Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021)

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Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021)

Collection Items

Islamic Principles in Efforts to Prevent Accounting Fraud
Weak internal control is generally caused by the internal environment and the external environment. Among several types of fraud. Financial statement fraud is the type of fraud that has the most detrimental effect of fraud. Islam …

Overview of Human Resource Management in Islamic Economics
Islamic economic human resources are said to be important because Islamic economic resources must have morals, skills and competencies. The purpose of this study is to review how the concept of human resourcemanagement in Islam …

Implementation Sharia of Marketing in Islamic Concept
Spiritual marketing concept of Islamic Banks, Spiritual marketing is a form of marketing that is imbued with spiritual values in all processes and transactions, until it reaches a level where all major stakeholders in …

The Effect of Profitability, Earnings Per Share And Auditor'sReputation on Audit Delay With Company Size as Moderating Variables in Mining Companies Listed on The IDX Period2015-2019
This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability, earnings per share and auditor reputation on audit delay by using firm size as a moderator. The study was conducted on 49 mining companies using certain criteria. Multiple …

Stock Prices Affected byDebt to Equity Ratio and Net Profit Margin in Pharmaceutical Sub-Sector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) For the 2019-2020 Period
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of debt to equity ratio and net profit margin on the stock price of Pharmaceutical companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of approach in this research is …

The Effect of NPM, DPR, DER and Existed Size of the CompanyTowards the Income Smoothingin Manufacturing Companies
Income smoothing is a natural thing to do by management because of fluctuations in income which are considered abnormal and sometimes not as in line as the stated plan of the company set up at the beginning.Financial reports published on …

AnalysisoftheEffectofStockPricesonCoalSub-Sector on theIndonesia Stock Exchange2014-2019
Theriseandfallofstockmarketpricesinthecapitalmarketisaninterestingphenomenon to discuss related to the issue of fluctuations in the value of the company itself. Theperformance of a company can be seen by looking at the financial statements. To…

Building Work Spirit:Analysis of the Work Environment, Workload and Co-Workers(Study Literature)
Article Literature Review Building Work spirit: Analysis of the Work Environment, Workload and Colleagues is ascientificarticle that aims to build a research hypothesis of the influence between variables that will be used in…
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