VOL 15 NO 3 2022

Dublin Core


VOL 15 NO 3 2022

Collection Items

Fostering Employee Ambidexterity: The Role of High-Performance Work System and Ambidextrous Leadership
Objective: This study aims to empirically investigate the moderating effect of ambidextrous leadership in the relationship between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and employee ambidexterity.
Design/Methods/Approach: By integrating social…

The Strategies to Improve Customer Experience: A Case of Online Shopping Platform
Objective: The objective of this study is three-fold; 1) To analyze the current situation of online customer experience with the preferred online shopping platform among university students, 2) to examine the influence of website design, website…

Adoption of Cash on Delivery Payment Method in E-commerce Shopping: A Value-based Adoption Model Approach
Objectives: This study examines what factors can influence adoption intention through perceived value and how much influence compatibility can have on the relationship between perceived value and adoption intention. Furthermore, through the results…

How Does the Value Stream Mapping Method Identify Waste and Improve the Coffee Bean Production Process of a Café?
Objective: This study aims to identify waste and its causes in the production process and provide suggestions for improvement.
Design/Methods/Approach: The author uses a qualitative research method approach to obtain research data. The author…

The Impact of Motivation on Performance: The Role of Organizational Commitment
Objective: The study aims to analyze the important role of motivation in improving the performance of company employees with the support of organizational commitment as a mediation.
Design/Method/Approach: This study uses a causality model with an…

Factors Influencing Creative Employees: An Integration of Transformational Leadership Theory in The Case of Start-ups Employees in Indonesia
Objective: In today's competitive business environment, a start-up must attract and retain employees with a high level of creativity. This study investigates the effects of intrinsic motivation, dimensions of transformational leadership, and personal…

Understanding the Determinants of m-Health Adoption in Indonesia
Objective: Mobile health (m-health) is a fast-growing service that enables users to consult with doctors remotely. This research investigates the factors influencing m-health adoption in Indonesia using The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of…

The Effect of Voluntary Risk Management Disclosure and Risk Management Committee on Firm Value
Objective: This study aims to analyze the effect of voluntary risk management disclosure (VRMD) and the existence of a risk management committee (RMC) on firm value.
Design/Methods/Approach: The research sample is companies listed on the Indonesia…

Digital Marketing Capability and MSMEs Performance: Understanding the Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism
Objective: This study examines the influence of digital marketing capability on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) performance and the role of environmental dynamism as a moderator in the relationship.
Design/Methods/Approach: This study…

How Do Leaders Build Organizational Resilience? An Empirical Literature Review
Objective: The purpose of this study is to compile a synthesis of the application of leadership in building organizational resilience, especially when the organization faces a crisis or difficulty.
Design/Methods/Approach: The approach used is a…
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