Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
The Journey of Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Need of Evidence-Informed Policy

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Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
The Journey of Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Need of Evidence-Informed Policy


COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia:


Although the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic has entered its third year, the research
evidence is still limited. It causes a significant burden
in almost all sectors including health, economy, social,
and politics. Fast, accountable, and efficient policies
are needed to overcome the crisis. The living guideline
based on the recently updated data in the real-time
condition is one of the best solutions to overcome this
At the beginning of the pandemic (early 2020),
Indonesia reported zero COVID-19 cases, while some
neighboring countries had already reported a few
cases. The lack of rapid scientific surveys has spread
many incorrect assumptions. For instance, Indonesia
was immune to COVID-19 infection due to racial
superiority, religious, and paranormal reasons. During
that time, Indonesia had not even issued any form of
travel restrictions and specific quarantine policies for
travelers despite the increasing number of infections
in the surrounding countries.2

On March 2, 2020,
President Joko Widodo officially reported the first
two COVID-19 confirmed cases in Indonesia, and the
number continues to rise. Since then, Indonesia began
to notice the emergency of COVID-19 and started to
issue various policies and actions. Unfortunately, some
of them lacked research evidence. Here are some of the
key health policies and actions taken by the National
government that will be discussed further.
Policy on early rapid detection of COVID-19
On March 19, 2020, the government announced
massive COVID-19 testing on Indonesian citizens. The
testing used a rapid antibody detection test, which
provides faster results than the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) test. Unlike PCR as the gold standard
that detects the presence of genetic materials of
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, this
rapid detection test targets the presence of antibodies

in the patients which is present 5 to 14 days after the
symptoms appear. Thus, this test cannot detect any
infection in the early phase and causes a significant
false-negative result. Furthermore, the antibodies
also appear in patients with a history of COVID-19
infection, giving a false-positive result.2,3 Many “trial”
local innovations to detect COVID-19, which have a lack
of sensitivity and specificity data, have been endorsed
and applied in mass transportation. Despite these
limitations, this policy was issued by the government
because Indonesia needed to quickly collect
information to obtain the big picture of the national
COVID-19 situation; meanwhile, the resources of PCR
testing were still limited at that time.
Policy on rapid medical response and public health
aspects of COVID-19
In late March 2020, five professional organizations
including the Indonesian Society of Respirology (PDPI),
Indonesian Heart Association (PERKI), Indonesian
Society of Internal Medicine (PAPDI), Indonesian
Anesthesia Expert Association (PERDATIN), and
Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) supported by the
Indonesian Task Force for COVID-19 (Gugus Tugas
Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19) and Ministry of
Health Republic of Indonesia have issued the guidelines
for rapid medical response and public health aspects
of COVID-19 in Indonesia.2

These guidelines focused
on the protocol of COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment,
and surveillance involving multidisciplinary teams.
Moreover, it has been revised and updated four times
based on the latest research evidence in January 2022.
Policy on acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination
The vaccination program was begun on January 13,
2021, which was split into four phases, with healthcare
workers receiving the first batch, followed by public
servants and other citizens based on the risk of

4 Med J Indones 2022;31(1)
infection. This strategy was done due to inadequate
vaccine supply, limited healthcare workers, and the
anti-vaccination movement. By February 2022, the
vaccination program had reached around 185 million
for the first dose and around 128 million for the
second dose.4

This achievement has made Indonesia
as one of the world’s top five countries with the
highest vaccination coverage. During the Omicron
variant surge, the government has also accelerated
the booster program, prioritizing senior citizens and
immunocompromised patients that was begun on
January 12, 2022.5

This booster vaccination has been
used as a requirement for local travelers using mass
transportation. The rationale for this includes limited
evidence showing a decline in vaccination protection
over time and concerns on other breakthrough
infections like the previous Delta variant.
Policy on educational sector during the pandemic
In the early phase until the second wave of the
pandemic, the Ministry of Education only allowed
online learning. After the declining cases following
the second wave, dissemination of vaccination,
and many debatable discussions with professional
organizations, face-to-face learning (PTM) has been
allowed based on local active cases, the level of
restrictions toward community activities (PPKM),
and school condition. The implementation of limited
PTM is monitored and evaluated periodically. The
Indonesian Pediatric Society recommended limited
PTM in schools with the requirement that all (100%)
teachers, staff, and students are fully vaccinated
against COVID-19. Children with comorbidities should
consult with a pediatrician before joining the PTM.
Strict action such as the temporary suspension of this
limited PTM for 14 x 24 hours will be taken if there is
a clustered COVID-19 transmission in the school, and
the positivity rate of active case finding exceeds 5%.6
For instance, in February 2022, limited PTM was halted
after 135 students and teachers in Jakarta contracted
the disease. Furthermore, limited PTM is restricted to
50% of the class capacity during the Omicron variant
Policy on quarantine for travelers
After the striking positive cases in the first
wave, the Indonesian government finally closed the
international border to prevent the transmission of
diseases. Indonesia then has started to open the

international border after a decline in the international
and local cases. Learning from other countries, the
Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force had established strict
regulations with law policy on quarantine zones and
mandatory RT-PCR for travelers coming to Indonesia.6
The quarantine period has been evaluated based on
global active cases, i.e., a longer quarantine period
during the surge of Delta and Omicron variant cases


Akmal Taher


Medical Journal of Indonesia


Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia; Member of Indonesian Academy of Sciences









,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon ,


Akmal Taher, “Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol. 31 No. 1 2022 FKUI
The Journey of Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Need of Evidence-Informed Policy,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,