Volume 26, Issue 2

Dublin Core


Volume 26, Issue 2

Collection Items

Decision-making models and support systems for supply chain risk: literature mapping and future research agenda
Supply chain disruptions have serious consequences for society and this has made supply chain risk management (SCRM) an attractive area for researchers and managers. In this paper, we use an objective literature mapping approach to identify,…

The effect of corporate bankruptcy reorganization on consumer behaviour
The objective of this study is to compare the effects of a company’s perceived levels of trust, reputation, risk perception, and quality, on consumers’ purchasing intention in two contexts. The first context posits a company in stable financial…

The mediating effect of entrepreneurs’ competency on the relationship between Bank finance and performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
Though the limited access to finance unequivocally remained a constraint to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), different data revealed that the sector accessed relatively a sufficient amount of funding. However, due to biased and…

Barriers to entry: An empirical assessment of Portuguese firms’ perceptions
This paper attempts to assess the variety and relevance of barriers to entry perceived by Portuguese firms. Based on a questionnaire, Portuguese firms’ perceptions were surveyed using a sample of 168
firms. The results suggest that sunk costs,…

Does servant leadership moderate the link between strategic human resource management on rule breaking and job satisfaction?
In today’s competitive environment and global world, where the boundaries have disappeared as a result of the continuous development in communication and technology, the attitudes and behaviours of the employees in their organisations are becoming…

Impact of IFRS on non-cross-listed Spanish companies: Financial analysts and volume of trade
This study aims to analyse, within the scope of publicly listed Spanish companies, whether the mandatory implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has had an effect on financial
analysts’ earnings forecasts and…

A bibliometric analysis of behavioural finance with mapping analysis tools
Market efficiency has been questioned since behavioural finance emerged. However, there is no theory consolidating both irrational investorsbehaviour ´ and their influence on financial markets. In this paper, we use bibliometrics to gain better…
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