Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021

Collection Items

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
A Systematic Review: Effectiveness of Interventions to De-escalate Workplace Violence against Nurses in Healthcare Settings (Review Article)
Workplace violence (WPV) is an increasing cause of concern around the globe, and healthcare organizations are no exception. Nurses may be subject to all kinds of workplace violence due to their frontline position in healthcare settings. The purpose…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Association Between Unpredictable Work Schedules and Depressive Symptoms in Korea
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between unpredictable work schedules and depressive symptoms in Korea.
Methods: Data from 34,486 workers who participated in the Korean Working Condition Survey in 2017 were used.…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Associations between Sleep and Work-Related Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Police Employees (Original Article)
Aim: We aimed to examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between sleep and work-related impaired cognitive and emotional functioning in police employees.
Methods: This study included 410 participants (52% men) employed in a police…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Associations of Abnormal Sleep Duration with Occupational and <br /><br />
Leisure-time Physical Activity in the Working Population: A Nation-wide Population-based Study (Original article)
Background: The present study investigated the association between two domains of physical activity (occupational physical activity [OPA] and leisure-time physical activity [LTPA]) and sleep duration.
Methods: We investigated 3,421 paid workers from…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Changing Factors of Employee Satisfaction with Working Conditions: An Analysis of the Korean Working Conditions Survey (Original Article)
Background: We hypothesized that the growing demand of Korean workers for workelife balance would change the factors influencing job satisfaction. We sought to verify our hypothesis by conducting a
conjoint analysis based on the Korean Working…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Different Influence of Negative and Positive Spillover between Work and Life on Depression in a Longitudinal Study (Original Article)
Background: This study investigated the longitudinal associations between the degrees of positive and negative spillover in workelife balance (WLB) at baseline and reports of depressive mood at a 2-year follow-up in Korean women employees.

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Exploratory Study: A Modification Training Method of Attentional Bias Toward Safety (Original Article)
Background: The high sensitivity of individuals toward safety information in production activities, that is, attentional bias toward safety (ABS), can positively predict safe behaviors. It has become a hot topic in current organizational safety…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
How Much Does My Work Affect My Health? The Relationships between Working Conditions and Health in an Italian Survey (Original Article)
Backround: Working condition surveys are widely recognized as useful tools for monitoring the quality of working life and the improvements introduced by health and safety policy frameworks at the European and national level. The Italian Workers’…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 12 Issue 3 2021<br /><br />
Improving the Workplace Experience of Caregiver-Employees: A Time-Series Analysis of a Workplace Intervention (Original Article)
Background: Rapid population aging in developed countries has resulted in the working-age population increasingly being tasked with the provision of informal care.
Methods: An educational intervention was delivered to 21 carer-employees employed at…
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