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- -box, AES, matriks affine
- , Crack detection
- , DEA, data panel
- , Debt To Equity Ratio (DER)
- , Escherichia coli
- , Feature dimensionality reduction
- , Gangguan Persepsi Sensori, Halusinasi Pendengaran
- , Health Monitoring and Diagnosing System
- , Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan
- , keputusan pembelian netizen
- , Kesehatan reproduksi
- , kinerja keuangan
- , klasifikasi citra, inception v3
- , managerial ownership structure
- , Microstrip filtering antenna
- , Object detection and recognition
- , pengendalian korupsi
- , Projective synchronization
- , regresi panel, Granger causality test
- , sistem online SimPKL, umpan balik.
- ,akupresure
- ,eputusan Pembelian
- ,kasa kering steril
- ,Kedalaman ETT, Rumus Chula Formula Intubasi Nasotrakeal Tube,
- ,Substance-related disorder
- ,Ulkus Diabetikum,
- ; Indonesia; Islamic banking; Sharia compliance governance
- ; investment policy; volatility
- : entrepreneurial intentions
- : Green Human Resource Management
- : individual interaction capability
- : level of accounting comprehension
- : Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
- :Anak, Obesitas, Sedentari
- . Penerimaan pajak Negara PBB dalam pemasukan negara
- ''filtrasi'' ''masker bedah bekas'' '' pencucian ulang'' ''struktur arah serat''
- ‘Aisyiyah
- (Helicopter) Emergency Medical Services
- (integrasi pelayanan, kesehatan mental, layanan kesehatan primer, tantangan)
- (J 48)
- (NOMA)
- (RGB) images
- (VCO)-based ADCs
- (WWTPs)
- (Y,Gd)BO3:Tb3+
- ); Indonesia’s sustainable development policy
- 1-bit comparator
- 1-MHz low intensity pulsed ultrasound in human keratinocytes
- 1. Emergency department
- 1. Instrument development
- 1. Medical Recorders And Health Information
- 1. National Family Health Survey
- 1. Performance measurement
- 1. Prehospital emergency nurses
- 1000 hari pertama kehidupan
- 1000 HPK
- 16-APSK
- 1D-EBG Electromagnetic band-gap
- 1D/2D Hybrid
- 2-season weather change
- 2,4-D
- 2.45 GHz/5.8 GHz
- 21st century skills
- 24-hour society
- 28GHz
- 2D image gesture
- 2D mapping
- 2G/3G
- 32-APSK
- 3D anthropometry
- 3D Objek
- 3D printing
- 3D simulation
- 3D Vision
- 3D-printing
- 3DES
- 3G
- 3M
- 3M compliance; 3M knowledge, pandemic; pregnancy
- 4G (LTE)
- 4th character code; inaccuracy; insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm)
- 5G
- 5G Antenna
- 5G application
- 5G base station electromagnetic fields assessment: pilot study in Moscow
- 5G communication
- 5G Communications
- 5G core network
- 5G CST
- 5G Massive MIMO
- 5G MIMO antennas
- 5G mobile networks
- 5G network
- 5R
- 6-D hyperchaotic system
- 60 GHz
- 911
- A Board of directors; board of commissioners
- a bottleneck for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) professionals
- a healthy longer working life
- A L’Oréal case study
- A Systematic Review
- AAA server
- Aadhar authentication
- Abbreviated injury scale
- Abcessus
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal surgery
- Abdominal trauma
- abk-kes; registration officer; workload
- abnormal activities
- Abnormal Return
- Abnormal Return; Indonesia Stock Exchange
- abortus
- Absensi
- Absenteeism
- Absolute
- absorptive capacity
- Abusive relationships
- Academic achievement
- Academic dissertation
- Academic entrepreneurial opportunities
- Academic entrepreneurship
- Academic laboratories
- Academic medical centres
- Academic performance
- academic research
- Academic researcher
- accelerated test
- Acceleration Cinema
- accelerometer
- Acceptance
- Acceptance and commitment therapy,
- Acceptance of Illness, Diabetes Mellitus, Penerimaan Penyakit
- Access point
- access Spectral/spatial dimension Sater-filling
- Access to care
- access to finance, financial performance
- Accessibility
- Accident
- Accident concentration
- Accident occurrence
- Accident prevention
- Accident preventions
- Accident proneness
- Accident statistics
- Accidents
- Accidents at work
- Accompanying midwife
- accountability
- accounting earnings
- accounting firm size
- Accounting restatements
- Accounting System
- Accounting Understanding Level
- Accrual earnings management; Conservatism
- accrual-based earnings management;
- Accuracy
- Accuracy clustering
- Accuracy Emergency centre Nurses South African triage scale Triage
- ACGS; Good Corporate Governance; GCG; Human Resources Policy; HR
- achievement
- achievement motivation
- acne; physical quality characteristics of the oil, red betel leaf
- Acoustic communication
- acquisitions
- Activated sludge process (ASP)
- active compound; nutraceutical; obesity; raja and kepok banana peels
- Active contour
- Active contour model
- Active control strategy
- Active electronically scanned array
- Active inductor
- Active power control
- Active surge control
- Active users
- activity
- Activity Based Costing
- Activity Daily Living
- Activity limitation
- activity of daily living
- activity ratio
- Activity tracking
- Acuity assessment
- acupressure
- Acute abdominal pain
- Acute asthma
- Acute circulatory failure
- Acute coronary
- Acute coronary syndrome
- Acute coronary syndrome Heart failure Stroke Sub-Saharan Africa
- Acute illness Early warning scores Risk stratification ECG Prolonged QTc Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Acute Ischemic stroke Emergency department Somalia Sub-Saharan Africa
- acute kidney injury
- Acute medicine
- Acute myocardial infarction Emergency medical dispatchers Heart attack Chest pain
- acute pain
- Acute pesticide poisoning Triage Mortality
- Acute respiratory disstres syndrome (ARDS)
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- acute respiratory tract infection
- Acute, Akut, Cold Pack, Fraktur, Fracture, Kompres Dingin, Nyeri, Pain.
- Acuyoga
- Adaptasi
- Adaptation
- adaptation of new habits
- Adaptive
- Adaptive color interface
- Adaptive controller
- Adaptive filter
- adaptive gamma correction
- adaptive histogram equalization
- Adaptive learning algorithm
- Adaptive network-based fuzzy
- Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
- Adaptive optics (AO)
- Adaptive PID
- Adaptive search window
- Adaptive smooth variable structure filter
- Addiction
- addictive behavior
- Adding Value to Business
- Additive manufacturing
- Additive; Dynamic Harmonic Regression
- adekuasi
- adenovirus vaccine
- adequacy factors
- Adherence
- Adherence level
- Adjacent error
- ADL index Elderly Emergency Department ISAR scale Outcomes
- Administration practice
- administrative (SG&A) costs; Sticky cost behavior
- administrative and general expenses
- Administrative Fees
- Admission
- Admission rate
- Admissions Outcome Children Adolescents Infections
- Admit
- Adolescence
- adolescence; potentially-risk environment; strategy
- Adolescent
- adolescent deviant reproductive health behavior; theory of planned behavior; qualitative
- Adolescent Girls
- adolescent; adolescent reproductive health; knowledge
- adolescent; anemia; knowledge; nutrition education
- Adolescents
- Adoption
- adrenal insufficiency, interleukin-1
- Adult
- Adult basic life support
- Advanced cancer
- Advanced encryption standard
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Advanced encryption standard algorithm
- Advanced level education
- Advanced life support
- adverse effects
- Adverse events
- Adverse outcome
- Adverse outcomes
- Adversity Quotient
- Advertisements
- Advertising
- Aedes Aegypti
- Aedes aegypti, biolarvasida, daun, tanaman.
- Aedes sp
- aerobic exercise
- AES Algorithm
- affective
- Affective commitment
- Affective supervisor commitment
- affiliation with a reputable public accounting firm
- Affinity Propagation
- affluent and penurious
- Africa
- African
- African Federation for Emergency Medicine resources for managing COVID-19 in low resourced settings
- African Federation of Emergency Medicine (AFEM)
- African Journal of Emergency Medicine
- African Leaves
- After-hours care
- Ag / AgCl Electrode
- agama
- age
- Age estimation
- Age; Educational Level
- aged 6-12 months; exclusive breasfeeding of infants; infants
- Aged 65+
- agency cost; financial performance
- Agency theory; Debt; Earnings management
- agency theory; family control; firm value
- Agency theory; financial characteristics
- Agile
- Aging
- aging males’ symptoms scale
- Aging worker
- Agonal breathing
- Agreement
- agresivitas
- Agricultural workers
- agriculture
- Agrikultur
- Aho-Corasick algorithm
- AHP Algoritm
- AI
- AI-based products
- Air ambulances
- air cucian beras
- Air Kelapa muda
- Air Minum Isi Ulang
- Air Pollution
- Air quality
- air susu ibu
- Airbnb
- Airborne bacteria
- Airborne exposure
- airborne fungi
- Airborne particles
- aircraft
- Aircraft Autopilot
- Airflow Diaphragm
- Airline promotion
- Airway
- Airway Equipment Emergency Resuscitation
- Airway extubation
- Airway Jaw thrust Lubo cervical collar, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Patency
- Airway management
- Airway management Intubation Cervical collar Spinal motion restriction Lubo
- Airway obstruction
- Akaike information criterion
- Akseptor, IUD
- Aktifitas Fisik dan Hipertensi
- Aktifitas Sehari-Hari
- aktivitas
- Aktivitas Belajar
- aktivitas fisik
- Aktivitas Fisik, Kanker Payudara, Kualitas Hidup
- Aktivitas Kewirausahaan
- aktivitas sehari hari
- Aktualisasi Diri
- Akuntabilitas
- akuntabilitas administrasi
- Akuntan Publik
- akuntansi
- Akuntansi Berbasis Akrual
- Akuntansi Pertanggungjawaban
- Akupresur
- Akupresur, Akupresur untuk laktasi, Menyusui, Produksi ASI
- Akupresure
- Akurasi
- Al-doped ZnO
- Alarm system
- Alaska
- alat kontrasepsi
- Alat Pelindung Diri
- Alat Pengukuran
- albumin
- Alcohol
- alcohol content
- alcoholics
- Aldrete Score
- Alergi
- Alexithymia
- AlexNet
- algorithm
- algoritm C4.5
- Algoritma AHP
- Algoritma Apriori
- Algoritma Best First Search
- Algoritma C.45
- Algoritma C4.5
- algoritma electre
- Algoritma Floyd Warshall
- Algoritma K-Means Clustering
- Algoritma K-Medoids, Algoritma K-Means
- Algoritma Naive Bayes
- Algoritma Naïve Bayes, Discretization
- Algoritma Rute Terpendek
- Algortima Apirori
- algortima genetika
- AlInN/AlN/GaN
- allergy
- Allometry
- Aloevera
- Alokasi Dana
- alpha-thalassemia
- Alpha+ miner
- Alternatif
- Alternative Feed
- Alternative investments
- Alternative medicine, breast cancer
- Alternative pathways
- altitude
- altman z-score
- Aluminum
- alveolar
- Alzheimer
- Alzheimer’s diagnosing
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Amazigh language
- Ambiguous
- Ambulance
- Ambulance care
- Ambulance nurse
- ambulance personnel
- Ambulance service
- Ambulance staff
- Ambulances
- Ambulances, Nursing
- amg8833
- amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ammonia
- Ammonia detection
- amniotic membrane
- Amniotic membrane transplantation
- Amplifier
- Amplify-and-forward
- Amputation
- An audio file
- Anaemia
- anaerobic exercise
- Anak
- Anak BALITA, Gizi Kurang, MODISCO, Susu Formula-75.
