Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 3 2022

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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 12 issue 3 2022

Collection Items

Jurnal Internasional aprika vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A cohort of pediatric injury patients from a hospital-based trauma registry in Northern Tanzania
Introduction: Pediatric injuries in low- and middle-income countries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Implementing hospital-based trauma registries can reduce the knowledge gap in both hospital care and patient outcomes and…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A descriptive analysis of the casemix presenting to a tertiary hospital emergency centre in East London, South Africa
Introduction: Emergency centres are most often the point of entry to the healthcare system for patients presenting with emergencies. Even though emergency medicine has developed rapidly in certain regions of South Africa, it is yet to flourish in the…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A descriptive study of trauma patients transported by helicopter emergency medical services to a level one trauma centre
Background: KwaZulu-Natal, the largest land mass province that is densely populated in SA has vast distances to referral centres and time to definitive treatment is key in trauma care. Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) is still an…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
After-hour trauma-radiograph interpretation in the emergency centre of a District Hospital
Introduction: Plain radiographs remain a first-line trauma investigation. Most trauma radiographs worldwide are reported by junior doctors. This study assesses the accuracy of after-hour acute trauma radiograph reporting by emergency centre (EC)…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Analysis of risk factors for wound infection after extremity fracture caused by machete cut in a resource-limited setting
Background: Machete cut fracture is a unique subset of open fracture. The sharp force of a wielded machete that cleanly divides soft tissue envelope with minimal or no contusion results in an open fracture wound that is relatively less prone to…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Analysis of the demographic characteristics and clinical profile of acute ischemic strokes admitted to the emergency centre in the Somalia population
Background: Stroke is a leading cause of death and chronic disability worldwide. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), which includes Somalia, stroke represents a significant part of the chronic disease burden. However, there is relatively little data on risk…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A prospective, internal validation of an emergency patient triage tool for use in a low resource setting
Aim: Assess the performance of a simple triage disposition score based on mental status, mobility and either oxygen saturation or respiratory rate by three principal metrics: 24 h mortality, the need for hospital admission and the urgency ranking of…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Bedside colorimetric reagent dipstick in the diagnosis of meningitis in low–and middle–income countries: A prospective, international blinded comparison with laboratory analysis
Background: Colorimetric reagent dipstick (CRD) for leukocyte esterase (LE) has shown potential for diagnosing and ruling out bacterial meningitis. Potential advantages over traditional cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis in- clude the small quantity…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Community ‐acquired pneumonia and its predictors of mortality in rural southwestern Nigeria: A ‐five year retrospective observational study
Introduction: The predictors of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) mortality are important outcome measures in epidemiological studies and clinical trials. There is an observed paucity of data regarding the predictors of mortality of CAP in Nigeria.…

Jurnal Internasional Aprika  vol.12 issue 3 2022<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Comparison of inferior vena cava collapsibility and central venous pressure in assessing volume status in shocked patients
Introduction: Determination of intravascular volume status in patients admitted to the emergency centre is critical. Physical signs of hypovolaemic, distributive, cardiogenic, and obstructive shock frequently overlap, making an accurate diagnosis of…
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