Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021

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Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021

Collection Items

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Systematic review on epidemiology, interventions and management of noncommunicable diseases in acute and emergency care settings in Kenya
Introduction: Mortality and morbidity from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Africa are expected to worsen
if the status quo is maintained. Emergency care settings act as a primary point of entry into the health system for
a spectrum of…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The characteristics and outcomes of trauma admissions to an adult general surgery ward in a tertiary teaching hospital
Background: Traumatic injuries are proportionally higher in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) than
high-income counties. Data on trauma epidemiology and patients’ outcomes are limited in LMICs.
Methods: A retrospective review of medical…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
The effects of the COVID-19 lockdown and alcohol restriction on trauma-related emergency department cases in a South African regional hospital
The objective of this study was to compare the effect of the Covid-19 lockdown and the alcohol restriction on the
number of cases that presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with the same time period two years prior.
The method used was a…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A baseline review of the ability of hospitals in Kenya to provide emergency and critical care services for COVID-19 patients
Introduction: As the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Kenya begin to rise, the number of severe and
critical COVID-19 patients has the potential to quickly overload the local healthcare system beyond its capacity
to treat…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
A guide to an improvised femoral traction splint in a resource-limited setting
A femoral traction splint is a mechanical device that uses traction to align and provide stability to femoral
fractures. The use of this device has many benefits however there is still limited availability in low- and middleincome
countries. This…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Areas of delay related to prolonged length of stay in an emergency department of an academic hospital in South Africa
Introduction: Globally, length of stay of patients in emergency departments remains a challenge. Remaining in the
emergency department for >12 h increases health care costs, morbidity and mortality rates and leads to
crowding and lower patient…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with an unscheduled return visit within 72 hours to the Paediatric Emergency Centre at a Private Tertiary Referral Hospital in Kenya
Introduction: Patients’ unscheduled return visits (URVs) to the paediatric emergency Centre (PEC) contribute to
overcrowding and affect health service delivery and overall quality of care. This study assessed the characteristics
and outcomes of…

Jurnal Internasional Afrika vol. 11 issue 2 2021<br /><br />
African Journal of Emergency Medicine<br /><br />
Comparison of paediatric weight estimation methods at a tertiary hospital in Ghana
Introduction: Weight estimation in children is critical in paediatric emergencies. The Broselow Tape (BT) and
most age-based formulae for weight estimation were derived in high-income countries and are thought to
overestimate the weight of children…
View all 23 items

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