- Anak BALITA, Stunting, Empat Bintang
- Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
- Anak berkebutuhan khusus, kecemasan, orang tua
- Anak berkebutuhan khusus, Orang tua, Strategi koping.
- Anak Pra Sekolah,
- anak prasekolah
- Anak prasekolah, deteksi dini
- anak sekolah dan perawatan kehamilan.
- Anak sekolah dasar, covid 19
- anak sekolah, karies gigi, status gizi
- Anak tunagrahita, efikasi diri, motivasi ibu.
- anak usia 6-18, asma, kualitas hidup.
- anak usia dini
- Anak Usia Pra-sekolah, Usia Pra-sekolah.
- Anak Usia Sekolah
- Anak Usia Sekolah, Konsentrasi Belajar, Senam otak
- anak usia sekolah, kualitas hidup, thalasemia
- anak usia sekolah, kualitas tidur, konsentrasi belajar.
- Anak-anak
- Anak, ASI Eksklusif, Stunting
- anak, autism spectrum disorder, komunikasi, musik, terapi
- Anak, Berkebutuhan Khusus
- Anak, Demam, Kualitas Tidur, Terapi Musik
- Anak, disabilitas intelektual
- Anak, kanker, nyeri kronis
- anak, kesehatan mental, pandemi COVID-19, remaja
- anak, MP-ASI, nutrisi, pemberian makan.
- anak; autisme; dukungan sosial; orangtua.
- Anak; ibu; masalah gizi kronis; pengetahuan.
- Anak. Febris
- anal neoplasms
- Analgesia
- Analisa deskriptif
- Analisis biaya
- Analisis iLingkungan iEksternal
- Analisis iLingkungan iinternal
- analisis input-output
- Analisis Jaringan Kerja
- analisis rasio
- Analisis Sentimen
- Analog circuit
- Analysis
- analysis quantitative kidney failure; completeness of inpatient; medical record documents
- analysis; intervention; prevention; stunting
- Analyst forecast error
- Analytical chemistry method
- Analytical hierarchy process
- Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
- Analytical reporting limit
- Analytics
- ANC scale
- ANC visits compliance
- Ancillary services
- Ancylostomiasis
- and collect data quickly
- and Company Value.
- and Development
- and MSME financial performance
- and risk of infection
- Android
- Android Portable Cashier
- Android security
- Android Studio
- Android-based
- Anemia
- Anemia Ibu Hamil
- Anemia, Biskuit kelor (Bi-Kelor), ibu hamil
- anemia; adolescent females; nutrition eduaction media; snakes and ladders game
- anemia; beetroot; beta vulgaris l; haemoglobin
- anemial
- Aneroid
- Anestesi General
- Anestesi Regional
- Anestesi Spinal
- Anestesi Spinal, Karakteristik Responden.
- anestesi tulang belakang
- anestesi umum
- aneurysm
- ANFIS controller
- Anger
- anggaran
- Anggaran Biaya
- Angklung
- Angle
- Angle estimation
- Anglesite
- Angular homogeneity
- angular pregnancy
- Animal attack Bull Dental trauma
- Animal hospital
- animal model
- animasi, cuci tangan
- Anisotropic diffusion
- ANOH(Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene)
- anomalous sound
- anomaly detection
- Anopheles Larvae
- Anopheles sp.
- Ansietas
- Ant colony
- Ant colony optimization
- Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
- Ant-colony
- Antenatal Care
- Antenna
- Antenna array
- Antenna arrays
- Antenna design
- Antenna measurements
- Antenna Microstrip
- Anthropometry
- Anthropomorphic
- anti nyamuk
- Anti-aliasing
- Anti-fatigue
- Antibacteria
- Antibacterial
- antibacterial; diffusion; dilution; fraction; kitolod; staphylococcus aureus
- Antibiotik
- Antibiotik, Mahasiswa, Resistensi, Swamedikasi.
- antibodies
- Anticoagulants
- antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- antioxidant compounds; moringa leaves; moisturizing gel lotion; pineapple fruit
- antioxidant; fatigue; lactic acid; onion dayak
- Antipiretik
- Antisosial, prososial, remaja.
- Antlion optimization algorithm
- Anxiety
- Anxiety disorder
- Anxiety Level
- anxiety level; elderly; quality of life in the elderly
- Anxiety, Death
- anxiety; communities affected; finger hypnotic therapy
- anxiety; covid-19; hypertension
- anxiety; five finger therapy; patients with chronihyc pertension
- anxiety; post covid-19; offline learning; student of nursing
- anxiety; pre hernia surgery; dhikr psychoreligious therapy
- AoA localization
- Apache Kafka HAR
- Apache Spark Streaming
- APBN; capital market reactions; event studies; financial accounting
- Apk
- Aplikasi berbasi android golden 1000
- Aplikasi Chatting
- aplikasi e-voting
- Aplikasi Mobile
- Aplikasi Parkir
- Aplikasi Pembayaran SPP
- Aplikasi Pencarian
- Aplikasi presentasi bisnis
- Aplikasi Web
- Aplikasi, Neural Network, Tanda Tangan.
- Apnea hypopnea index
- Apodization
- Apotek
- Appendicitis Clinical characteristics HIV-infection Histopathology Outcomes
- appetite
- appetite; children; tui na massage
- APPJI Android Applications
- Appliances
- Application layer
- Application Mobile Health
- application of health protocols
- Application unit
- Application, Neural Network, Signature
- application; malaria; mobfabria; mapping
- Applications
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), perkembangan kognitif, anak autis
- applied games
- Approximation
- Apriori
- Apriori algorithm
- AQM BBO algorithm
- Aquaculture
- aqueous extract; anemia; iron; snake fruit seed; vitamin c
- Arabic digits
- Arabic language
- arachnoid cysts
- Arc fault protection
- Archepelago clustering
- ARDL method; Bond Return
- ARDL model; asymmetric effect
- Arduino
- Arduino board
- Arduino H2/H∞ robust control
- Arduino IDE
- Arduino Microcontrolle
- Arduino Microcontroller
- Arduino Uno
- Ardusub
- Area control error
- Area detection
- Arithmetic operations
- Aritmia, detak jantung, decision tree, K Nearest Neighbor
- ARN band
- Arnold cat map
- Arnold’s cat map
- aroma terapi lemon
- Aromareapi Jahe, Nyeri, Post Sectio Caesarea.
- aromaterapi citronella oil, kualitas tidur, bayi
- Aromaterapi inhalasi; Kecemasan; Hemodialisis
- Aromaterapi Lavender
- Aromaterapi lavender, dismenore, remaja
- aromaterapi mawar
- Aromaterapi peppermint
- Aromaterapi, Mahasiswa, Manajemen Stress
- Aromaterapi; Kelelahan; Hemodialisa
- Aromatherapy
- aromatherapy essential oil; liniment syzygium aromaticum L.
- Array antenna
- Arrhythmia, heart rate, decision tree, K Nearest Neighbors
- Art workers
- Article Quality
- Artifcial respiration
- artificial
- Artificial bee colony algorithm
- Artificial Intelegence
- artificial intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Parking, Scanning
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Parkir, Scanning
- artificial intelligence, keperawatan kritis
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning
- Artificial neural network
- artificial neural network (ANN)
- Artificial neural networks
- Artificial speech
- Artificial speech detection
- Artificial stone
- Artificial Stone Benchtop Industry
- artificial stone work
- artisanal and small-scale
- Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM)
- Arus kas laba
- Arus Kas Operasi
- Asam Sitrat
- Asam Urat
- asas kemandirian
- asbestos
- Asbestos-related disorders
- Asbestosis
- ASD behavior
- ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
- ASEAN; Digital banking; Banking financial performance
- Aset tetap
- Asfiksia
- ASGM areas
- asi (breast milk); hypnobreastfeeding; postpartum mothers
- ASI Ekskluif
- ASI eksklusif
- ASI Eksklusif, Ibu Bayi, Keberhasilan
- ASI Eksklusif, MPASI
- ASI Perah, freezer lemari pendingin,
- ASI, Pijat Oksitosin
- Asia
- Asia Tenggara, Depresi, Faktor, Remaja
- Asia-pacific
- asia; children under five; household air pollution; metaanalysis
- Asma Bronkial
- aspect extraction
- aspect-based sentiment analysis
- aspergillus
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- aspirin
- Assembling
- Assessment
- Asset pricing, Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, Idiosyncratic tail risk
- Asset Revaluation; Dividend Policy
- asset turnover
- assistance to prevent stunting; modules; stunting; training
- Assistance-missions
- Assisted diagnosis
- Assistive mobility
- Association rule mining (ARM)
- association rules
- Associative switching
- asthma
- Asuhan
- Asuhan Kebidanan
- Asuhan Keperawatan
- Asuhan keperawatan anak
- Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga
- Asuhan keperawatan, Gangguan Persepsi Sensori, Halusinasi Pendengaran
- Asuhan komprehensif
- Asuhan sayang ibu
- asupan gizi
- Asupan nutrisi
- Asupan zat gizi
- Asymmetric GARCH; Generalized error distribution
- Asymmetric; EGARCH; Volatility Spillover.
