Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
cover,Editorial Board,Contents,Instructions for Authors,Final Checklist & Submission Form
Dublin Core
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
cover,Editorial Board,Contents,Instructions for Authors,Final Checklist & Submission Form
cover,Editorial Board,Contents,Instructions for Authors,Final Checklist & Submission Form
CiteFactor; CNKI; Dimensions; DOAJ; EBSCO;
Electronic Journals Library; Embase; ESCI; GARUDA; Global Health; Google
Scholar; Hinari; IMSEAR; ISC; JournalTOCs; Microsoft Academics; PKP Index;
Proquest; Scilit; Scopus; SINTA; Ulrichsweb Global Serial Directory; WorldCat.
Electronic Journals Library; Embase; ESCI; GARUDA; Global Health; Google
Scholar; Hinari; IMSEAR; ISC; JournalTOCs; Microsoft Academics; PKP Index;
Proquest; Scilit; Scopus; SINTA; Ulrichsweb Global Serial Directory; WorldCat.
The Medical Journal of Indonesia (abbr: Med J Indones) was founded in 1991 as the Medical Journal of the
University of Indonesia (abbr: Med J Univ Indon). Since the first issue in 1992, it has been published
quarterly, consistently, and continuously, covering a wide range of medical subject and
issues from every medical specialist aspect. In 1995 the name was changed to Medical
Journal of Indonesia which reflected the widening of its coverage beyond Universitas
Indonesia. The mission of our journal is to provide biomedical scientist, clinical,
and public health researchers as well as other health care professionals with
the media to published their research works. Starting from 2011, Deutsch-
Indonesische Gesellschaft für Medizin (DIGM) Medical Journal has been
merged into Medical Journal of Indonesia. This also means that DIGM is
officially collaborating with Medical Journal of Indonesia and Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Indonesia as the owner and publisher. The mission
of the Medical Journal of Indonesia is to improve health care management
by providing high-quality articles from Indonesia and worldwide.
University of Indonesia (abbr: Med J Univ Indon). Since the first issue in 1992, it has been published
quarterly, consistently, and continuously, covering a wide range of medical subject and
issues from every medical specialist aspect. In 1995 the name was changed to Medical
Journal of Indonesia which reflected the widening of its coverage beyond Universitas
Indonesia. The mission of our journal is to provide biomedical scientist, clinical,
and public health researchers as well as other health care professionals with
the media to published their research works. Starting from 2011, Deutsch-
Indonesische Gesellschaft für Medizin (DIGM) Medical Journal has been
merged into Medical Journal of Indonesia. This also means that DIGM is
officially collaborating with Medical Journal of Indonesia and Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Indonesia as the owner and publisher. The mission
of the Medical Journal of Indonesia is to improve health care management
by providing high-quality articles from Indonesia and worldwide.
Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430,
Tel/fax: +62 21-3912477
Jl. Salemba Raya 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430,
Tel/fax: +62 21-3912477
March 2022
peri irawan
Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid, “Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
cover,Editorial Board,Contents,Instructions for Authors,Final Checklist & Submission Form,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,
cover,Editorial Board,Contents,Instructions for Authors,Final Checklist & Submission Form,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,