Volume 29, Issue 3
Dublin Core
Volume 29, Issue 3
Collection Items
Euro adoption and intra-European Union exporters’ productivity: Differences between family and non-family firms
How do exporters react to changes in formal institutional contexts? We hypothesise that when the formal institutional context reduces uncertainty, family-firm exporters increase their productivity more than those of non-family firms. To examine our…
Can patriarchal attitudes moderate the relation between women on boards and firm economic performance?
The paper investigates the moderating effect of patriarchal attitudes by country and year on the relationship between gender diversity on boards and firm performance. The international sample analyzed is composed of 1,103 listed firms from 18…
Are you adopting artificial intelligence products? Social-demographic factors to explain customer acceptance
Are consumers accepting AI-based products? What are the socio-demographics influencing the adoption of these products? This study tests the potential users’ social-demographic characteristics that influence the relationship between innovation and…
Board leadership structure and human capital disclosure: Role of independent directors
This study investigates board characteristics, including board leadership structure, which explain the human capital disclosure (HCD) provided by companies. It uses a self-constructed disclosure index to quantify the level of human capital…
Family firms types based on beliefs
The purpose of this study was to find an effective way of identifying homogeneous family firm groups, based on the prevailing beliefs of the owning family on ownership, management and intergenerational transmission. We conducted a two-stage cluster…
Collaborative B2B sales partnerships in supply chains: An integrative framework of social and action alignment
In business-to-business (B2B) contexts, sales organizations require both long-term and stable partnerships to accomplish their tasks effectively and enhance mutual value and satisfaction for the parties involved. Collaboration and satisfaction are…
The competition between legal and illegal firms in the market: Theoretical models and empirical evidence
The main aim of this paper is to study the phenomenon of the coexistence of firms with illegal characteristics and firms showing legal behaviour in developed economies by using an evolutionary competition model known as the Lotka-Volterra…
Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions in European sports science students: Towards the development of future sports entrepreneurs
This study aims to analyse the determinants of sport science students’ entrepreneurial intentions considering the cultural effect on these relationships. The sample comprises 764 final-year sport science students from five European countries:…
Revolutionizing the road: How sustainable, autonomous, and connected vehicles are changing digital mobility business models
Major trends in the automotive industry are reconfiguring digital mobility business models. From a comprehensive, combined Dynamic Capabilities and Ecosystems approach, this study characterizes the digital mobility business models linked to…
Board of directors and firm debt in Spanish SMEs: A power perspective
This manuscript examines the influence of some variables relating to boards of directors that we consider to be proxies for power (gender diversity, duality, board size and insider ownership). Their influence on firm debt is explored. The sample…