Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 13 issue 1 2023
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Comparison of the effects of different treatment protocols on mortality in patients presenting with an INR ≥ 10 due to warfarin-associated over-anticoagulation

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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 13 issue 1 2023
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Comparison of the effects of different treatment protocols on mortality in patients presenting with an INR ≥ 10 due to warfarin-associated over-anticoagulation


Warfarin Supratherapeutic INR Treatment Vitamin K Mortality


Aim: One of the most anticipated adverse effects of warfarin is over-anticoagulation. There is little to no evidence on the treatment that should be administered in patients with an international normalized ratio (INR) ≥ 10. The primary outcome of this study is to analyze the effects of various treatments on 30-day mortality in patients with INR ≥ 10 and without major bleeding on 30-day all-cause mortality. The secondary outcome is to propose a model that predicts 30-day all-cause mortality in the same patient group. Methods: Patients older than 18 years of age using warfarin and who had an INR ≥ 10 were included in this retrospective cohort study. Patients with major bleeding on admission were excluded. Patients treated with only cessation of warfarin were named as “Group-1 ”, patients who were treated with vitamin-K in addition to cessation of warfarin were named as “Group-2 ”, and patients who were treated with cessation of warfarin and vitamin-K and fresh frozen plasma or prothrombin complex concentrate were named as “Group-3 ”. Results: 190 patients were included in the analysis. Seven (38.9%) patients in the first group, 3 (8.6%) in the second group, and 21 (15.3%) in the third group died within 30-days (p = 0.015) . In the post-hoc analysis, the difference between Group-1 and Group-2 was found to be significant( p = 0.036, OR:0.147, 95%CI = 0.032 to 0.671). The performance of the model in predicting 30-day all-cause mortality was high (AUC = 0.818 (95%CI = 0.716 to 0.920) and found to be compatible with the validation dataset 0.806 (95%CI = 0.631 to 0.981). Administration of vitamin K in addition to the cessation of warfarin was found to be a strong contributor to the model and an independent predictor of survival within 30 days( p = 0.006 ). Conclusions: Until randomized controlled studies are conducted, it may be reasonable to administer vitamin-K in addition to cessation of warfarin in non-bleeding patients with INR ≥ 10


Mehmet Muzaffer İ slam
∗ , Enis Ademo ğlu , Cemrenur Uygun , Melike Delipoyraz , Merve Osoydan Sat ı c ı, Gökhan Aksel, SerkanEmre Ero ğlu, Serdar Özdemir






14 December 2022


peri irawan









,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia, Horizon.ac.id, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon ,


Mehmet Muzaffer İ slam ∗ , Enis Ademo ğlu , Cemrenur Uygun , Melike Delipoyraz , Merve Osoydan Sat ı c ı, Gökhan Aksel, SerkanEmre Ero ğlu, Serdar Özdemir, “Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 13 issue 1 2023
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Comparison of the effects of different treatment protocols on mortality in patients presenting with an INR ≥ 10 due to warfarin-associated over-anticoagulation,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 14, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2126.