Vol. 21, No. 4 2023

Dublin Core


Vol. 21, No. 4 2023

Collection Items

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Low-cost central monitor based personal computer with<br /><br />
electrocardiogram and heart rate parameters via wireless XBee Pro
Heart rate signals and electrocardiograms are crucial indicators of a person’s
health, particularly for individuals in intensive care units (ICU). The goal of
this study is to wirelessly use a central monitoring system to continually and

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Contrast modification for pre-enhancement process in multi contrast rubeosis iridis images
Existing researchers for rubeosis iridis disease focused on image
enhancement as a collective group without considering the multi-contrast of
the images. In this paper, the pre-enhancement process was proposed to
improve the quality of iris images…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Design and performance analysis of low phase noise LC-voltage controlled oscillator
Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) offers the radio frequency (RF) system
designer a freedom to select the required frequency. Today’s wireless
communication system imposes a very stringent requirement in terms of
phase noise generated in VCO.…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Customer segmentation with RFM models and demographic variable using DBSCAN algorithm
The aims of this research was to identify prospective customers by
conducting customer segmentation based on recency, frequency, monetary
(RFM) values and demographic variables. The step were selected the data and
normalized. The normalized data…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
A combined fuzzy AHP with fuzzy TOPSIS to locate industrial supporting bonded logistics centers
Raw material availability is critical for the sustainability of industrial
activity. A bonded logistics centre is required as a multipurpose warehouse
for the storage of raw commodities, particularly those imported from other
countries. The…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Performance improvements of a VLC system, in a V2X context, using a different multiplexing technique
This paper scrutinizes visible light communication (VLC) employing hybrid
optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) wavelength division
multiplexing (WDM). It also demonstrates the simulation of VLC using the
direct sequence optical code division…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Neuro-fuzzy-based anti-swing control of automatic tower crane
Controlling the position of the final load and the anti-swing control of the
loads during the operation of the tower crane are challenging tasks. These
are the most important control issues for safe operation, which are difficult
to achieve easily…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Biomedical-named entity recognition using CUDA accelerated KNN algorithm
Biomedical named entity recognition (Bio-NER) is a highly complex and
time-consuming research domain using natural language processing (NLP).
It’s widely used in information retrieval, knowledge summarization,
biomolecular event extraction, and…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Experimental of vectorizer and classifier for scrapped social media data
In this study, we used several classifiers and vectorizers to see their effect on
processing social media data. In this study, the classifiers used were random
forest, logistic regression, Bernoulli Naive Bayes (NB), and support vector

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Comparative simulation study of electric motors for high performance of 3D printers
3D printing is a process in which material is joined layer by layer under
computer control to make a 3D object easy to get almost any shape. This
technology finds applications in various fields and it is attracting
considerable interest from…
View all 25 items

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