- Asymmetry
- Asynchronous machine
- AT mega328 Microcontroller
- Ata Zuyan
- Atlet
- Atmosfer Kenyamanan Toko
- Atmosphere
- Atoll 3.3.0
- atraumatic care
- Atrial fibrillation Tanzania Emergency Centre Sub-Saharan Africa
- atrial septal defect
- Attack classification
- Attack recognition
- Attendance
- Attendance Democratic Republic of Congo Emergency centre Epidemiology
- Attentional bias toward safety
- Attenuation factor
- Attitude
- Attitude of Nurses
- attitude teenagers
- attitude toward co-branded product
- attitude toward entrepreneurship
- attitude toward using
- attitude towards the purchase
- attitude; covid-19; family; knowledge
- Attitudes
- Aturan Assosiasi
- Audacity
- Audio steganography
- Audio streaming
- Audio watermarking
- Audio-driven articulation
- Audiometric test
- Audiovisual
- Audit
- audit committee
- audit quality
- audit committee; the independence of the board of commissioners
- audit delay
- audit delays
- audit fee , audit tenure
- Audit fees
- audit opinion
- audit quality
- audit quality (big four KAP)
- Audit Quality, Firm Size,
- audit report lag
- Audit technology
- Audit Tenure
- auditing
- auditing service
- auditor switching
- Auditor independence
- auditor reputation
- auditor specialization
- auditor switching
- Auditory stimulation
- Augmented reality
- augmented realty
- Augmented-Reality, Baliho, MAP,
- Augmented-Reality, Billboards, MAP,
- Authentication
- Authentication integrity
- Authentication methods
- Author name disambiguation
- Autism
- Auto Matic Teller Machine (ATM)
- auto-encoder
- Autocalibration
- autoimmunity
- automated tomato maturity grading
- Automatic channel selection
- Automatic ear detection
- Automatic speaker recognition system
- Automatic transmission gearbox
- automation
- Automatized staff recall system
- Automotive and Components
- Automotive assembly line
- Automotive industry
- Autonomic nervous system
- Autonomous robot
- Autonomous vehicles
- Autonomy
- autoregressive distributed lag
- Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
- Autoregressive integrated moving average
- Autoregressive neural network
- Availability
- availability path planning
- availability-requirement
- Average channel capacity
- Average delay
- Average Linkage
- Average symbol error rate
- Aviation
- Aviation Industry; Firm Performance
- Aviation’s Aerotoxic Syndrome
- avocado cardiovascular; endothelial dysfunction mufa; obesity
- Awareness
- Awareness Attitude Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Basic life support (BLS) Students
- awareness raising
- AWS lambda
- Axial ratio
- Axial ratio (AR)
- Axle shel
- Azjen
- Ba2Li2Si2O7:Eu2+
- BAB, BAK, Batita
- Baby Massage
- Baby Massage, Baby Gym
- Baby Shop
- baby; common cold massage; cough; toddler
- Baca
- back massage therapy; elderly; low back pain; pain
- Back pain
- Back propagation neural networks
- back rolling massage, post partum, ASI
- Back wire
- back-propagation
- Background; Compensation; Fixed asset revaluation; Leverage
- Backpropagation
- Backpropagation Algorithm
- Backtracking search algorithm
- Backup storage
- bacteremia
- Bacteria
- Bacteria foraging optimization algorithm
- Bacterial infections
- bacterial typing techniques
- bag craft MSMEs
- Bagan Warna Daun
- Bahan
- Bahan ajar, camscanner, google drive
- Bahan Makanan Lokal
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Bahasa Melayu Pontianak
- Bahasa Melayu Sambas
- bahaya pernikahan dini
- Bahrain
- Bakery
- Bakso
- Bakteri
- Bakteri Koliform
- Balance
- Balanced
- Balanced clusters
- Balanced Scorecard
- baldrige
- Balinese dance
- Balinese palm leaf manuscript
- Balita
- balita, case control, faktor determinan, stunting
- Balita, Determinan Faktor Proksimal, Stunting
- Balita, Perkusi dan vibrasi, Pengeluaran Sputum, ISPA.
- ballistic projectile
- bamboo leaf tea; leptin; metabolic syndrome; obesity; wistar
- Bamboo stick
- Band notched
- Band pass filter
- Band width
- Band width enhancement
- Band-pass
- Band-pass filter
- Bandlimited deconvolution
- Bandpass filter
- Bandstop filter
- Bandwide Filter
- Bandwidth management
- Bandwidth slice
- Bangkok
- Bangla news Bangla text classification
- Bangla sign language (BSL)
- banjir
- bank competition
- Bank finance
- Bank Health Ratio; Profitability
- bank lending; bank performance; bank soundness
- bank liquidity; market power
- Bank Margin; Fintech; Commercial Bank
- bank performance
- Bank performance; Competition; Efficiency; Risk
- Bank Performance; Diversity
- Bank Performance; Executive Compensation
- Bank size; Credit risk; Equity capital; Inflation; Loan to deposit
- Bank Size; Credit Risk; Liquidity Risk
- bank stability, bank z score, GM
- Bank Syariah, ROA
- bank-firm relationships
- bank-specific factors
- Bank’s performance; Boardroom; Gender diversity; Two-tier; Woman
- Banking
- banking digital transformation
- banking digitalization
- banking sector
- Banking stress test; credit risks; COVID-19
- Banking Waivers; Covid-19 pandemic
- Banking; Indonesia; Labor force; Regional economic growth
- Bankruptcy
- bankruptcy, logistic regression
- Banks
- Barakah risk premium; Barakah return
- Barber Jhonson
- Barcode scanner
- Barometric
- Barriers
- Barriers to entry
- Base excess
- Base station height
- Baseline
- Basic life support
- Basic health care/family
- basic immunization; cadres; toddlers
- Basic life support (BLS) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Education Low-resource Developing countries
- Basic life support applications
- basic occupational health services
- basic occupational health services provided
- Basin material
- Basin radius
- BaSO4
- BAT algorithm
- Batak
- Batang Kecombrang
- batik art, culture, motifs, multimedia
- Battery
- Battery storage
- Battery storage unit
- Batu kapur
- Batuk
- Batuk Pilek
- Baudot-Murray code
- Baum Welch algorithm
- Baum-Welch algorithm
- bay leaf decoction; gout arthritis; therapy warm compresses
- Bayesian Kernel machine regression (BKMR)
- Bayi
- bayi 0-6 bulan
- Bayi Balita
- Bayi Baru Lahir
- Bayi Berat Badan Rendah (BBLR)
- Bayi berat lahir rendah
- Bayi berat lahir rendah, ibu hamil, low birth weight
- bayi dan balita, evaluasi kinerja kader, kader posyandu
- bayi lahir, asfiksia.
- Bayi Prematur
- Bayi Usia 3-6 Bulan
- Bayi, Imunisasi, Metode Harvey 5S, Respon nyeri.
- Bayi, Imunisasi, Pengelolaan Nyeri, Respon Nyeri.
- BB84 protocol
- Beach
- Beach lifeguards
- Beam steering
- Beamforming
- Beasiswa
- Beban kerja
- beban kerja fisik
- Beban Kerja Mental
- Beban Kerja; Stress; Perawat.
- beban, keluarga sebagai caregiver
- Beer-Lambert law
- behavior
- behavior algorithm
- Behavior Intention (BI), layanan ojek online, PLS-SEM, UTAUT2
- Behavior Intention (BI), taxibike service online, PLS-SEM, UTAUT2
- behavior; caring nurse; child patient; hospitalization; nurse
- behavioral finance
- Behavioral Finance; Financial Literacy; Founder's Behavior
- behavioral intention
- behavioral intention to use
- Behaviour observation instrument
- Behaviour Skill Model
- Behavioural finance
- Behavioural intention
- Belanja Daerah
- Belanja Modal, Temuan Audit
- Belief adjustment; Invesment decision
- Beliefs
- Bell’s Palsy
- bencana
- Benchmark dose
- Benchmark simulation model (BSM)
- Benchmarking
- bendiocarb
- Bendungan ASI
- Bendungan, ASI
- Benefit function
- benefit offered; customer experience
- benefit, cost,
- Benefits
- Beneish M-Score
- Bengkulu
- benign prostate hyperplasia
- Benzene
- Bequest; Culture; Customs; Financial Plan; Life Insurance
- Beras
- beras kencur; breast milk; traditional herbal medicine
- Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir
- berat lahir rendah (bblr)
- Berbasis Web
- Berita Hoax
- berjalan, hipertensi, tekanan darah.
- Bermain
- Bernardino Ramazzini
- Bersihan Jalan Napas Tidak Efektif
- berwujud/bukti fisik
- besaran modal
- best practices
- Best-worst method
- Beta; Covid-19; Index; JCI; Return
- Beverage container
- BI dashboard
- bias kognitif
- Biaya makan
- Biaya Produksi
- Biaya Servis dan Kepuasan Pelanggan
- Bibliographic coupling
- Bibliographic data
- Bibliometric
- Bibliometric analysis
- Bibliometrics
- bicornuate uterine
- Bicycle Injury
- bidan praktik mandiri
- Bidan, Dukun
- Bidara Arab
- Bidirectional
- Bidirectional optical fiber
- BIFRED (boost integrated flyback rectifier energy storage DC-DC) converter
- Big data
- Big data Keras
- Biji Mahoni
- Biji Mahoni, Kadar Air, Skrining Fitokimia
- Bilateral contract transaction direct method
- Bilateral control
- Bilayer graphene
- Bill payment
- Bimodal
- Binarization
- Binary
- Binary coded decimal
- Binary image learning
- Binary linear block code
- Binary to excess -1 convertor
- Bingka Manis
- Bio-inspired
- Bio-nano composite
- Biological exposure indices
- Biological exposure monitoring
- Biological monitoring
- Biology
- Biomarker
- Biomarkers
- Biomass
- biomechanical evaluation
- Biomedical
- Biomedical application
- Biomedical computing
- Biometric
- Biometric authentication
- Biometric security systems
- Biometrics
- Biometrik
- Biomonitoring
- BioNLP
- Birokrasi, Optimalisasi
- Birth Ball Exercise
- birth ball; delivery; fear of childbirt
- birth weight
- birthball; comparison of counterpressure; facing labor
- bisnis digital
- Bisnis Perempuan
- Bit error rate
- Bit independence criteria
- Bit overhead
- Bit stream sequence
- Bitcoin
- Bitrate
- Bitter Black Honey
- Bitumen
- Bivariate Regression
- Black Glutinous Snack Bar Tape
- Blacksoap®
- bladder exstrophy
- Blast
- Blast injury
- Blaxbox Testing
- BLE iBeacon
- bleeding
- Blended cloud removal model
- blended education
- Blended Learning
- Blended method
- Blobs
- Block dividing
- Blockchain
- Blockchain IoT
- Blockchain protocol
- Blockchain technology
- Blocking block area
- Blocking probability
- Blog
- blood coagulation disorder
- blood coagulation factors
- Blood cultures
- blood donors
- Blood exposure Blood body fluid exposure Occupational blood exposure Needlestick injuries South Africa Emergency Medical Service Providers Paramedics
- Blood gas analysis
- blood glucose
- blood lactic acid level
- blood pressure
- Blood Pressure, Complementary Therapy, Hypertension
- blood pressure; hypertension; progressive muscle relaxation
- blood pressure; hypertension; walking
- blood sugar levels
- Blood Transfusion Mortality Rwanda LMIC Emergency Anemia Hemoglobin
- blood vessel tumor
- Blood Washing Maintenance
- Bloodstream infection
- Blowfish algorithm
- Blueprint
- Bluethooth
- Bluetoot
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth low energy
- Bluff body
- Blunt abdominal trauma Operative Non-operative management Solid organs
- Blynk
- BME280
- Board
- Board Characteristic; Cost Efficiency; Environmental Analysis
- Board characteristics; Board size; Corporate
- board of commissioners
- Board of commissioners; Independent
- Board of directors
- Board of Directors; Director's Education
- board of independent commissioners
- board reputation
- board size
- Bobot
- Body image
- body mass index
- body mass index; estimated fetal weight; three pregnant women
- Body Massage
- Body Shaming
- Body shaming, Remaja, Self Esteem
- Body Temperature
- body weight; canna; catfish; protein-energy deficiency; red bean
- Body weights
- Boiled Eggs
- Bolzano method
- Bond Rating, Return on Assets
- Bonded logistics centers
- Bonding
- Bonds
- Bone density
- Bone marrow biopsy
- bone quality
- bone substitute
- boneka tangan
- Booklet
- boost
- Boost converter
- Bootstrap
- Boraks
- borax
- Borrowing
- Bot creation
- Botswana Revised trauma score Trauma Trauma admission Trauma outcome
- Boundary control
- Boundary delineation
- Boyer-Moore
- BPJS mandiri
- BPMN, BPI, analisis proses bisnis
- BPMN, BPI, business process analysis
- Bragg’s reflector
- Brain computed tomography scan
- Brain computer interface
- Brain death
- Brain Gym
- Brain Gym; Kecemasan; Anak; Usia Pra Sekolah
- Brain injury
- Brain MRI
- Brain trauma
- Brain tumor
- brain wave
- Brain waves
- brain-computer interface
- Brain-controller wheelchair
- Brand
- brand affection
- brand attachment
- Brand attitude
- brand awareness
- Brand Awareness dan Strategi Pemasaran.
