TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Novel series fed dual band circular polarization antenna for navigational satellite system
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Novel series fed dual band circular polarization antenna for navigational satellite system
Novel series fed dual band circular polarization antenna for navigational satellite system
Axial ratio
Circular polarization
Dual band
Stacked microstrip patch antenna
Circular polarization
Dual band
Stacked microstrip patch antenna
A novel series fed dual band stacked microstrip patch antenna (SMPA) offering circular polarization (CP) over wide beam is proposed for Indian
regional navigation satellite system (IRNSS). The antenna is designed to function at far apart dual frequencies 1.176 GHz (L5 band) and 2.492 GHz
(S band) intended for the receiver terminals of IRNSS system. The dual band performance with large frequency ratio (about 1:2.1) has been obtained by two stacked patches with an air layer between them. The square notches at the corners along the diagonal of lower square patch, one sided corner truncation along the diagonal of upper square patch and feeding along central axis is used to obtain CP (with axial ratio < 2) at both the operating bands. The square patches are excited with novel series feed technique. The proposed novel antenna has been designed, simulated and developed to meet the stringent design requirements for IRNSS navigation system. The
antenna has achieved an impedance bandwidth of 2.6% and 2.2% at L5 and S band frequency respectively. It possesses positive gain beamwidth of 120◦and 3 dB axial ratio beamwidth of 120◦
and 60◦at L5 and S band frequencies
regional navigation satellite system (IRNSS). The antenna is designed to function at far apart dual frequencies 1.176 GHz (L5 band) and 2.492 GHz
(S band) intended for the receiver terminals of IRNSS system. The dual band performance with large frequency ratio (about 1:2.1) has been obtained by two stacked patches with an air layer between them. The square notches at the corners along the diagonal of lower square patch, one sided corner truncation along the diagonal of upper square patch and feeding along central axis is used to obtain CP (with axial ratio < 2) at both the operating bands. The square patches are excited with novel series feed technique. The proposed novel antenna has been designed, simulated and developed to meet the stringent design requirements for IRNSS navigation system. The
antenna has achieved an impedance bandwidth of 2.6% and 2.2% at L5 and S band frequency respectively. It possesses positive gain beamwidth of 120◦and 3 dB axial ratio beamwidth of 120◦
and 60◦at L5 and S band frequencies
Zalak Patel, Ashish Sarvaiya
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
April 2022
Sri Wahyuni
ISSN: 1693-6930
Zalak Patel, Ashish Sarvaiya, “TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Novel series fed dual band circular polarization antenna for navigational satellite system,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,
Novel series fed dual band circular polarization antenna for navigational satellite system,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,