed paucity of data regarding the clinical presentations and predictors
of stroke mortality in…
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