Dublin Core



Collection Items

Dispatch of a helicopter emergency medicine service to patients with a sudden, unexplained loss of consciousness of medical origin
Background: Sudden loss of consciousness (LOC) in the prehospital setting in the absence of cardiac arrest and
seizure activity may be a challenge from a dispatcher’s perspective: The aetiology is varied, with many causes being
transient and mostly…

Helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) activity after increased distance to out-of-hours services: an observational study from Norway
Background: Organizational changes in out-of-hour (OOH) services may have unintended consequences for other
prehospital services. Reports indicate an increased use of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) after
changes in OOH services in…

Pre-hospital predictors of an adverse outcome among patients with dyspnoea as the main symptom assessed by pre-hospital emergency nurses - a retrospective observational study
Background: Dyspnoea is one of the most common reasons for patients contacting emergency medical services
(EMS). Pre-hospital Emergency Nurses (PENs) are independently responsible for advanced care and to meet these
patients individual needs.…

Propensity score adjusted comparison of three-factor versus four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate for emergent warfarin reversal: a retrospective cohort study
Background: Prothrombin Complex Concentrates (PCC) are prescribed for emergent warfarin reversal (EWR). The
comparative effectiveness and safety among PCC products are not fully understood.
Methods: Patients in an academic level one trauma center…

Validation of age-specific survival prediction in pediatric patients with blunt trauma using trauma and injury severity score methodology: a ten-year Nationwide observational study
Background: In-hospital mortality in trauma patients has decreased recently owing to improved trauma injury
prevention systems. However, no study has evaluated the validity of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) in
pediatric patients by a…
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