- brand commitment
- Brand concept consistency
- brand credibility
- Brand equity
- brand experience
- Brand extension
- brand identity
- Brand Image
- brand love
- brand loyalty
- Brand name
- brand passion
- brand personality
- Brand positioning
- brand satisfaction
- brand trust
- Brazil
- Brazilian Municipality
- Breakdown script
- Breakdown sheets
- breast cancer
- breast cancer survivors; empowerment; optimism; whatsapp group
- Breast Care.
- Breast imaging reporting and Data system
- breast milk
- breast milk; bangun-bangun leaf; coleus amboinicus lour
- breast milk; carica papaya L; papaya
- breast milk; carica papaya; papaya fruit
- breast milk; woolwich massage; rolling back massage
- breast neoplasm
- breast-cancer
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding mothers
- breastfeeding preparation
- breastfeeding problems
- breastfeeding success.
- breastfeeding; corona virus-19; health educational virtual; indonesia
- brevet training
- Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory
- Brillouin scattering
- Broadband
- Broadband antenna
- bronchus
- Bronkopneumonia
- Broselow tape PAWPER tape Paediatric weight estimation
- Brown-spot
- Brunei
- Brushless DC motor
- BSESN; COVID-19; DXY; GARCH; Gold; Spillover; SSE; Volatility
- BSL word dataset
- BTA Sputum
- buah Bit
- Bubble CPAP
- buccal
- buck
- Buck converter
- budaya
- Budaya Kerja
- Budaya Organisasi
- Budget Deficit Policy; External Debt
- Budget gaming; Budget value
- Budget Plan
- Budget-based bonus; Budget emphasis
- Budgetary Goal Characteristics
- Budgetary Goal Clarity
- Budgetary Goal Difficulty
- Budgetary Participation
- Budgeting
- Buerger Allen Exercise
- Buffer layers
- building forward
- Building our Community of Practice
- Building-related intolerance
- BUKU 1; BUKU 2; Bank
- Buku KIA
- Buku saku
- Bulgaria
- Bulk Cooking Oil
- Bullying, Intervensi, Pencegahan, Sekolah.
- Bullying, Kesejahteraan psikologis, Remaja
- Bulukumba
- Bundle VAP , Compliance, Intensive Care Unit
- bunuh diri, remaja, bulying,
- Bupivacaine
- Burden
- Burden of Disease and Injury
- Burden of metabolic diseases in Indonesia
- Bureaucratic control
- Buried object
- Burn Injury Clinical Outcome Burn prognosis Injury Scoring System
- Burnout
- Burnout syndrome
- Burnout, Kejenuhan kerja, Perawat.
- Burns Palliative care Futility Giving bad news
- Buruh
- Bus door identification
- bus driver
- business
- Business Continuity
- Business customer experience
- Business cycle
- business cycle synchronization
- Business Cycle, Price-cost Margin
- Business Development
- business economy
- business environment
- Business Intelligence
- business models
- Business organization
- business performance
- Business process
- Business process model
- business sustainability
- Busy Board; CEO; Corporate Governance
- busy directors; board of commissioner
- Butler matrix
- buyback interest
- buying decision
- Buying interest
- By-product
- By-product, Material safety data sheet, Photoresist, Semiconductor, Trade secret
- bystander; cardiac arrest; cardiac pulmonary recucitation (cpr)
- C-reactive protein
- C-shape resonant
- C4.5
- Ca2La2BO6.5:Pb2+
- Ca5B2SiO10:Eu3+
- CAB Abstracts
- CaCO3
- Cadmium
- Cadre Empowerment
- cadres
- Cadres and Pregnant Women
- Caesarean section
- CaF2
- CaGa2S4:Mn2+
- CaLaB3O7:Ce3+,Mn2+
- Calibration
- Calibration Compliance of medical devices
- Calibration Procedures
- calibrator
- Calon Pengantin
- Camera-based depth control
- Cameroon Emergency center Patient database
- Campus Network
- Canadian salmon aquaculture
- cancer
- Cancer detection
- cancer genetic database
- Cancer incidence
- cancer pain, complementary intervention
- Cancers
- Cannabis
- Canny edge detection
- Canny edge detection Hough transform
- Canopy cover
- Canteen
- Canteen at workplace
- Canva
- Capability
- Capability index
- Capability level
- Capacitance
- capacity building
- Capacity efficiency
- Capacity needs
- Capacity planning
- CAPD; Homecare Nursing; Dialysis; Training.
- Capillary refll time
- capital expenditures
- Capital adequacy
- capital adequacy ratio; non-performing loans; safety threshold
- capital asset pricing model
- Capital Asset Pricing Model; Dimson beta, Sharpe Ratio
- capital expenditure
- capital expenditure; systematic risk; Tobin’s q
- capital intensity
- Capital Structure
- Capital Structure, Current Ratio
- Capital structure; Coal prices; Foreign ownership
- Capital Structure; Debt Financing
- Capital structure; Debt to asset ratio
- Capital Turnover Efficiency
- CAPM; Sharia-based stocks
- Capsule antenna
- Captopril Hypertensive urgency Sudan Blood pressure Clinical outcome
- Car painters
- Carbon disulphide poisoning
- carbon monoxide
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Carcinogen
- Carcinogens
- card domino
- Cardiac arrest
- cardiac catheterization
- Cardiac compression Fatigue Mechanic compression device Prehospital cardiac arrest Prehospital healthcare professionals
- cardiac surgery
- Cardio pulmonary resuscitation CPR
- Cardiology service
- cardiometabolic
- cardiometabolic risk
- cardiometabolic syndrome
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), COVID -19, Guidelines, Intervention.
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Basic life support Learning Mannequin Low cost Low resources
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR Training Knowledge Perceptions
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Training QCPR Conventional manikins Effectiveness
- cardiovascular
- cardiovascular autonomic disorders
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cardiovascular diseases
- cardiovascular risk
- Cardiovascular risk factors
- care , kualitas audit
- Care for Hajj Pilgrims
- Care pathway
- Career abandonment intention
- career commitment
- Career Development
- career interest as a tax consultant
- career motivation
- career opportunities
- Caregiver
- Caregiver burden
- Caregivers
- Caregiving
- Caring
- Caring encounter
- caring perawat
- carotid artery
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Carring perawat
- Case Folding
- case management
- case report
- case reports
- Case studies; Sepsis; Treatment.
- Case-control studies
- Case-control study
- Caseecontrol study
- Cash Basis.
- Cash Flow Shenanigans
- Cash flow; Financially constrained
- Cash Holding
- Cash Receipt
- Cashback
- Cashless
- Catatan Harian
- catechin; gambir; obesity
- catheterization
- Catin
- Cause and effect model
- Cause of death
- Causes
- Cavity
- Cayene Application
- Cctv
- CD8+ T cell exhaustion
- Celebrity Endorse
- celebrity endorser
- Cell performance
- cell selection
- cellular senescence
- cellulitis
- cemas
- Census transform
- Central Gas Monitoring
- Central monitor
- Centralized mechanism
- Centrifugal compressor
- Centrifuge
- CEO Compensation, CTA, Audit Quality
- CEO Narcissism; CEO Overconfidence
- Ceramah
- Cerebral palsy, stres, terapi thought stopping.
- Cerebrocardiovascular disease
- Cerita Pendek
- certification exam knowledge
- cervical cancer
- Cervical cancer diagnosis
- cervical cancer, gynekology oncology
- Cervical spinal cord injury
- Cesarean section
- CETR; Taxation; Tax Avoidance; Tax Risk; Uncertainty
- Chain fracture
- Challenges
- changing climate
- Changing workplace
- Channel
- Channel assignment
- Channel capacity loss
- Channel dimensions
- Channel estimation
- Channel length
- Channel spacing
- Channel state information
- Chaos
- Chaos synchronization
- Chaotic
- Chaotic maps
- Chaotic systems
- Character isolation
- Character recognition
- Characteristic matrix method Micro-cavity
- Characteristic polynomial
- characteristics; patient; urinary tract infection
- Charge controller
- Charge injection
- Charging
- Charlson comorbidity index
- Charter of patients’ rights
- Chat form
- Chatbot
- Chattering removal
- Chebyshev low pass filter prototype
- Checking application
- Checklists
- Chemical
- Chemical classification and labelling
- Chemical classification list
- Chemical intolerance
- chemical pesticides
- Chemical properties
- chemical risk
- Chemical safety
- Chemicals
- Chemistry
- chemokines
- chemotherapy
- Chen system
- Chess board graphs
- Chest computed tomography
- Chest pain
- Chest pain Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) Delayed presentation Qualitative study
- Chest pain center
- chest pain; psychoreligious therapy: murottal Al-Qur'an
- Chest radiograph
- Chest radiography
- Chest trauma
- Chest tubes Thoracostomy Clinical competence Intercostal drain Complications
- Chest X-Ray
- Chi-square distance
- chikungunya virus
- child
- Child abuse
- Child Act
- Child development
- Child education
- Child Growth Monitoring and Promotion
- Child health
- Child Labor
- Child-workers
- Childbearing
- Childhood Fever Febrile Primary healthcare Sub-Saharan Africa
- children
- Children encyclopedia
- Children with special needs
- Children, Effectiviness, Telenursing.
