Safety and Health at Work Vol. 11 Issue 2 2020
COVID-19 and MERS Infections in Healthcare Workers in Korea (Editorial)
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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 11 Issue 2 2020
COVID-19 and MERS Infections in Healthcare Workers in Korea (Editorial)
COVID-19 and MERS Infections in Healthcare Workers in Korea (Editorial)
COVID-19, HCWs, healthcare workers, MERS, occupational disease
Outside of China, Korea was the first country to face a peak explosion of the COVID-19 global pandemic situation. On January 20, 2020, a Chinese who arrived from Wuhan, China, was detected for the first case of COVID-19 in Korea [1], and the outbreak started from the 31st case in Daegu Province in the third week of February. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(KCDC) have tracked all cases [2]. All possible case contact people were identified, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for COVID-19 were performed to confirm cases of infection. The
positive cases were admitted to a special room equipped with negative pressure ventilation. The case contacts who were shown to be negative for the COVID-19 PCR test were requested to be in
isolation for 14 days; thereafter, they were retested for COVID-19. The Korean prevention strategy was strengthened when the 31st case was reported and several hundred cases were identified
in an unorthodox church located in Daegu, in the south of the Republic of Korea. The many possible cases were church congregants, who then spread the COVID-19 infection throughout the country.
(KCDC) have tracked all cases [2]. All possible case contact people were identified, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for COVID-19 were performed to confirm cases of infection. The
positive cases were admitted to a special room equipped with negative pressure ventilation. The case contacts who were shown to be negative for the COVID-19 PCR test were requested to be in
isolation for 14 days; thereafter, they were retested for COVID-19. The Korean prevention strategy was strengthened when the 31st case was reported and several hundred cases were identified
in an unorthodox church located in Daegu, in the south of the Republic of Korea. The many possible cases were church congregants, who then spread the COVID-19 infection throughout the country.
Seong-Kyu Kang
Elsevier Korea LLC
June 2020
Sri Wahyuni
Safety and Health at Work Vol. 11 Issue 2 2020
Seong-Kyu Kang, “Safety and Health at Work Vol. 11 Issue 2 2020
COVID-19 and MERS Infections in Healthcare Workers in Korea (Editorial),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 13, 2025,
COVID-19 and MERS Infections in Healthcare Workers in Korea (Editorial),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 13, 2025,