Vol. 4 No. 6 (2024)

Dublin Core


Vol. 4 No. 6 (2024)

Collection Items

Accuracy Analysis of Financial Distress Prediction Models for Companies on the IDX WatchlistBoard in2020-2022 Period
The research aims to examine the accuracy level of the Altman, Grover, Zmijewski, and Springatefinancial distress prediction models, to determine the most accurate financial distress prediction model in analyzing companies on the …

TheEffectofRecurrent DeficienciesinPCAOBInspections on AuditQualitywithintheBigFourAuditFirmsinSouthAfrica
The research aims to examine PCAOB inspection deficiencies' impact on audit qualityinSouthAfrica'sBigFour,highlightingchallengesinmaintaininghighstandardsacross Financial Statements (FS), Internal Control Over Financial Reporting audits…

The Relationship between Share Prices and Company Image on Decisions to Selection of Share Issuers Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
This research aims to build hypotheses regarding the relationship between variables, which can later be used for further research within the scope of financial management. The writing method in this research is qualitative …

Analysis of Budget Participation and Human Resource Competency and its Influence on Budget Absorptionwith Organizational Commitment as aModerating Variable
Budget absorption is the process of implementing everything that has been planned and budgeted by a public organization in realizing community welfare. This research was conducted at the Riau Regional Police with the aim of testing and…

Analysis of Green Accounting andGood Corporate Governance with Internal Audit Quality as a Moderating Variable on the Sustainability of Agribusiness Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2020-2022
This study aims to determine and obtain empirical evidence about the effect of the Green Accounting mechanism, Good Corporate Governance with Internal Audit Quality on the disclosure of Sustainability of agribusiness companies listed on the Indonesia…

The Influence of Organizational Culture and the Role of Internal Audit on Fraud Prevention
The rise of fraud or fraud that occurs in organizations can cause losses to the organization so that the organization is difficult to develop, so there is a need for awareness of the importance of fraud prevention to minimize losses due…

Determinants of Fraudulent Financial Statements Using an Approach Fraud Hexagon
There are 239 cases of fraud in Indonesia with a percentage of cases of financial statement fraud of 9.2%, so this research aims to develop methods for preventing and detecting financial statement fraud are needed. The theory …

The Effect of Competence, Time Budget Pressure and Professional Attitudes of Auditors on Internal Audit Quality With Role Conflict As a Moderating Variable
Thisstudy aims to analyze the effectof competence,timebudgetpressure andprofessional attitudes of Inspectorate auditors on audit quality with role conflict as a moderating variable. The population in this study were …

The Influence of Perceptions of MSMEEntrepreneurs, Accounting Understanding and Socialization of SAK EMKMon the Application of SAK EMKM
This researchcombines various previous research instruments with the aim of obtaining the best results in knowing the extent of the influence of the perceptions of MSME entrepreneurs, accounting understanding and socialization of sak emkm on…

Financial Technology Literacy Impact on Gen-Z in Indonesia
The purpose of this study Financial Technology Literacy Impact on Gen-Z in Indonesia" is to investigate and understand the impact of financial technology literacy (FinTech), and trust in the financial behavior of …
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