Dublin Core



Collection Items

A descriptive study of orthopaedic injuries due to parachute jumping in soldiers
Background: While parachute jumping, soldiers may suffer minor or life-threatening injuries in various parts of the
body. Several trauma scoring systems assess the severity of such injuries. The primary goal of this study was to
assess clinical…

Comparison of admission rates among patients treated by male and female emergency physicians: a multicenter study
Background: No study to date has looked at the gender of emergency medicine (EM) physicians in the United
States in relation to admission rates. This study seeks to investigate admission rates of adult patients treated by
female vs male EM…

Mortality at the pediatric emergency unit of the Mohammed VI teaching hospital of Marrakech
Background: The death of a child at the emergency ward is one of the most difficult problems that the clinicians
of these wards have to deal with. In our country the published data concerning the causes and the factors related
to pediatric…

Prehospital administration of blood products: experiences from a Finnish<br /><br />
physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service
Background: Massive infusions of crystalloids into bleeding hypotensive patients can worsen the outcome. Military
experience suggests avoiding crystalloids using early damage control resuscitation with blood components in out
of hospital setting.…

Quick and effective improvement of leucine enriched dietary supplement on malnutrition in acute stroke patients receiving enteral tube feeding
Background: Malnutrition often occurs in acute stroke patients receiving enteral tube feeding (ETF). Unless
malnutrition is improved, their clinical outcome is poor. However, strategies to improve malnutrition in these
patients have not been…
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