Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023)

Dublin Core


Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023)


ITB Bandung









Collection Items

Sentiment Classification for Film Reviews in Gujarati Text Using Machine Learning and Sentiment Lexicons
In this paper, two techniques for sentiment classification are proposed: Gujarati Lexicon Sentiment Analysis (GLSA) and Gujarati Machine Learning Sentiment Analysis (GMLSA) for sentiment classification of Gujarati text film reviews. Five…

The Potential of a Low-Cost Thermal Camera for Early Detection of Temperature Changes in Virus-Infected Chili Plants
One effect of viral infection on plant physiology is increased stomata closure so that the transpiration rate is low,whichin turn causes an increase in leaf temperature. Changes in plant leaf temperature can be measured by thermography using…

Emergency Data Transmission Mechanism in VANETsusing Improved Restricted Greedy Forwarding (IRGF) Scheme
One of the most critical tasks in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is broadcasting Emergency Messages (EMs) at considerable data delivery rates (DDRs).The enhanced spider-web-like Transmission Mechanism for Emergency Data (TMED) is based on…

Anomaly Detection for Human Home Activities Using Pattern Based Sequence Classification
In most countries, the old-age people population continues torise.Because young adults are busy with their work engagements, they have to let the elderly stay at homealone. This is quite dangerous,as accidentsat home may happen anytime…

Sociable Robot ‘Lometh’: Exploring Interactive Regions of a Product-Promoting Robot in a Supermarket
The robot ‘Lometh’is an information-presenting robot that naturally interacts with people in a supermarket environment. In recent years,considerable effort has been devoted to the implementation of robotic interfaces to identify…

The Utility of Decision Tree and Analytics Hierarchy Process in Prioritizing of Social Aid Distribution due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
The Indonesian government provided various social assistance programs to local governments during Covid-19. One of the difficulties for the local governmentsin determining candidates for social aid isensuring that the number of…

CNN Based Covid-19 Detection from Image Processing
Covid-19 is a respirational condition that looks much like pneumonia. It is highly contagious and has many variants with different symptoms. Covid-19 poses the challenge of discovering newtesting and detection methods in biomedical …

Analytical Approach to Parameter Determination in Kaiser Function forPower-weighted Antenna Array Design
Window methods that are frequently used in the designoffinite impulse response filters are also applicable to antenna array designs. This paper explores the application ofaKaiser function in a power-weighted antenna array design,focusingon …
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