Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 1 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya
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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 1 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya
Emergency care
Background: In many low and middle-income countries (LMICs), timely access to emergency healthcare services
is limited. In urban settings, traffic can have a significant impact on travel time, leading to life-threatening delays
for time-sensitive injuries and medical emergencies. In this study, we examined travel times to hospitals in
Nairobi, Kenya, one of the largest and most congested cities in the developing world.
Methods: We used a network approach to estimate average minimum travel times to different types of hospitals
(e.g. ownership and level of care) in Nairobi under both congested and uncongested traffic conditions. We also
examined the correlation between travel time and socioeconomic status.
Results: We estimate the average minimum travel time during uncongested traffic conditions to any level 4
health facility (primary hospitals) or above in Nairobi to be 4.5 min (IQR 2.5–6.1). Traffic added an average of
9.0 min (a 200% increase). In uncongested conditions, we estimate an average travel time of 7.9 min (IQR
5.1–10.4) to level 5 facilities (secondary hospitals) and 11.6 min (IQR 8.5–14.2) to Kenyatta National Hospital,
the only level 6 facility (tertiary hospital) in the country. Traffic congestion added an average of 13.1 and
16.0 min (166% and 138% increase) to travel times to level 5 and level 6 facilities, respectively. For individuals
living below the poverty line, we estimate that preferential use of public or faith-based facilities could increase
travel time by as much as 65%.
Conclusion: Average travel times to health facilities capable of providing emergency care in Nairobi are quite
low, but traffic congestion double or triple estimated travel times. Furthermore, we estimate significant disparities
in timely access to care for those individuals living under the poverty line who preferentially seek care in
public or faith-based facilities.
is limited. In urban settings, traffic can have a significant impact on travel time, leading to life-threatening delays
for time-sensitive injuries and medical emergencies. In this study, we examined travel times to hospitals in
Nairobi, Kenya, one of the largest and most congested cities in the developing world.
Methods: We used a network approach to estimate average minimum travel times to different types of hospitals
(e.g. ownership and level of care) in Nairobi under both congested and uncongested traffic conditions. We also
examined the correlation between travel time and socioeconomic status.
Results: We estimate the average minimum travel time during uncongested traffic conditions to any level 4
health facility (primary hospitals) or above in Nairobi to be 4.5 min (IQR 2.5–6.1). Traffic added an average of
9.0 min (a 200% increase). In uncongested conditions, we estimate an average travel time of 7.9 min (IQR
5.1–10.4) to level 5 facilities (secondary hospitals) and 11.6 min (IQR 8.5–14.2) to Kenyatta National Hospital,
the only level 6 facility (tertiary hospital) in the country. Traffic congestion added an average of 13.1 and
16.0 min (166% and 138% increase) to travel times to level 5 and level 6 facilities, respectively. For individuals
living below the poverty line, we estimate that preferential use of public or faith-based facilities could increase
travel time by as much as 65%.
Conclusion: Average travel times to health facilities capable of providing emergency care in Nairobi are quite
low, but traffic congestion double or triple estimated travel times. Furthermore, we estimate significant disparities
in timely access to care for those individuals living under the poverty line who preferentially seek care in
public or faith-based facilities.
Maya S. Fraser, Benjamin W. Wachira, Abraham D. Flaxman, Aaron Y. Lee,
Herbert C. Duber
Herbert C. Duber
19 December 2019
peri irawan
Maya S. Fraser, Benjamin W. Wachira, Abraham D. Flaxman, Aaron Y. Lee,
Herbert C. Duber, “Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 10 issue 1 2020
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 13, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2415.
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Impact of traffic, poverty and facility ownership on travel time to emergency care in Nairobi, Kenya,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 13, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2415.