Vol. 21, No. 3 2023

Dublin Core


Vol. 21, No. 3 2023

Collection Items

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
A generalized Dai-Liao type CG-method with a new monotone line search for unconstrained optimization
In this paper, we presented two developments, the first deals with
generalizing the modernization of the damped Dai-Liao formula in an
optimized manner. The second development is by suggesting a monotone
line search formula for our new algorithms.…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Differential equation fault location algorithm with harmonic effects in power system
About 80% of faults in the power system distribution are earth faults.
Studies to find effective methods to identify and locate faults in distribution
networks are still relevant, in addition to the presence of harmonic signals
that distort waves…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Implementation and analysis of 5G network identification operations at low signal-to-noise ratio
The article investigates the operations of identifying a cellular network and
searching for a cell at various signal-to-noise ratios. The estimation of
frequency and time displacement, criteria for detecting the primary
synchronization signal are…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Decoding of the extended Golay code by the simplified<br /><br />
successive-cancellation list decoder adapted to multi-kernel polar codes
This paper describes an adaptation of a polar code decoding technique in
favor of the extended Golay code. Based on the bridge provided by a
permutation matrix between the code words of these two classes of codes,
the Golay code can be decoded by…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Comparison analysis of Bangla news articles classification using support vector machine and logistic regression
In the information age, Bangla news articles on the internet are fast-growing. For

organizing, every news site has a particular structure and categorization. News arti-
cle classification is a method to determine a document’s classification based…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Airflow vibration of diaphragmatic breathing: model and demonstration using optical biosensor
Optical fiber is increasingly popular and appreciated as a modern sensor
technology in various sectors, one of which is for medical functions. This
study was conducted to detect human diaphragmatic breathing flow using
theoretical and experimental…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Research advancements in ocean environmental monitoring systems using wireless sensor networks: a review
The ocean environment monitoring system is of great significance to the
researchers because the ocean is the storehouse of natural resources. It is
critical to comprehend and assess the ocean’s environmental conditions.
Several studies have been…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Low-profile frequency-reconfigurable antenna for 5G applications
The demand for higher data rates has increased in recent years.
The reconfigurable antenna that operates in the millimeter-wave spectrum
(23.5 GHz – 29.64 GHz) was developed. This design is obtained by merging
a half-circle radius of 3.97 mm, and…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Results of simulation modeling of technical parameters of a multiservice network
In a scientific article, the authors presented the results of simulation
modeling of the technical parameters of a multiservice network. As a model
of a multiservice communication network for the computational experiment,
the model proposed in the…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Real-time human activity recognition from smart phone using linear support vector machines
The recognition of human activity (HAR) the use of cell devices embedded
in its exten sively disbursed sensors affords guidance, instructions, and take
care of citizens of smart cities. Consequently, it became essential to analyze
human every day…
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