Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 2 2022

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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 2 2022

Collection Items

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Utilisation of peripheral vasopressor medications and extravasation events among critically ill patients in Rwanda: A prospective cohort study
Introduction: In high-income settings, vasopressor administration to treat haemodynamic instability through a
central venous catheter (CVC) is the preferred standard. However, due to lack of availability and potential for
complications, CVCs are…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Training and certification in first responder care among mountaineering practitioners in east Africa
Introduction: Mountaineering activities have potential risks for injuries and illnesses. Extreme weather conditions,

high altitude, limited resources and accessibility to transport and definitive medicalservices callsfor mountaineer-

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The accuracy of nurse-led triage of adult patients in the emergency centre of urban private hospitals
Background: Triage is applied in emergency centres (ECs) to assign degrees of urgency to illnesses or injuries
to decide in which order to treat patients, especially when there are many patients or casualties, facilitating the
allocation of scarce…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Stroke in Djibouti
Background: Stroke is a neurological emergency affecting both developed and developing countries. In Djibouti,
stroke is the fourth leading cause of death. Our objective was to describe the demographic, clinical, paraclinical
profile of stroke in…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Pre-course online cases for the world health organization’s basic emergency care course in Uganda: A mixed methods analysis
Introduction: The Ministry of Health - Uganda implemented the World Health Organization’s Basic Emergency
Care course (BEC1) to improve formal emergency care training and address its high burden of acute illness and
injury. The BEC is an…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Occupational blood and body fluid exposure among emergency medical service providers in the eThekwini metropole of South Africa
Introduction: Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers in South Africa are among health care workers (HCWs)
most at risk of contracting infectious diseases due to occupational exposure to blood and body fluids (BBF). While
the austere, dynamic,…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Impact of implementation of sequential trauma education programs (STEPs) course on missed injuries in emergency polytrauma patients, Ismailia, Egypt
Introduction: Trauma deaths account for 8% of all deaths in Egypt. Patients with multiple injuries are at high
risk but may be saved with a good triage system and a well-trained trauma team in dedicated institutions. The
incidence of missed…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Financial burden associated with attendance at a public hospital emergency department in Johannesburg
Introduction: More than half of South Africans live below the poverty line. Indirect medical costs can contribute
significantly to the financial burden of patients seeking medical care. The aim of this study was to determine the
expenses incurred…

Jurnal Internasional vol.12 issue 2 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: Efforts, recommendations and challenges at hand
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions have suffered globally and as a result, attention and

resources for other diseases, such as Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), has declined. Despite a sig-
nificantly lower incidence…
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