Volume 27, Issue 1

Dublin Core


Volume 27, Issue 1

Collection Items

Multiple strategic orientations and strategic flexibility in product innovation
This research investigates how multiple strategic orientations and strategic flexibility collectively influence firm product innovation. A chain multiple mediation model with moderation is constructed that links two types of strategic orientation…

Linking Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organizational Performance: the moderating effect of corporate reputation
The study empirically investigates the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance from the perspective of European multinational firms. Further, the study examines the effectiveness of corporate…

Measuring a scientifically multifaceted concept. The jungle of organizational legitimacy
Measuring organizational legitimacy has become a challenge for researchers because they face a multilevel construct, where diverse terminologies, approaches, and evaluators converge. As a consequence, researchers have developed different conceptual…

The relationship between visitor satisfaction, expectation and spending in a sport event
There are many studies on the determinants of visitor spending at sport events. However, few studies investigate the effect of satisfaction on spending and even fewer relate this to visitor expectations. The present study examines the case of the…

The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol
The presence of the real estate investment trust in the Spanish real estate market since 2013 has led a significant number of the housing stock being offered for rent in the most popular cities around the country. In the specific case of the Costa…

What about the consumer choice? The influence of social sustainability on consumer’s purchasing behavior in the Food Value Chain
The environmental, economic, and social impact of food value chains have attracted the attention of a wide range of stakeholders. However, only a few studies have focused on sustainability in the food industry in terms of social responsibility from a…

Film tourism in Spain: Destination awareness and visit motivation as determinants to visit places seen in TV series
TV series have become one of the most successful types of audio-visual product. Their potential to cultivate massive loyal audiences makes them an excellent medium for promoting the places they depict, presenting them as attractive destinations, and…

Effect of Job Satisfaction on Moonlighting Intentions: Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment
Online platform working, Gig working, E lancing and Moonlighting have become synonymous in the Industry 4.0. Searching for and practicing alternative employments is an important phase in recording the sequence of employees’ withdrawal cognitions…

The impact of narrow personality traits on entrepreneurial intention in developing countries: A comparison of Turkish and Iranian undergraduate students using ordered discrete choice models
This study aimed to examine the potential determinants of the entrepreneurial intention (EI) levels of Turkish and Iranian undergraduate students with an emphasis on the narrow personality traits that could predict such students’ EI levels. For this…
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