The effects of social media and modern approaches help offenders to achieve their crimes. This paper exploresmachine learning architectureto predict criminal crime cases by classifyingeach type of crime using K-Means which is optimized…
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the serious threats in cybersecurity that can disrupt the availability of network services. Traditional approaches to DDoS mitigation often have limitations in detecting complex attack patterns…
Corruption is one of the most pressing issues in Indonesia, significantly affecting public trust in governance and the nation’s development. Among the many corruption cases that have surfaced, the recent 271 trillion rupiahs corruption…
Low knowledge about reproductive health among mothers and adolescent girls leads to a lack of understanding of its importance. This limited knowledge results in women's inability to care for their reproductive organs, often exacerbated by…
The advancement of information technology has driven the massive adoption of web-based information systems across various sectors. However, this surge in usage has been accompanied by increasingly complex data security threats, such as…
This study aims to develop and implement a plant disease detection system for oil palm seedlings based on leaf images using the MobileNetV2 architecture, which is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The model was trained using a dataset of…
Deaf individuals face communication challenges with the general public due to their limited hearing, which necessitates the use of sign language. The gap in sign language understanding between deaf individuals and the general public…
Universitas ‘AisyiyahYogyakarta is one of the private universities in Yogyakarta. The large number of private universities in Yogyakarta has intensified the competition for new student admissions. In this situation, every university…
The demand for chili continues to increase along with population growth and the industrial sector, but the supply is unstable due to weather factors such as high rainfall and humidity. This condition causes the spread of diseases in chili plants such…