VOL 15 NO 1 2022
Dublin Core
VOL 15 NO 1 2022
Collection Items
A Study on the Reuse Intention of E-Commerce Platform Applications: Security, Privacy, Perceived Value, and Trust
Objective: Security, privacy, perceived value, and trust are essential elements in reusing intention in an e-commerce application. The lower the security, privacy, perceived value, and trust of a consumer will reduce the reuse intention of an…
Information Technology Implementation in SMEs:
A Comparison of Indonesia and Malaysia
Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare SMEs in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding the implementation of information technology, especially on the sustainable competitive advantage factors, IT adoption, perceived simplicity, green technology…
Antecedents and Consequences of Credibility and Parasocial Interaction on Food Shopping Intentions
Objective: In recent years, vlogging or a trending term, especially among YouTube viewers, has increasingly bombarded content on Google's video site. This study examines the antecedents and consequences of credibility and parasocial interactions on…
How Do Financial Experts Choose Stocks?
Objective: This study aims to determine factors that affect financial experts as investors to buy stocks. Do financial experts have different considerations and preferences from ordinary investors in making an investment…
The Marketing Mix, Customers' Attitude, and Purchasing Intention in Social Commerce with Internet Access as a Moderating Variable
Objective: Based on cognitive-affective-conative theory, this study aims to create an integrated model that investigates the effects of six marketing-mix components (cognitive) on purchase intention (cognitive) in social commerce (SC) via customer's…
Integrasi Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) pada Minat Pemesanan Kembali Kamar Hotel Menggunakan Aplikasi Pemesanan Kamar Hotel Online
Tujuan: E-commerce business-to-consumer (B2C) atau pasar belanja online berkembang pesat dan telah menjadi salah satu perkembangan paling menarik dalam e-commerce. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh persepsi kemudahan…
Development Strategies Analysis Using the SCOR Method: A Case Study from a Medical Device Company
Objective: This study aims to measure the performance of supply chain management at PT. Multi Anugrah Satu identifies supply chain management activities that require improvement and provides recommendations for improving performance strategies in…
The Influence of Intellectual Ability on Lecturers’ Performance and Competencies
Objective: The main objective of this study is to analyze the importance of intellectual abilities in increasing the role of competence and strengthening the performance of lecturers in the management study program at private universities in…
Increasing Nurses’ Affective Professional Commitment through Person Job-Fit
Objective: The nurses must have an affective professional commitment to do their job. They must be competent and have more emotional response to caring for the patients. This study aims to develop affective professionals commitment through job-fit in…
The Effect of Market Orientation on Firm Performance in F&B Business Sector: The Role of Supply Chain Integration and Firm Innovativeness
Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of market orientation on firm performance, as well as the roles of supply chain integration and firm innovativeness in mediating the relationship in the food and beverage sector,…