Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024)

Dublin Core


Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024)

Collection Items

The Influence of Accountability and Transparency on Public Trust in Villages Mediated by Internal Control Systems in Sidoarjo
This study aims to investigate the relationship between accountability, transparency, internal control systems, and community trust in villages in Sidoarjo Regency. The background of this research is based on the importance …

The  Influence  of  Memorable  Tourism  Experiences,  Destination Image, and Tourist Attractions on Loyalty in Natural Tourism at Lake Ranau, South OKU Regency, through Tourist Satisfaction
The aim of this study is to demonstrate and analyze the relationships between memorable tourism experiences, destination image, tourist attractions, loyalty, and satisfaction at Lake Ranau Natural Tourism. The research…

Implementation of Published Ifrs S1 and S2 StandardsGlobaly
The aim of this research is to evaluate company sustainability reporting based on IFRS S1 and S2 standards. Furthermore, this evaluation will ultimately produce recommendations for the company so that the company can maximize…

Online Loan Fraud Cases in Indonesia: Diamond Fraud Dimensions
The purpose of this paper is to show fraud under the guise of online loans that harm the community and provide solutions so that people avoid these scams. In the Online Loan program, many people have complained about the…

The Influence of Income Level, Financial Behavior and Financial Management on Financial Well-Being in the Sandwich Generation (Study in Sukaragam Village, Serang Baru District)
This research is intended to assess the influence of income level, financial behavior and financial management on financial well-being. This research is quantitative in nature and involves a population that includes …

The Influence of Net Interest Margin, Non-Performing Loans, and Capital Adequacy Ratio on the Stock Prices of KBMI 4 Banks
This study aims to examine the influence of net interest margin, non-performing loans, and capital adequacy ratio on the stock prices of banks classified as KBMI 4, which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period from…

TheEconomicIndependence of Islamic Boarding Schools From the Perspective of KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi and The Implementation with Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School in Medan
The objective of this study is to examine the strategies employed by Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic boarding school in Medan in achieving economic independence and to ascertain the impact of this independence on institutional and …

Determinants Of Women’s Motivation As UMKM Actors In Improving The Family Economy In Medan City
The research aims to determine the determinants that influence women's motivation to become UMKM actors in improving the family economy in Medan City. This research uses quantitative methods with data collection …

User Satisfaction With Inaportnet Services at PT. Indonesian Maritime Penascop Palembang Branch
User satisfaction can be defined as the user's feelings resulting from comparing the user's expectations of the product with actual results, achieved through satisfaction with the information system. User satisfaction can be seen …

Implementation Of Ship Crew Health Qualifications BasedOn The 2006 Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) At PT. Conocophillips At PT. Sejatera Bahari Abadi Palembang Branch
This research aims to determine the implementation of ship crew health qualifications based on the 2006 Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) at PT. Eternal Maritime Prosperity Palembang. In this research the author used …
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