Volume 28, Issue 1

Dublin Core


Volume 28, Issue 1

Collection Items

High-performance human resource management practices and readiness for change: An integrative model including affective commitment, employees’ performance, and the moderating role of hierarchy culture
Nowadays, employees’ readiness for change plays a key role to implement many organizational change initiatives. Using a sample of 510 bank employees in Jordan, this study seeks to analyze how high-performance human resource management practices and…

Gender perspective of parental role model influence on nascent entrepreneurs: Evidence from Colombia
We examine the effect of parental entreprenurial role model in nascent entrepreneur's activity by gender perspective. We distinguish between father and mother entreprenurial role models and investigate how their influence on students’ decision to…

Sustainable development and the limits of gender policies on corporate boards in Europe. A comparative analysis between developed and emerging markets
Sustainable development is a priority to the United Nations. Moreover, investment managers consider environmental, social and governance score as an important variable in portfolios selection. The fifth goal in the2030 Agenda is gender equality.…

Innovation adaptation and post-entry growth in international new ventures
Innovation plays a vital role in the internationalization process of international new ventures (INVs). However, to date, there are insufficient empirical studies exploring the innovation decisions that enable these
firms to grow once the…

Relationships between quality management, innovation and performance: A literature systematic review
The aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic literature review about the relationships between quality management, innovation, and performance. For that end, a search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, and 172 articles…

Value co-creation and perceived value: A customer perspective in the hospitality context
Using the DART (dialogue, access, risk, and transparency) model as a core framework of value co-creation (VCC), and in the context of hospitality services, this study explores the role VCC might have in customers’ perceived value (PV). The study…

Connected audiences in digital media markets: The dynamics of university online video impact
This paper analyses whether the audience dynamics of one content provider can explain the audience dynamics of a different content provider, and the resulting network of connections among providers. The type of connections in this network determines…

Adopting the configurational approach to the analysis of job satisfaction in Mongolia
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine various configurations leading to job satisfaction (JS) in Mongolian private companies through five typical factors: perceived mission statement quality (MSQ), romanticism management philosophy (RMP),…

A firm-industry analysis of services versus manufacturing
In the literature on the firm-industry debate to explain organizational performance the firm effect has been more supported than the industry effect by empirical studies, mainly focused on manufacturing firms and long time periods. Unfortunately,…

The management of moral hazard through the implementation of a Moral Compliance Model (MCM)
Moral hazard in an organization occurs when people make decisions and take a high risk for their own benefit, given that they would not have to bear all the negative ensuing consequences should they occur. This risk
transferred to third parties is…
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