Safety and Health at Work Vol. 14 Issue 1 2023
The Effects of Job Quality on the Health of Wage Workers: Congruence between the Hard and Soft Job Quality (Original article)
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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 14 Issue 1 2023
The Effects of Job Quality on the Health of Wage Workers: Congruence between the Hard and Soft Job Quality (Original article)
The Effects of Job Quality on the Health of Wage Workers: Congruence between the Hard and Soft Job Quality (Original article)
Formative model, Job quality, KWCS, Response surface analysis, Workers’ health
Background: This study analyzes the linear and non-linear effects of the hard and soft dimensions of job quality on the overall health of wage workers. It also examines the congruence or fit between the hard
and soft job quality on the overall health of wage workers.
Methods: This study measured thirty indicators that constitute job quality and reduced the indicators into twelve sub-dimensions of job quality using reflective factor analysis. In addition, this study derived
two dimensions of job quality from the twelve subdimensions, namely the hard and soft job quality using formative factor analysis. This paper applied the response surface analysis to analyze the congruence
effect between the two dimensions of job quality.
Results: A logarithmic relationship was found between the dimension of hard job quality and the worker’s overall health. This study also verified that the congruence effect between the two dimensions of job quality does not exist, and the combined effect of job quality is lower when the two dimensions of job quality are at the same level than the effect when either level of job quality is high or low.
Conclusions: Although hard and soft job quality has independent positive effects on the overall health of wage workers, the two dimensions of job quality are not congruent or not in harmony with each other. This incongruence between hard and soft job quality, together with a higher impact of hard job quality, suggests that the role of soft job quality on overall health is relatively limited.
and soft job quality on the overall health of wage workers.
Methods: This study measured thirty indicators that constitute job quality and reduced the indicators into twelve sub-dimensions of job quality using reflective factor analysis. In addition, this study derived
two dimensions of job quality from the twelve subdimensions, namely the hard and soft job quality using formative factor analysis. This paper applied the response surface analysis to analyze the congruence
effect between the two dimensions of job quality.
Results: A logarithmic relationship was found between the dimension of hard job quality and the worker’s overall health. This study also verified that the congruence effect between the two dimensions of job quality does not exist, and the combined effect of job quality is lower when the two dimensions of job quality are at the same level than the effect when either level of job quality is high or low.
Conclusions: Although hard and soft job quality has independent positive effects on the overall health of wage workers, the two dimensions of job quality are not congruent or not in harmony with each other. This incongruence between hard and soft job quality, together with a higher impact of hard job quality, suggests that the role of soft job quality on overall health is relatively limited.
KonShik Kim
Elsevier Korea LLC
March 2023
Sri Wahyuni
Safety and Health at Work Vol. 14 Issue 1 2023
KonShik Kim, “Safety and Health at Work Vol. 14 Issue 1 2023
The Effects of Job Quality on the Health of Wage Workers: Congruence between the Hard and Soft Job Quality (Original article),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 14, 2025,
The Effects of Job Quality on the Health of Wage Workers: Congruence between the Hard and Soft Job Quality (Original article),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 14, 2025,