Vol. 19, No. 5 2021

Dublin Core


Vol. 19, No. 5 2021

Collection Items

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Green Ca2La2BO6.5:Pb2+ phosphor: an innovative solution in enhancing the color quality and luminous flux of WLEDs
Light-emitting diodes devices that embedded with multiple chips (multi-
chip white LEDs (MCW-LEDs)) are an advanced lighitng solution with

much potential for improvement in the lighting industry. However, to further
the applicacations and…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
The application of Ca5B2SiO10:Eu3+ and YAl3B4O12:Ce3+,Mn2+ in dual-layer remote phosphor to enhance lumen output and color quality of WLEDs
This study proposes a dual-layer remote phosphor structure, comprised of a
green or a red phosphor layer and a yellow YAG:Ce3+ phosphor layer, to
enhance color rendering index (CRI) and color quality scale (CQS) of white
light-emitting diodes…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
A maximum entropy classification scheme for phishing detection using parsimonious features
Over the years, electronic mail (e-mail) has been the target of several
malicious attacks. Phishing is one of the most recognizable forms of
manipulation aimed at e-mail users and usually, employs social engineering
to trick innocent users into…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Quantitative approach for reclassification of the spatial cluster of archipelagos in Maluku Province for the basis of forest development
In natural resource management, it is necessary to group regions based on the
similarity of their spatial and non-spatial characteristics, to efficiency and
effectiveness Therefore, this study describes the re-grouping of the twelve

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Lower and upper bound intercept probability analysis in amplifier-and-forward time switching relaying half-duplex with impact the eavesdropper
In this paper, we proposed and investigated the amplifier-and-forward (AF)
time switching relaying half-duplex with impact the eavesdropper. In this
system model, the source (S) and the destination (D) communicate with each
other via a helping of…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Visible light communication using new Flip-FBMC modulation system technique
Filter bank multi-carrier (FBMC) modulation in the visible light
communication (VLC) system is one of the most promising modulation
systems in optical wireless communications (OWC), especially in 5G and 6G
future applications. FBMC has a wide…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Performance evaluation of campus network involving VLAN and broadband multimedia wireless networks using OPNET modeler
Modern technology is essential for all healthy, economic, and educational
sectors. Using modern technology involves high-performance networks in
terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters such as delay, throughput,
bandwidth, and security. A…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Improvement on KNN using genetic algorithm and combined feature extraction to identify COVID-19 sufferers based on CT scan image
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread throughout the world. The
detection of this disease is usually carried out using the reverse transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) swab test. However, limited resources
became an obstacle…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Comparative and analysis of evaluation of several direction of arrival estimation methods
Modern-day, global, and clever array systems have several distinguished
approaches with regard to a wireless device. In this paper, a comparative
analysis has been carried out amongst nine direction of arrival (DOA)
algorithms: Capon, multiple…

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control<br /><br />
Significant medical image compression techniques: a review
Telemedicine applications allow the patient and doctor to communicate with
each other through network services. Several medical image compression
techniques have been suggested by researchers in the past years. This review
paper offers a…
View all 35 items

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