Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
A Simple Proposition for Improving Industrial Hygiene Air Sampling Methods (Short Communication)
When conducting an exposure assessment, the primary goal of the industrial hygienist is to fully characterize the worker’s exposure during a work shift to compare it with an occupational exposure limit. This applies regardless of the duration of the…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
An Instrumented Workstation to Evaluate Weight-Bearing Distribution in the Sitting Posture (Original Article)
Background: Sitting posture may be related to risk factors, including inadequate weight-bearing support, particularly when maintained for long periods. Considering that body weight is loaded in a closed support system composed of the seat, backrest,…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Clinical Characteristics of Disability in Patients with Indoor AireRelated Environmental Intolerance (Original Article)
Background: Chronic nonspecific symptoms attributed to indoor nonindustrial work environments are common and may cause disability, but the medical nature of this disability is unclear. The aim was to medically characterize the disability manifested…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Controlling Painters’ Exposure to Volatile Organic Solvents in the Automotive Sector of Southern Colombia (Original Article)
Background: Painters in the automotive sector are routinely exposed to volatile organic solvents, and the levels vary depending on the occupational health and safety controls enforced at the companies. This study investigates the levels of exposure…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Design and Development of an Ergonomic Trolley-Lifter for Sheet Metal Handling Task: A Preliminary Study (Original Article)
Background: There have been some concerns related to manual handling of large items in industry. Manual handling operations of large sheet metal may expose workers to risks related to efficiency as well as occupational safety and health. Large sheet…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Do Various Respirator Models Fit the Workers in the Norwegian Smelting Industry? (Original Article)
Background: Respirator fit testing is a method to assess if the respirator provides an adequate face seal for the worker.
Methods: Workers from four Norwegian smelters were invited to participate in the study, and 701
respirator fit tests were…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Effect of Workload on Job Stress of Ghanaian OPD Nurses: The Role of Coworker Support (Original Article)
Background: Although the concept of workload is important to nursing practice, only a few nursing
researchers have focused on the issue of workload within the nursing context. Knowledge of how the
dynamics of workload affects the job stress of…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Exploring the Contributory Factors of Confined Space Accidents Using Accident Investigation Reports and Semistructured Interviews (Original Article)
Background: The oil and gas industry is one of the riskiest industries for confined space injuries. This
study aimed to understand an overall picture of the causal factors of confined space accidents through
analyzing accident reports and the use…

Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019<br /><br />
Exposure to Particles and Nitrogen Dioxide Among Workers in the Stockholm Underground Train System (Original Article)
Objectives: Exposure to fine particles in urban air has been associated with a number of negative health effects. High levels of fine particles have been detected at underground stations in big cities. We investigated the exposure conditions in four…
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