TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey
Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey
Cloud computing
Cloud monitoring
Cloud resource management
Federated cloud
Cloud monitoring
Cloud resource management
Federated cloud
Cloud users have recently expanded dramatically. The cloud service providers (CSPs) have also increased and have therefore made their infrastructure more complex. The complex infrastructure needs to be distributed appropriately to various users. Also, the advances in cloud computing have led to the development of interconnected cloud computing environments (ICCEs). For instance, ICCEs include the cloud hybrid, intercloud, multi-cloud, and federated clouds. However, the sharing of resources is not facilitated by specific proprietary technologies and access interfaces used by CSPs. Several CSPs provide similar services but have different access patterns. Data from various CSPs must be obtained and processed by cloud users. To ensure that
all ICCE tenants (users and CSPs) benefit from the best CSPs, efficient resource management was suggested. Besides, it is pertinent that cloud
resources be monitored regularly. Cloud monitoring is a service that works as a third-party entity between customers and CSPs. This paper discusses a complete cloud monitoring survey in ICCE, focusing on cloud monitoring and its significance. Several current open-source monitoring solutions are discussed. A taxonomy is presented and analyzed for cloud resource
management. This taxonomy includes resource pricing, assignment of resources, exploration of resources, collection of resources, and disaster
all ICCE tenants (users and CSPs) benefit from the best CSPs, efficient resource management was suggested. Besides, it is pertinent that cloud
resources be monitored regularly. Cloud monitoring is a service that works as a third-party entity between customers and CSPs. This paper discusses a complete cloud monitoring survey in ICCE, focusing on cloud monitoring and its significance. Several current open-source monitoring solutions are discussed. A taxonomy is presented and analyzed for cloud resource
management. This taxonomy includes resource pricing, assignment of resources, exploration of resources, collection of resources, and disaster
Vingi Patrick Nzanzu, Emmanuel Adetiba, Joke Atinuke Badejo, Mbasa Joaquim Molo, Claude Takenga, Etinosa Noma-Osaghae, Victoria Oguntosin, Sadeeq Suraju
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
April 2022
Sri Wahyuni
ISSN: 1693-6930
Vingi Patrick Nzanzu, Emmanuel Adetiba, Joke Atinuke Badejo, Mbasa Joaquim Molo, Claude Takenga, Etinosa Noma-Osaghae, Victoria Oguntosin, Sadeeq Suraju, “TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,
Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,