Dublin Core



Collection Items

A phenomenological interview study with patients being non-conveyed in the ambulance service
Background Non-conveyed patients (i.e. patients who are not transported to a hospital after being assessed by
ambulance clinicians) represent a significantly increasing proportion of all patients seeking ambulance care. Scientific
knowledge about…

Anaemia in the first week may be associated with long-term mortality among critically ill patients: propensity score-based analyses
Background Anaemia is highly prevalent in critically ill patients; however, the long-term effect on mortality remains
Methods We retrospectively included patients admitted to the medical intensive care units (ICUs) during 2015–2020

Analyzing the queuing theory at the emergency department at King Hussein  cancer center
Objectives This study was conducted in 2022 at King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) to analyze the queuing theory
approach at the Emergency Department (ED) to estimate patients’ wait times and predict the accuracy of the queuing

Characteristics of rib fracture patients who require chest computed tomography in the emergency department
Background The disadvantages and complications of computed tomography (CT) can be minimized if CT is performed in rib fracture patients with high probability of intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal injuries and CT is omitted
in rib fracture patients…

Equivalence of the top-down manoeuvre and bottom-up manoeuvre in speed and accuracy of identifying the cricothyroid membrane: a prospective randomised crossover study
Background Accurate identification of the cricothyroid membrane is crucial for successful cricothyrotomy;
however, a manoeuvre that helps identify it both accurately and quickly remains unclear. The effectiveness of the
so-called ‘bottom-up…

Paediatric emergency medicine practice in Nigeria: a narrative review
The practice of paediatric emergency medicine in Nigeria is still evolving, and laden with enormous challenges
which contribute to adverse outcomes of childhood illnesses in emergency settings. Deaths from childhood
illnesses presenting as…

Point-of-care neutrophil CD64 as a rule in diagnostic test for bacterial infections in the emergency department
Introduction Bacterial infections are frequently seen in the emergency department (ED), but can be difcult to distinguish from viral infections and some non-infectious diseases. Common biomarkers such as c-reactive protein (CRP)
and white blood…

Prehospital clinical practice guidelines for unintentional injuries: a scoping review and prioritisation process
Background Globally, millions of people die and many more develop disabilities resulting from injuries each year.
Most people who die from injuries do so before they are transported to hospital. Thus, reliable, pragmatic, and evidence-based…

Prolonged length of stay and its associated factors at adult emergency department in amhara region comprehensive specialized  hospitals, northwest Ethiopia
Background Prolonged length of stay at the emergency department interferes with the main goal of emergency
care and results in adverse patient outcomes like nosocomial infection, dissatisfaction, morbidity, and mortality.
Despite this, little is…

Red cell distribution width and mortality in older patients with frailty in the emergency department
Background The red cell distribution width (RDW) refects the degree of heterogeneity of red blood cells. Elevated
RDW is associated both with frailty and with increased mortality in hospital-admitted patients. In this study we
evaluate whether…
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