- Children, Intervention
- children; diarrhea; honey therapy
- children; hospitalization; music therapy; sleep quality
- children; nutritional status; menarche; obese
- children's pre-school; psychosocial development
- China
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Chip assembly
- Chitosan Nanoparticles
- chlorhexidine
- Chlorine
- Choi-Williams
- Choking
- cholecalciferol; lipid profile; obesity
- Cholesterol Levels
- cholesterol; elderly; gout
- Choosing Decisions
- Christchurch attack
- chronic energy deficiency
- Chronic kidney disease
- chronic kidney disease; inflammation; probiotic
- Chronic low back pain
- chronic myeloid leukemia
- chronic pain
- chronic renal failure; mouthwash; xerostomia; xylitol chewing gum
- Chronic respiratory symptoms
- Cigarettes
- Cikal bakal, Kader
- cinnamon; ginger; lemongrass; medicinal plants; onions; warm compresses
- Circle Patch DGS
- Circuit design
- Circular antenna
- Circular economy
- Circular geometry
- Circular polarization
- Circular-shaped antenna
- Circularly polarised (CP)
- ciri kerusakan jalan
- Cisco Packet Tracer
- Citation
- Citation analysis
- CiteFactor
- Citizen Science
- Citra
- Citra Kota Wisata.
- Citra Merek
- Citra Tanda Tangan
- Citra Wisata
- city branding
- Civitas Akademika
- Claim File Return
- Clan culture
- Clasification
- Class A amplifier
- Class weighting
- classification
- classification accuracy
- Classification algorithm
- Classification, KNN, k-fold cross validation
- classifier
- clean and healthy lifestyle; covid -19 pandemic; preschool children
- Cleaning Service
- cleaning workers
- cleft lip
- cleft palate
- Client
- Client-server communications
- Climate change
- Climate change adaptation
- Climate change Disaster preparedness Climate change adaptation Climate change resilience Emergency medicine
- Climate change Disasters Education Research Policy Climate-smart healthcare Resilience
- Climate change Global warming
- Climate change,
- Climate studies
- Climatic variables
- Clinic Accreditation Standards
- clinic; information system; outpatient; web
- Clinical assessment
- Clinical competence
- Clinical course
- Clinical decision
- Clinical decision support
- Clinical dementia rating
- Clinical effectiveness
- Clinical experiences
- clinical note
- Clinical nurses
- Clinical pharmacology
- Clinical practice guidelines
- Clinical presentation
- Clinical profile Renal failure Emergency department
- Clinical profile Trauma Emergency Injury Outcome
- Clinical Trial
- Clinical trials
- Clique
- Clock booster
- ClosinGap
- Clothing identification
- Cloud Accounting
- Cloud computer
- cloud computing
- Cloud computing security
- Cloud computing threats
- Cloud data security/privacy
- Cloud gaming
- Cloud monitoring
- Cloud resource management
- Cloud service
- Cloud virtualization
- Cloud-based control system
- Clouding
- Cluster
- Cluster based
- Cluster Comodity Bawang Merah
- Cluster head
- Cluster-based IR
- cluster, East Java
- Clustering
- Clustering Algorithm
- Clustering partition
- Clustering sampling method
- clustering, algoritma k-means
- Clustering, k-means
- clustering, k-means algorithm
- Clustering, Performa Siswa
- Clustering, performance of high school student
- Clustering; Housing prices; Regional growth
- Clutter reduction technique
- CNN layers
- CNNs
- CO
- Co-authorship network
- co-branding
- Co-channel
- Co-channel interference
- Co-driver
- Co-exposure
- Co-occurrence network
- Co-word analysis.
- CO2
- coaching
- Coagulation
- Coal mine
- Coal mining
- CoAP
- Cobit
- Cochrane Evidence-based medicine Resident doctors Residency training program Ethiopia
- cocreation value
- code accuracy; diagnosis; outpatient
- Code black
- Code Blue
- Code of ethics
- Code rate
- CodeIgniter
- Codenigter
- Codification
- Coding theory Error-correcting code
- coding; documentation; identification; retention; storage
- codon usage
- Coefficient of correlation
- Coffee Shop
- cognition
- Cognitive
- Cognitive abilities screening instrument
- Cognitive artificial intelligence
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Cognitive choice
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive dysfunction
- Cognitive function
- Cognitive impairment
- Cognitive radio
- Cognitive radio Empirical data
- Cognitive radio network
- Cognitive task
- Cognitivebehavioral
- Cohort study
- Coinhibitory receptors
- cointegration relationship
- colchicine
- cold environment
- colitis
- collaboration
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative health care model
- Collaborative learning
- Collaborative problem solving
- collagen
- colleague solidarity
- college
- college student; eating out; obesity; overweight
- College students
- Collegium Ramazzini Statement
- Collinear array
- Colombia
- Color filters
- Color homogeneity
- Color quality
- Color quality scale
- Color rendering index
- Color segmentation
- Color space
- Color uniformity
- colorectal cancer
- Colored noise
- Colour threshold
- Coma
- Combat injury
- Combat injuries Troops Counter terrorism Nigeria Intervention
- Combinatorial optimization
- Combining
- comfort; maryam method; primigravida; pain
- comma separated
- commercial driver
- commissioner; audit
- commissioner; leverage; tax avoidance
- commissioners and institutional ownership
- Commitment
- commitment; family function; family support; perception; tuberculosis
- Committee of Audit
- Common Cold
- Commonly occurring accidents
- Communication
- Communication security
- Communication skills
- communication skills; mother's
- communication skills; social-personal of children
- community
- Community emergency medicine
- Community Empowerment
- community income.
- Community-acquired pneumonia Predictors Mortality Rural Nigeria
- Commute time
- Compact
- Compactness
- companies
- company ethics
- company size
- Company Age
- Company age; Company size; Financial health
- company growth
- company performance
- company size
- company value
- Comparison
- Comparison of muscle activity and force applied
- Compassion fatigue
- Compassion satisfaction
- compensation
- compensation; completeness; consistency; diagnosis, informed consent; recording
- Compensation; Corporate Social Responsibility
- compensation; financial fraud
- Competence
- competence lecturer
- Competence; Arrogance; Good Corporate Governance
- Competency
- Competition
- Competition; Panzar Rosse
- competitive advantage
- competitive advantage
- Competitiveness
- Complementarity approach
- Complementary feed
- Complementary food to breast milk
- Complementary ring resonator
- Complementary split ring resonator
- Complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs)
- Complementary Therapies
- Complete Linkage
- complete pericardiectomy
- Complete synchronization
- Completeness
- Completeness Form Medical Resume
- Complex
- Complex permittivity
- Complex structures
- Complexity text mining
- Compliance
- Compliance to standard precautions
- compliance; coping mechanism
- complication
- complications
- Composite right/left-handed
- Composite Stock Price Index; Dynamic Conditional
- Composite Stock Price Index; Exchange Rate; VAR
- comprehensive income; firm value
- Compressed sensing
- Compression ratio
- Compression Ultrasonography
- Compressive sampling
- Compressive sensing
- Computational experiment
- Computational learning method
- Computational method
- Computational time
- Computed tomography
- computed tomography angiography
- computer self-efficacy
- Computer Forensic, File Signature
- Computer network
- Computer security
- Computer simulation technology
- Computer simulation technology (CST)
- Computer users
- Computer Vision
- COMSOL Multiphysics
- Comunication Channel Supply Chain
- Concealed weapon detection
- Concentration in environment
- Concentration Index
- Concept analysis
- Concept drift
- concept of business entity
- concrete vibrator
- Conditional Heteroskedasticity; Vector Autoregressive Model
- Conditional random fields
- Conditional variables
- Conference Africa Publication Barriers Dissemination
- Confict
- Confidentiality Of Medical Record
- Configuration
- Confined space
- Conflict
- Conflict Democratic Republic of Congo Firearm injury Pediatrics Survival
- Conflict management
- Conflict management style
- Conflict Settings
- Confusion Matrix
- Confusion Matrix for Multiple Classes
- Congenital anomalies
- congenital heart disease
- Congestion
- Congestion control
- Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
- Congruency
- Conjoint analysis
- conjugate vaccine
- Connaissance Evaluation Premiers secours Médecine
- Connectivity
- Consciousness disorders
- Consciousness factors
- Consensus protocols
- Consstunting among Indonesian toddlers
- Constipation
- Constraints
- constrictive pericarditis
- construction
- Construction industry
- Construction worker
- Construction workers
- Consultation
- Consumer
- consumer goods
- consumer behavior
- consumer buying interest
- consumer emotions
- Consumer expectation
- consumer experience
- Consumer motivation
- Consumer purchasing behavior
- Consumer trust
- Consumers purchasing decisions
- Consuming time
- consumption growth, household debt
- consumption of fruits and vegetables
- Consumption of growing up milk
- Consumption prediction
- contact dermatitis
- contact lenses
- Container codes recognition
- conten marketing
- Content analysis
- Content based image retrieval
- content marketing
- Content-based image retrieval
- Content-based image retrieval system
- Context-aware
- Context-Aware- Smart Home
- contextual design
- Contextual information
- contextual performance
- Contiki
- Continued fraction
- continuity of care
- Continuous conduction mode
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring
- continuous intention and intention to recommend
- Continuous medical education
- Continuous professional development
- Continuous speech
- Continuous wavelet transform
- Continuous-time (CT)
- Contour
- Contour evolution
- contraception
- Contrast
- Contrast correction
- Contrast enhancement
- Control
- control channel
- control measures
- Control of exposure
- Control quality
- Control system
- Control system engineering
- Controller
- Conventional distributed amplifier (CDA)
- Conventional insurance; Efficiency; Sharia insurance
- conventional word of mouth
- Conversion server
- Convex optimization
- convolution
- Convolution matrix
- Convolution neural network
- Convolutional networks
- Convolutional neural network
- convolutional neural network (CNN)
- convolutional neural network, hyperband
- convolutional neural networks
- Convolutional neuronal network
- Convolutional recurrent neural network
- Cooja
- Cooperation
- Cooperation with Customers
- Cooperative co-evolution
- Cooperative diversity
- Cooperative enterprises
- Coordination
- Coping
- coping mechanism
- Coping Skills
- Coping strategies
- coping strategy
- Copious airway secretion
- Coplanar waveguide
- Copy Writing
- Copyright protection
- cord blood
- Core model
- Corn
- cornea
- cornea transplantation
- corneal perforation
- Corona virus disease 2019
- Coronal slice
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronavirus
- Coronial data
- corporate governance
- Corporate culture; Islamic rural bank performance
- corporate failure, financial distress
- Corporate feeding-line
- Corporate financial performance
- corporate fraud
- Corporate governance
- corporate governance internal mechanism
- Corporate governance mechanism; Tax avoidance
- Corporate governance, profitability
- Corporate governance; Earnings management
- Corporate governance; Enterprise Risk Management
- corporate loyalty
- Corporate management
- Corporate Reports
- Corporate Reputation
- Corporate Secretary
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate social performance
- corporate social responsibility
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure
- Corporate Social Responsibility Spending; Initial Public
- corporate social responsibility; children; nutritional status
- corporate strategy
- Corps Staff
- corpus
- corpus callosum
- Correct recognition rate
- Correction
- Correctional officer
- Correctness
- Correlated color temperature
- Correlation
- Correlation coefficient
- Correlation OFDM
- Correlation-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (DCC-GARCH);
- Cortisol
- Cosine Similarity
- cost budgeting
- cost efficiency
- Cost function
- Cost implication
- Cost minimization
- cost of capital, growth
- Cost of debt
- Cost Structure
- Cost Volume Profit Method
- cotrimoxazole
- Cough and Cold Massage
- Counseling
- Counseling therapy
- Counterpressure
- Country of origin
- Couple therapy
- Coupled inductor
- Coupled-line
- Coupling matrix (CM)
- Coupling mechanisms
- Courage
- Courier safety
- Course Online Application Services, Courses, Training
- cover cylinder head
- Coverage
- Coverless steganography
- Covid 19
- covid 19; pandemic
- COVID-19
- Covid-19 Corona Blood Transfusion Trauma
- Covid-19 Coronavirus Trauma Lockdown Motor vehicle accidents Interpersonal violence
- COVID-19 detection
- COVID-19 Emergency care provider lived experiences South Africa
- COVID-19 Epidemiology Score Triage Trends
- Covid-19 Lockdown Alcohol Trauma Emergency Africa
- COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
- COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
- COVID-19 pandemic.
