Dublin Core



Collection Items

A retrospective descriptive analysis of non-physician-performed prehospital endotracheal intubation practices and performance in South Africa
Introduction: Prehospital advanced airway management, including endotracheal intubation (ETI), is one of the most
commonly performed advanced life support skills. In South Africa, prehospital ETI is performed by non-physician

Analysis of injuries and deaths from road trafc accidents in Iran: bivariate regression approach
Backgrounds: This study aims to estimate and compare the parameters of some univariate and bivariate count
models to identify the factors afecting the number of mortality and the number of injured in road accidents.
Methods: The accident data used…

Capillary refll time for the management of acute circulatory failure: a survey among pediatric and adult intensivists
Introduction: Recent studies have shown the prognostic value of capillary refll time (CRT) and suggested that resus‑
citation management guided by CRT may reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with septic shock. However,
little is known about…

Challenges in abdominal re-exploration for war casualties following on-site abdominal trauma surgery and subsequent delayed arrival to defnitive medical care abroad – an unusual scenario
Background: During the Syrian civil war, patients were initially treated on-site in Syria and later transferred to medical
centers in Israel. Relevant details concerning the exact nature of injury and medical/surgical care received in Syria

Characterizing people with frequent emergency department visits and substance use: a retrospective cohort study of linked administrative data in Ontario, Alberta, and B.C., Canada
Background: Substance use is common among people who visit emergency departments (EDs) frequently. We
aimed to characterize subgroups within this cohort to better understand care needs/gaps, and generalizability of
characteristics in three…

Compromised cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality due to regurgitation during endotracheal intubation: a randomised crossover manikin simulation study
Background: Regurgitation is a complication common during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This manikin
study evaluated the efect of regurgitation during endotracheal intubation on CPR quality.
Methods: An airway-CPR manikin was modifed to…

Efect of annual hospital admissions of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients on prognosis following cardiac arrest
Background: Although the prognosis of patients treated at specialized facilities has improved, the relationship
between the number of patients treated at hospitals and prognosis is controversial and lacks constancy in those with

Evaluation of the efectiveness and costs of inhaled methoxyfurane versus usual analgesia for prehospital injury and trauma: non-randomised clinical study
Background: We aimed to investigate clinical benefts and economic costs of inhaled methoxyfurane when used
by ambulance staf for prehospital emergency patients with trauma. Comparison is to usual analgesic practice (UAP)
in the UK in which…

Examining patient fow in a tertiary hospital’s emergency department at a low coronavirus prevalence region
Background: Taiwan’s successful containment of the COVID-19 outbreak prior to 2021 provided a unique environ‑
ment for the surveillance of unnecessary emergency medical use. The aim of the study is to examine the impact of
the coronavirus disease…

Impact of establishing a level-1 trauma center for lower extremity trauma: a 4-year experience
Purpose: A multidisciplinary approach is essential for trauma patients’ treatment, particularly for cases with open
lower extremity fractures, which are considered major traumas requiring a comprehensive approach. Recently, the
social demand for…
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