TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform
Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform
Genetic algorithm
Network on chip
Neuromorphic computing
Parallel computing
Network on chip
Neuromorphic computing
Parallel computing
Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of popular heuristic-based optimization methods that
attracts engineers and scientists for many years. With the advancement of multi-
and many-core technologies, GAs are transformed into more powerful tools by par-
allelising their core processes. This paper describes a feasibility study of implement-
ing parallel GAs (pGAs) on a SpiNNaker. As a many-core neuromorphic platform,
SpiNNaker offers a possibility to scale-up a parallelised algorithm, such as a pGA,
whilst offering low power consumption on its processing and communication over-
head. However, due to its small packets distribution mechanism and constrained pro-
cessing resources, parallelising processes of a GA in SpiNNaker is challenging. In
this paper we show how a pGA can be implemented on SpiNNaker and analyse its
performance. Due to inherently numerous parameter and classification of pGAs, we
evaluate only the most common aspects of a pGA and use some artificial benchmark-
ing test functions. The experiments produced some promising results that may lead to
further developments of massively parallel GAs on SpiNNaker.
attracts engineers and scientists for many years. With the advancement of multi-
and many-core technologies, GAs are transformed into more powerful tools by par-
allelising their core processes. This paper describes a feasibility study of implement-
ing parallel GAs (pGAs) on a SpiNNaker. As a many-core neuromorphic platform,
SpiNNaker offers a possibility to scale-up a parallelised algorithm, such as a pGA,
whilst offering low power consumption on its processing and communication over-
head. However, due to its small packets distribution mechanism and constrained pro-
cessing resources, parallelising processes of a GA in SpiNNaker is challenging. In
this paper we show how a pGA can be implemented on SpiNNaker and analyse its
performance. Due to inherently numerous parameter and classification of pGAs, we
evaluate only the most common aspects of a pGA and use some artificial benchmark-
ing test functions. The experiments produced some promising results that may lead to
further developments of massively parallel GAs on SpiNNaker.
Indar Sugiarto, Steve Furber
Sep 24, 2020
Indar Sugiarto, Steve Furber, “TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 7, 2025,
Fine-grained or coarse-grained? Strategies for implementing parallel genetic algorithms in a programmable neuromorphic platform,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 7, 2025,