- COVID-19 South Africa Emergency District Negative
- COVID-19 vaccine
- COVID-19 wellness
- covid-19, efektivitas, kualitas hidup, telenursing.
- Covid-19, Hand Hygiene, Pengetahuan
- COVID-19, hypertension, medication, pandemi.
- Covid-19, Insecure, Psikologis, Remaja
- Covid-19, kader kesehatan, ibu hamil
- Covid-19, Kecemasan , Kuesioner, Pandemi.
- Covid-19, Kesehatan Mental, Mahasiswa, Pembelajaran Online
- covid-19, leukemia
- Covid-19, Pendidikan Kesehatan, Media leaflet, Pengetahuan.
- COVID-19, world oil prices
- covid-19; compliance factors; adolescent compliance with 3M
- Covid-19; Decision Tree; Indonesia; IPO underpricing
- Covid-19; Financial literacy
- COVID-19; GARCH; Gold; JCI; USD/IDR; Volatility
- covid-19; global financial crisis
- Covid-19; Job stress; Organizational commitment
- covid-19; maternity; nursing care; tele health
- COVID-19; nurses; PPE standards
- covid-19; pregnant women; theory of planned behavior; vaccination
- covid-19; satisfaction; student
- COVID-19; Sentiment
- COVID-19; stock return; day effect
- Covid-19: challenges
- covid-19.
- Covid19 pandemic
- Covid19; ESG Investment; Portfolio Diversification
- Coworker support
- Cowrie
- CP antenna
- CPW-fed monopole antenna
- Crack detection
- crash risk
- crawler
- Creatinine
- creative self-efficacy
- Creativity
- credit
- Credit Access, Households
- credit channel, Pool Mean Group
- credit risk
- Creditworthiness
- Crew Resource Management
- Cricoid cartilage
- Cricothyroid membrane
- Cricothyrotomy
- crime
- Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19
- Criminal economics
- Crises in tourism
- Crisis
- Crisis COVID 19
- Crisis preparedness
- Critical applications
- Critical care
- critical illness
- Critical incidents
- Critical mass
- Critical Path Method (CPM)
- Critically ill
- Critics
- Crops
- Cross country study; GMM system
- Cross coupling (CC)
- Cross-cultural adaptation
- Cross-cultural analysis
- Cross-culture
- Cross-listing
- Cross-sectional
- Cross-sectional study
- cross-sectional weight
- cross-sectional; patient satisfaction; service quality
- Crowding
- Crowdsourcing
- Cryopreservation laboratories
- Cryptanalyst
- Cryptocurrency
- Cryptocurrency Digital mining
- Cryptocurrency, emas
- Cryptographic algorithms
- Cryptography
- Crystal
- CS
- csi; gap; pharmaceutical installation; the level of satisfaction
- CSR dimensions
- CSR Disclosure; Accounting Conservatism; Earnings Quality
- CSR Disclosure; Earnings Quality; GCG Mechanism; Stock Return.
- CSR; GCG; Islamic banking Performance
- CST microwave studio
- CST software
- CT scan
- CT scans Polytrauma Level 1 trauma centre
- cubic polynomial equation
- Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun
- Cuci Tangan, Pengetahuan, Promosi Kesehatan, Sikap, Siswa.
- Cuckoo search
- Cue similarity
- Cuk converter
- Cultural tourism
- Culture
- Culture-specific silence
- Cultured Sunagoke moss
- cumulative abnormal return
- Cuneiform symbols
- current ratio
- Current Blood Sugar Levels
- Current density
- Current prediction
- Current ratio
- Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio
- current ratio; debt to asset ratio
- Curvelet
- CuS counter electrode
- Cushing, Disease
- Customer application protocol
- customer engagement
- customer loyalty
- Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention.
- Customer Relationship
- Customer Relationship Management
- customer reviews
- Customer Satisfaction
- customer satisfaction; mobile banking; re-use intention
- Customer Segment
- Customer segmentation
- Customer Self Service
- cuttlefish bone
- CVRPTW, greedy search
- Cyber attack
- Cyber security
- cyber-attacks
- Cyber-physical system
- Cyber-security
- Cyberbullying
- cystoplasty
- cytokines
- cytology
- Cytology image
- cytotoxic; combination honey and aloe vera; cell viability; in vitro
- cytotoxicity
- cytotoxicity tests
- D-dimer
- Daerah Aliran Sungai
- Dai-Liao CG-method
- daily census of hospitalizations; data sources; data utilization
- Daisy-chain
- Damage control surgery
- Damage control surgery (DCS)
- Dampak Ekonomi
- dampak psikologis, kehamilan tidak diinginkan, remaja
- Dampness and mold hypersensitivity syndrome
- dan Campuran Jus Pepaya
- dan Imunisasi
- dan Perawat Operasi
- dan Sikap
- dan tanggung jawab
- dan TB-MDR
- dan Tuberkulosis Paru
- Dana Kas
- Dana Perimbangan
- Dance
- danger of mosquito bites
- Danger Signs of Postpartum
- dangerouse preservatives
- Darah, kolesterol, non-invasive, prototype, penyakit kardiovaskular.
- daring
- Darul Fikri.
- data acquisition
- Data analysis
- Data authentication
- Data collection
- Data collection systems Emergency department Epidemiology studies Electronic health record HER
- Data communication
- Data delivery
- Data dissemination
- Data diversity
- Data driven
- Data fusion
- Data hiding
- Data logger
- Data Management
- data mining
- Data Mining, CNN-RNN, Berita Palsu, Media Sosial
- Data Mining, CNN-RNN, Fake News, Social Media
- data mining, CRISP-DM
- data panel
- Data preprocessing
- Data recovery
- Data reduction
- data science
- Data science tools
- Data security
- Data security, Care protect, privacy policy
- Data spreading
- Data streaming
- Database
- Database techniques
- DataMining
- daun bunga kencana ungu, Ruellia tuberosa, tekanan darah
- Daun Padi
- Daun Seledri
- Daun Sirih
- Daun Teh Hijau
- Day shift
- daya saing
- Daya tanggap
- Daya Tari
- Daya Tarik Wisata Dan Kepuasan Pengunjung
- Daytime sleepiness
- DBD prevention effort
- DC machine
- DC motor
- DC Motor Mini Pump
- DC-AC converter
- DC-DC converter
- DCT techniques fourth
- DCT transform
- DDoS
- DDoS cyber-attack
- de-escalation
- Deaf students
- Death
- Death anxiety
- debt policy
- Debt Financing
- debt maturity
- Debt Policy
- Debt to Equity
- Debt to Assets
- debt to equity ratio
- Debt to equity ratio; Manufacturing companies
- Decent work
- Decimation-in-frequency
- Decimation-in-time approach
- Decision
- Decision Making
- Decision making
- Decision Making Style,Managerial Performance
- Decision mining
- Decision Support System
- Decision support system VIKOR
- Decision Tree
- Decision tree classifier
- Decision-making
- decision-making investment
- Decision-making system
- Decission Support System
- Decoder
- Decoy states protocol
- Decrease In Blood Pressure
- decreasing
- decreasing operating cash flow
- Decryption
- deep breath relaxation; headache scale; hypertension
- deep convolutional neural network
- Deep hypersphere embedding
- deep learning
- Deep learning Residual neural network
- Deep learning algorithms
- deep learning, hyperparameter, image classification.
- Deep neural network
- Deep neural networks
- Deep PSO
- Deep-learning
- defect product
- Defected ground structure
- Defense mechanisms
- defense system
- Defuzzyfikasi MOM
- Dekripsi
- Delay Jitter
- Delay-Doppler
- delayed diagnosis
- delegasi
- delivery
- Delone dan McLean
- Delphi panel
- Delphi study Optimal data elements Violence surveillance systems Violence observatories
- Delphi technique
- Delta power control
- Delta-sigma (ΔΣ)
- Deltoid leaf antenna
- Demam
- Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) ; Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)
- Demam kejang anak
- Demam Thypoid
- Demam, Pengetahuan, Sikap
- Demand response
- Demand side management
- Demand-control-support model
- Demensia
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Demografi
- Demographic
- Demonstrasi
- dengue
- Dengue Fever
- Dengue hemorrhagic fever
- dengue virus
- Denmark
- Denoising
- Dense dataset
- Density-based CNN
- Density-based spatial clustering
- Dependence of the probability
- dependency rule
- dependency theory
- Deposition dose
- Depresi
- Depresi Post partum, Motivasi, Menyusui, ASI eksklusif
- Depresi Postpartum, Harga Diri, Ibu Postpartum
- Depresiasi
- Depression
- Depression symptoms
- depression; mobile intervention; pregnancy; pregnant women
- Depressive symptoms
- Depth First Search Algorithm
- Derajat Hipertensi
- Dermaga, Arduino, Mikrokontroler
- Dermatic Bacterial
- dermatitis; fisherman; personal hygiene; PPE
- dermoid cyst
- desa
- Desa Benjot
- Desa Pangkalan Baru Kec. Siak Hulu
- desa tanggap stunting
- desa wisata
- desain sistem instruksional
- Desain UX
- descriptive statistics
- Design
- Design for manufacture
- Designing interventions
- Destination awareness
- Destination brand equity
- Destination branding
- destination image
- Destination loyalty
- Detection
- Deteksi
- Deteksi dini
- Deteksi Kanker Ovarium, Faktor Risiko, Kanker Ovarium
- Deteksi Penyakit, Kedelai,
- Deteksi Tepi
- Deteksi Wajah
- Deteksi Wajah, Algoritma SIFT
- Deterioration detection
- determinan
- determinan hepatitis A
- Determinan tidak langsung
- Determinan, Return Saham, LQ45
- determinant; obesity; occupation; PCOS; stress
- Determinants
- Determinants of e-banking
- detrusor underactivity
- Developed countries
- developed market
- Developers guideline
- developing countries
- Developing countries Education, medical Simulation training Paediatrics
- Developing country
- Development
- Development environment
- Development Performance
- Deviant behaviors
- device pairing
- Devices
- dewan direksi
- Dewasa
- Dewasa Awal, Harga Diri Rendah, Remaja, Terapi Kelompok.
