Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024)

Dublin Core


Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024)




ITB Bandung




Fajar bagus W







Collection Items

Virtual Reality (VR) Method to Improve Sense of Placefor Interior Design Studio Students
Virtual reality (VR) technology has emerged in response to recent developments in the 3-dimensional (3D) world. VR enables people to engage in various metaverse world experiences in a more immersive way. Immersive learning is a …

A Multivariate Fuzzy Weighted K-Modes Algorithm with Probabilistic Distance for Categorical Data
Data clustering is a data mining approach that assigns similar data to the same group. Traditionally, cluster similarity considers all attributes equally, but in real-world applications, some attributes may be more important than others.…

LoVi App: Android Application-based Image Classification for Low Vision
In Indonesia, many people with visual impairments are drawingpublic attention to their rights as fellow humans. One of the limitations that individuals with low vision face is their ability to recognize objects and navigate their…

Enhancing Skin Disease Diagnosis Through Fine-Tune Convolutional Neural Network: A Comparative Study with Multi-class Approach
Due to their similar appearance, skin disorders frequently disguise their early warning signs from our skin, which is the defense system of the body. Preventing serious disorders requires their early detection. This work investigatedthe…

saLFIA: Semi-automatic Live Feeds Image Annotation Tool for Vehicle Classification Dataset
Deep learning’s reliance on abundant data with accurate annotations presents a significant drawback, as developing datasets is often time-consuming and costly for specific problems. To address this drawback, we propose a semi-automatic…

X-Band Metasurface EM Wave Absorberusing SRR and Stripline:Model, Design and Implementation
This paper presents a model, design, and implementation of a metasurface electromagnetic (EM) wave absorber for operation in the frequency range of the X-band. The model of the metasurface was constructed withasplit ring resonator …
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