Jurnal Internasional Aprika vol.12 issue 3 2022
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
A prospective, internal validation of an emergency patient triage tool for use in a low resource setting

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Jurnal Internasional Aprika vol.12 issue 3 2022
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
A prospective, internal validation of an emergency patient triage tool for use in a low resource setting


Triage low resource setting predictive scores Emergency department


Aim: Assess the performance of a simple triage disposition score based on mental status, mobility and either oxygen saturation or respiratory rate by three principal metrics: 24 h mortality, the need for hospital admission and the urgency ranking of patient presentations. Method: Prospective observational non-interventional study of consecutive patients presenting to the emergency and outpatient departments of a low-resource sub-Saharan hospital Results: Out of 14,585 consecutive patients arriving to hospital 1,804 (12.4%) were admitted and 39 died (0.3%) within 24 hours. No patients with normal mental status or a stable independent gait died within 24 h, and 95% of those who did had an oxygen saturation < 94%. The c statistic of the score for death within 24 hours was > 0.95 and not significantly changed if respiratory rate replaced oxygen saturation as a score component, or mental status was assessed subjectively or objectively. However, an objective measure of mental status significantly reduced the c statistic for hospital admission from 0.970 SE 0.003 to 0.956 SE 0.004, p 0.002. The score attributed a higher acuity rating than the South African Triage System urgency ranking of presentations to 11.1% of patients and a lower acuity rating to 1.3%. However, 53% of the patients given a higher acuity rating were subsequently admitted to hospital and 6.1% of them died. Conclusion: The score identified patients who subsequently required hospital admission and who were likely to die within 24 hours


Brian Kikomeko , George Mutiibwa , Pauline Nabatanzi , Alfred Lumala, John Kellett, on behalf of the Kitovu Hospital Study Group




26 May 2022











,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia, Horizon.ac.id, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon ,


Brian Kikomeko , George Mutiibwa , Pauline Nabatanzi , Alfred Lumala, John Kellett, on behalf of the Kitovu Hospital Study Group, “Jurnal Internasional Aprika vol.12 issue 3 2022
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
A prospective, internal validation of an emergency patient triage tool for use in a low resource setting,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2012.