- dewasa, latihan, low back pain, manajemen nyeri, terapi non-farmakologi.
- Df Player
- dhikr relaxation technique; hypertension; stress level
- Diabetes
- diabetes melitus
- Diabetes Distress
- Diabetes Emergency South Africa Diabetic ketoacidosis Burden
- Diabetes Melitus
- diabetes melitus tipe 2
- diabetes melitus type 2.
- Diabetes melitus, faktor resiko
- Diabetes melitus, Lansia, Penurunan glukosa darah
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetes Mellitus (DM) tipe 2
- diabetes mellitus tipe 2
- Diabetes Mellitus tipe II
- Diabetes mellitus type 2
- Diabetes Mellitus, Data Mining
- Diabetes mellitus, diabetes self managementeducation/support
- diabetes mellitus; escherichia coli; lactic acid bacteria; synbiotic
- diabetes mellitus; knowledge; rural community
- diabetes mellitus; TNF-α; inflammation; skeletal muscle
- Diabetes mellitusTipe 2, Intervensi, neuropati perifer
- Diabetes, tipe 2; Persepsi, sakit; Kesehatan
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Healing, Natural Topical Based Treatment
- Diabetic ketoacidosis Hyperchloremia Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis High-anion gap metabolic acidosis
- diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic retinopathy
- diabetic ulcer risk prevention; knowledge; diabetic patients
- diabetic ulcus; modern wound; moist wound healing
- Diagnosing system
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis methods
- Diagnostic accuracy
- Diagnostic error
- Dialogue management
- diaphragmatic; hypertension; massage; musical; slow deep
- Diare
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea incidence
- diastolic; hypertension; systolic; wet cupping therapy
- Dice score
- Dickson voltage multiplier
- Dielectic materials
- Dielectric properties
- Dielectric substrate material
- Diesel exhaust
- diet DASH
- Diet quality
- diet; obesity; physical activity
- Difference-In-Difference
- Different platform
- Differential coupling
- Differential equation
- Differential microstrip phase shifter
- Difficult airway
- Diffie Hellman encryption
- Diffusion technique
- digestive surgery
- Digit
- Digital
- digital literacy
- Digital Baby Scales
- digital bank
- Digital Business
- digital divide
- Digital Economy
- Digital Filter
- Digital forensic tools
- Digital forensics
- Digital image
- Digital image forgery
- Digital learning environment
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing Capabilities
- Digital marketing.
- Digital media markets
- digital payment
- Digital Perilaku Kerja Inovatif
- Digital Signature
- Digital sound
- digital subtraction angiography
- digital thermometer
- digital tourism
- Digital transformation
- Digitalisasi Pemasaran
- Digitalization
- Digitally-Intensive products
- Digitization
- Dijkstra Algorithm
- dimensionality reduction
- Dimensions
- Dinamik
- Dinamika Pasar
- Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Cirebon
- Dipole antenna
- Direct and indirect dependency
- Direct in-hospital admission
- Direct torque control
- Director Board
- director’s remuneration
- Disability
- Disability evaluation
- Disability pension
- Disabled persons
- disabled workers
- Disaster
- Disaster competency
- Disaster management
- Disaster management,
- Disaster medicine
- Disaster medicine Simulation Education
- Disaster nursing
- Disaster nursing research
- Disaster plan
- disaster planning
- Disaster response
- disaster; family preparedness; flood
- disasters
- Disc media
- Discharge against medical advice
- discharge planning
- Discharging current
- Discipline
- discipline; performance; hospital administration officer
- disclosure
- disclosure of internet financial reporting
- Discontinuous objective function
- Discrepancies
- Discrete
- Discrete choice modeling
- Discrete cosine transform
- Discrete fourier transform
- Discrete Hartley transform
- Discrete wavelet transform
- discretionary accruals; earnings management
- Discriminant analysis
- Disease Detection, Soybean
- Disease outbreaks
- diseases
- Diseminasi perpajakan
- Dish system
- Disiplin
- Disiplin Kerja
- Dismenore
- Dismenore Primer
- Dismenorea
- Disminore
- Dismonerea
- disorders ("Karoshi")
- Dispatch
- Dispatched
- Dispatched workers
- Dispepsia
- Display
- Display items
- disposition effect
- dispute
- Disruptive formula
- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- disseminated intravascular coagulation, meta analysis, post partum
- dissolution medicine; medicine traditional; leaves moringa; tongue crocodile
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
- distance measure
- Distance-two-labelling
- Distilled water
- Distplot
- Distraction
- Distres Psikososial
- Distribusi Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan
- Distributed cloud game
- Distributed energy storage system
- Distributed gateway system
- Distributed generation
- Distributed generation microgrid
- Distributed generator
- Distributed generators
- Distribution
- Distribution generation
- Distribution network
- Distribution system
- Distributive Leadership
- District hospitals Wounds and injuries Physical trauma Emergency care Emergency health services South Africa
- distrupsi teknologi
- Disturbance
- Diversification strategy; Leverage
- Diversification; Stability; Risk-Taking
- Diversity
- Divide and conquer
- dividend
- Dividend Announcement
- Dividend Payout Ratio
- Dividend Policy
- Dividend Policy; Dividend Signaling Theory
- dividend; stock price
- dividends policy and banking sector.
- Divisibility
- Dizziness
- DM
- DM tipe 2
- DNA computing
- DOA estimation
- Dock, Arduino, Microcontroller
- docker
- Doctoral Methodology Emergency medicine Emergency care Curriculum Africa
- Document
- Document clustering
- Document object model
- Dokumentasi
- Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan
- dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan spiritual Islam
- Dokumentasi, Asuhan keperawatan
- Domestic violence In-home violence Violence against women Interpersonal violence at home
- doodle art therapy; quality of life; stroke; vascular dimentia
- Door-to-puncture time
- Door-to-recanalization time
- DoS
- DoS attack
- Dosen Pembimbing
- Dosen, fatigue, myalgia, Covid-19, Work from Home (WFH)
- Dosimeters
- Double feed
- Double gate MOSFET
- Double-search direction
- Doula
- Downlink
- downstream
- Downtime
- Downward price-based brand extension
- Doxorubicin
- dragon fruit
- Drinking water FR-4
- Drinking water pollution
- drinking water sources
- Driver
- Driver fatigue
- Driving cycle
- Driving cycle Emissions
- Driving health: describing Australia’s most dangerous profession
- Dropout
- Drought
- drug abuse; level stress; level emotions; spiritual healing
- Drug addiction
- Drug named entity recognition
- Drug therapy
- Drugs
- DS18B20
- DSS, e-Learning
- DT
- Dual band
- Dual Monetary System
- Dual T-shaped stub
- Dual-band
- Dual-layer phosphor
- Dual-layer remote phosphor
- Dual-layer remote phosphor geometry
- Dual-task
- Dualband response
- Dubai
- dukun; national health insurance; paraji
- Dukungan
- Dukungan Belajar
- Dukungan Keluarga
- Dukungan keluarga, KTD, remaja
- Dukungan Keluarga, Minat mengikuti ekstrakurikuler.
- Dukungan Keluarga, Pra Lansia, Hipertensi.
- Dukungan Keluarga; Depresi; Kanker Payudara
- Dukungan Keluarga; depresi;lansia; PNS
- Dukungan Organisasi
- Dukungan sosial
- Dukungan Sosial, Kecemasan (Anxiety), Skripsi, Teman Sebaya.
- Dummy switch
- Dumper operator
- Durasi Fonem
- Dust
- Dust attenuation
- Dust sample
- Dust storm attenuation
- dusun sumberan
- Dynamic
- Dynamic bandwidth allocation
- dynamic capability
- Dynamic channel assignment
- Dynamic Conditional Correlation-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (DCC-GARCH)
- dynamic device pairing
- dynamic gmm
- Dynamic lead acid battery
- dynamic multi-channel
- Dynamic power allocation
- Dynamic spectrum access
- Dynamic VLAN
- Dynamics control
- dysfunctional audit behaviour
- Dysmenorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea, Herbal Medicine, Nyeri Haid
- Dyspnoea
- Dzikir Doa
- E-banking adoption
- E-business
- E-business security
- E-certificate
- E-CityFarm
- e-commerce
- e-commerce users
- e-commerce-based accounting information system
- e-CRM
- E-Disasters
- E-Dokumen
- E-exam
- E-filing
- e-filing policy
- e-Government
- E-health
- E-learning
- E-learning adoption technology organization environment
- E-learning environment
- E-mode
- e-module; female adolescent (fa); fiber; nutrition education (ne)
- E-payment system
- e-satisfaction
- e-service quality
- E-shaped slot
- e-surat
- e-trust
- E-voting
- E-wallet
- EA
- Ear recognition
- Early careers
- Early Childhood
- early detection
- Early diagnosis
- early initiation of breastfeeding; health worker; motivation
- Early mortality
- Early termination
- Early warning score
- Early warning signs
- Early Warning System
- Early Warning, MS-VAR
- Earning After Tax
- earning management
- Earning Per Share
- Earnings management
- Earprint
- Earthquake
- Earthquakes
- ease of doing business
- Ease of Use
- eating behavior
- Ebola virus disease Mortality Multivitamins Nutrition Liberia Sierra Leone
- ECG signal
- ECG Simulator
- echocardiography
- Eclat
- Eco Design
- Eco-innovation
- Ecological branding
- Ecological momentary assessment
- economic growth
- economic development
- Economic dispatch
- economic globalization
- economic growt
- Economic growth
- economic growth; equivalent rate; mudharabah deposits
- economic growth; financial integration
- economic impact of tourism
- economic industry
- economic opennes.
