Dublin Core



Collection Items

A first-aid fast track channel for rescuing critically ill children with airway foreign bodies: our clinical experience
Objective: To explore the role of a first-aid fast track channel in rescuing children with airway foreign bodies and
to analyse and summarize the experience and lessons of the first-aid fast track channel in rescuing airway foreign
bodies from…

Comparison of base excess, lactate and pH predicting 72-h mortality of multiple trauma
Objective: To compare the predictive values of base excess (BE), lactate and pH of admission arterial blood gas for
72-h mortality in patients with multiple trauma.
Methods: This was a secondary analysis based on a publicly shared trauma dataset…

Data from emergency medicine palliative care access (EMPallA): a randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of specialty outpatient versus telephonic palliative care of older adults with advanced<br /><br />
illness presenting to the emergency department
Background: The Emergency Medicine Palliative Care Access (EMPallA) trial is a large, multicenter, parallel, two-arm
randomized controlled trial in emergency department (ED) patients comparing two models of palliative care: nurseled telephonic case…

Effect of COVID-19 on epidemiological characteristics of road traffic injuries in Suzhou: a retrospective study
Background: To present the new trends in epidemiology of road traffic injuries (RTIs) during the Coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Suzhou.
Methods: Pre-hospital records of RTIs from January to May in 2020 and the same period in 2019…

Factors associated with survival in adult patients with traumatic arrest: a retrospective cohort study from US trauma centers
Background: Traumatic arrests increasingly affect young adults worldwide with low reported survival rates. This
study examines factors associated with survival (to hospital discharge) in traumatic arrests transported to US trauma

Factors influencing paramedics’ and emergency medical technicians’ level of knowledge about the 2015 basic life support guidelines
Background: This study aimed to determine the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) knowledge level and factors
affecting the current CPR knowledge level among EMTs and paramedics working in the Kayseri 112 emergency
health system.
Methods: This…

Hemogram-derived ratios as prognostic markers of ICU admission in COVID-19
Background: The vast impact of COVID-19 call for the identification of clinical parameter that can help predict a
torpid evolution. Among these, endothelial injury has been proposed as one of the main pathophysiological
mechanisms underlying the…

Incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest at general wards before and after implementation of an early warning score
Background: In order to reduce the incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) at general wards, medical
emergency teams (MET) were implemented in the Capital Region of Denmark in 2012 as the efferent part of a track
and trigger system. The…

Predicting mortality among septic patients presenting to the emergency department– a cross sectional analysis using machine learning
Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening condition, causing almost one fifth of all deaths worldwide. The aim of the
current study was to identify variables predictive of 7- and 30-day mortality among variables reflective of the
presentation of…

Prehospital time and mortality in polytrauma patients: a retrospective<br /><br />
Background: The time from injury to treatment is considered as one of the major determinants for patient
outcome after trauma. Previous studies already attempted to investigate the correlation between prehospital time
and trauma patient outcome.…
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