Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Acknowledgement of Reviewers
On behalf of the Editorial Board of Safety and Health at Work, the Editor-in-Chief gratefully acknowledges the following professionals for taking
their valuable time and contributing their sophisticated knowledge of occupational safety and health to…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
An Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Toward Standard Precautions Among Health Workers From a Hospital in Northern Cyprus (Original Article)
Background: The objective was to assess the knowledge level, attitude, and practice of health care workers towards standard precautions, and to identify the related factors. Furthermore, it was attempted to identify the proportion of having the…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Burden of Neck Pain and Associated Factors Among Sewing Machine Operators of Garment Factories in Mekelle City, Northern Part of Ethiopia, 2018, A Cross-Sectional Study (Original Article)
Background: Neck pain is a major public health problem among sewing machine operators working in textile factories. Even though the textile industries are growing in number in Ethiopia, but there is a dearth of published studies on the prevalence of…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Climate Warming and Occupational Heat and Hot Environment Standards in Thailand (Original Article)
Background: During the period 2001 to 2016, the maximum temperatures in Thailand rose from 38-41o C to 42-44o C. The current occupational heat exposure standard of Thailand issued in 2006 is based on wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) defined for…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
COVID -19: Protection of Workers at the Workplace in Singapore (Short Communication)
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in movement restrictions being instituted globally and the
cessation of work at many workplaces. However, during this period, essential services such as healthcare, law enforcement, and critical production and…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
COVID-19 as a Recognized Work-Related Disease: The Current Situation Worldwide (Short Communication)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is a newly emerging infectious disease worldwide, can be categorized as an occupational disease, because employees, particularly in the healthcare system, can be infected at the workplace. As of December 15,…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Effect of Occupational Exposure to Herbicides on Oxidative Stress in Sprayers (Original Article)
Background: Herbicides such as glyphosate, paraquat, and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid have been reported to cause adverse side effects through production of reactive oxygen species. However, there were no data representing the adverse effects of a…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Employment Status Change and New-Onset Depressive Symptoms in Permanent Waged Workers (Original Article)
Background: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between changes in employment status
and new-onset depressive symptoms through a one-year follow-up of permanent waged workers.
Methods: We analyzed the open-source data from the Korea…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 1 2021<br /><br />
Finding Pluto: An Analytics-Based Approach to Safety Data Ecosystems (Review Article)
This review article addresses the role of safety professionals in the diffusion strategies for predictive analytics for safety performance. The article explores the models, definitions, roles, and relationships of safety professionals in knowledge…
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