- Economic performance
- Economic satisfaction
- economic status; environmental sanitation; family; stunting; toddler
- economic transformation
- economy; single parent; social culture; unwanted pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy
- ectopic pregnancy; risk factors; complications detection
- ectopic ureter
- Ecuador
- ED
- Edema Circumference
- Edge computing
- Edge detection
- Edu-Tech
- Education
- education and information
- Education Dip PEC Non-specialist Training Africa South Africa
- education fund
- Education Level; Accounting Information Systems
- education supporting staff
- education, evaluation,
- education.
- Educational data mining
- Educational game
- Educational institution
- Educational level
- Educational policies
- Edukasi
- Edukasi Kesehatan; Android; Motivasi; Ibu Hamil; Bayi Baru Lahir
- Edukasi Pijat
- Edukasi Prenatal
- Edukasi SADARI
- edukasi, imunomodulator
- Edutainment
- EDWIN Index
- EEG signal
- Efek Samping Kontrasepsi
- efek spillover
- Efektifitas
- Efektifitas Kerja
- Efektifitas motivasi
- Efektivitas
- Efektivitas Kerja
- efektivitas penilaian permohonan kredit
- effective internal control system and organizational environment.
- Effectiveness
- effectiveness, village funds
- Effectivity Of Service
- Effervescent
- efficacy
- efficacy; integrated; tuberculosis
- efficiency
- efficiency; competition
- Efficiency; Financial inclusion; Financial literacy
- effleurage massage
- Effort expectancy
- Effort-reward imbalance model
- Effortereward imbalance
- Effortereward imbalance,
- efikasi diri
- Efikasi Diri, Mekanisme Koping, Gagal Ginjal Kronik, Hemodialisis.
- Efisiensi
- EG-LDPC codes
- Egypt
- eHealth
- Eigen analysis
- Eigenvalues
- Ekonomi
- Ekonomi Digital
- Ekonomi Islam
- ekonomi kreatif
- ekosistem
- Ekspansi
- ekspor
- Ekstraksi Ciri
- ekstremitas bawah
- ekuitas merek
- Ekuitas Merk
- Elasticsearch
- Elbow method
- elderly
- ELDERLY abuse
- Elderly Hyponatremia Polypharmacy Comorbidities Mortality
- Elderly, Diabetes Mellitus, Foot care behaviour
- elderly; hypertension; hypertension diet
- elderly; hypertension; self care
- elderly; physical discomfort
- elderly; rheumatoid arthritis; pain; sleep quality
- election voting officer
- Election, blockchain, blockchain technology
- Electret condenser microphone
- Electric conduction
- Electric field
- Electric shock
- Electric vehicle
- Electrical energy
- electrical fire
- Electrical properties
- electrical stimulation
- Electrical tree
- Electricity
- electricity demand
- Electricity demands
- Electricity efficiency
- Electricity tariff
- electricityconsumption
- Electrocardiograf
- Electrocardiogram
- Electrocardiography
- Electrochemistry property
- Electrocution accidents diagnosis
- Electroencephalogram
- electroencephalography
- Electrolyte disorders
- Electromagnetic
- Electromagnetic torque
- electromyography
- Electronic bill presentment and payment
- Electronic health
- Electronic health record
- Electronic health records
- Electronic Journals Library
- Electronic learning Emergency medicine Undergraduate training COVID-19 pandemic
- Electronic Medical Records
- Electronic nose
- electronic word of mouth
- Electronic-Doctor
- electronic-service quality
- Electronics
- Elektronik
- Elemen Peltier
- Elevasi kaki
- elevated CO2
- Elevation angle
- eligibility
- Elliptic curve cryptography
- eLMS
- Email
- Embase
- Embedded design techniques
- Embedded processor system
- Embedded system
- Embedded zero tree of wavelet
- embedding
- embryonal
- EMC chamber
- Emergency
- Emergency Department
- Emergency ambulance service (MeSH)
- Emergency bed area
- Emergency Blended learning Low resource Short courses
- Emergency Blood transfusion Low resource Africa
- Emergency call
- Emergency care
- Emergency care Emergency care systems Zambia Education Basic Emergency Care
- Emergency care Kenya Traffic Poverty
- Emergency care Prehospital Guideline development Scoping review Guideline quality
- emergency care system
- Emergency care systems
- Emergency care Triage Critical ill children Africa ETAT Task-shifting
- Emergency centers Palliative care Attendance Reasons Diagnoses Disposition
- Emergency centre Casemix South Africa East London Eastern Cape
- Emergency centre Fluid bolus Shock
- Emergency centre HIV Tuberculosis Prevalence In-hospital mortality
- Emergency centre Patient transfers Patient disposition Diagnosis
- Emergency communications
- Emergency department
- Emergency department operations
- Emergency Department (ED)
- Emergency department Adverse drug reaction Prevalence HIV
- Emergency department Adverse events Healthcare provider reporting practices
- emergency department falls pathway
- Emergency department Handover Information transfer Intensive care Quality
- Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) EMD: Emergency Medicine Department Emergency Medical Record (EMR) Hospital Management System (HMS)
- Emergency department Input-Throughput-Output model Length of stay
- Emergency department Non-urgent care Sub-Saharan Africa Descriptive qualitative research
- Emergency department performance Emergency care system
- Emergency department Point-of-care systems Point-of-care testing Economic analysis
- Emergency department utilisation
- Emergency departments
- Emergency Disaster Hospitals Preparedness Northwest Ethiopia
- Emergency first aid responder Community-based responder
- Emergency handover
- Emergency helicopter
- Emergency lamp
- Emergency Low resource Access Stroke Cerebrovascular accident
- Emergency Medical Acute Care unit
- Emergency medical control center
- Emergency medical dispatch
- Emergency medical dispatcher (EMD)
- Emergency medical management
- Emergency medical service
- Emergency medical service Quality indicators Patient safety South Africa
- Emergency medical service,
- Emergency medical services
- Emergency medical services (EMS)
- Emergency medical services [MeSH]
- Emergency medical services Delphi Patient report form Quality assurance Audit
- Emergency medical services Emergency medical dispatch Sepsis
- Emergency Medical Services percutaneous injury EMS needle stick injury HIV post exposure prophylaxis
- Emergency Medical Services,
- Emergency medical technician
- Emergency medicine
- Emergency medicine Critical care Medical education Health policy
- Emergency medicine curriculum Graduate medical education International health Global health Capacity building Medical curriculum evaluation
- Emergency medicine ECHO Telemedicine
- Emergency medicine EM Emergency medical services EMS Africa Scoping review Literature review
- Emergency medicine Emergency care Non-Communicable Diseases Kenya Africa
- Emergency medicine Emergency department Observation unit Haiti Stroke
- Emergency medicine Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) Medical students Uganda
- Emergency medicine Ghana Trauma care Tertiary care Ghana Structured panel review Trauma-related death
- Emergency medicine Low- to middle-income country Crowding Patient flow Output
- Emergency medicine Online education Podcasts FOAMed Asynchronous online learning
- Emergency medicine Residency Training Low- and middle-income countries
- Emergency medicine Training Mortality Rwanda Africa
- Emergency navigation
- Emergency nurse practitioners
- Emergency nurses
- Emergency nursing
- Emergency nursing Africa Professional development
- Emergency nursing Primary healthcare Emergency care
- Emergency obstetric care
- Emergency operation
- Emergency overcrowding
- Emergency physician
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency service
- Emergency service,
- Emergency services
- Emergency Severity Index
- Emergency treatment Critical care Prehospital emergency care SARS coronavirus Oxygen Triage
- Emergency triage system
- Emergency Vehicle
- Emergency ventilation Pressure control Automatic gas-powered ventilator
- Emerging
- Emerging economy
- emerging market
- Emerging market; Gold price; Option contract; Straddle strategy
- Emesis Gravidarum
- EMG signal
- Emigration and immigration
- Emissions
- Emissions Fuel economy
- emosi dan perilaku
- emosional
- Emotion
- Emotion recognition
- Emotional competence
- emotional exhaustion
- emotional freedom technique (EFT)
- emotional functioning
- Emotional intelligence
- Emotional labor
- Emotional value
- emotional value co-creation
- emotions
- Empirical data
- Empirical model
- Empirical wavelet transform
- Employability
- Employe Performance
- Employee
- employee performance
- employee commitment
- employee education
- employee engagement
- employee job satisfaction.
- employee loyalty
- employee performance
- employee training
- employee welfare
- employee well-being
- Employee Work Capacity
- Employee’s health
- employee’s performance
- Employees
- employer attractiveness
- Employment
- Employment of people
- Employment relationships
- Employment standards
- Employment status
- Empowerment
- Empowerment of teacher
- EMS care process
- Enabling factors
- encephalitis
- encephalo-duro-myo-arterio-pericranial synangiosis
- Encephalopathy
- Encoder
- Encryption
- Encryption Initial coin offerings
- Encryption password
- Encryption security
- end stage renal disease
- End-of-life care
- end-stage kidney disease
- End-stage organ failure
- End-stage renal disease
- Endorphin massage
- endorsement
- Endoscopy
- endothelial cells
- Endotracheal intubation
- Endotracheal intubation Emergency medical services Post-intubation Sedation and Analgesia
- Endotracheal intubation Laryngoscopy Visual acuity
- endotracheal tube
- Endotrachela Tube
- endovascular
- Endovascular therapy
- endowment accounting
- endowment fund
- energi
- energi alternatif
- energi surya, listrik
- Energy
- Energy conditioning system
- Energy conservation
- Energy consumption
- Energy delay product
- Energy demands
- Energy detection
- Energy detector
- energy distance neural clustering protocol (EDNCP)
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy efficient
- Energy harvester
- Energy harvesting
- Energy harvesting (EH)
- Energy internet of things
- Energy management
- Energy storage
- Energy-aware deployment
- Energy-efficient operation methodology
- Energy-saving
- Enforcement
- Engine failure
- Engineering education
- Engineering Failure Analysis of Link Chain
- English material
- English Training Center
- enhanced recovery after cesarean section (eracs); early mobilization; post partum
- Enhancement
- Enkripsi
- Enkripsi Citr
- Ensemble
- Ensemble learning
- Enteral feeding, glukosa darah, toleransi feeding
- Enteral tube feeding
- Enterprise Data
- Enterprise growth
- enterprise resource planning
- Enterprise resource planning system
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Entrepreneur Muslim
- entrepreneurial
- entrepreneurial intention.
- Entrepreneurial activity
- entrepreneurial attitude
- entrepreneurial behavior
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems
- entrepreneurial education
- entrepreneurial intention
- Entrepreneurial intentions
- entrepreneurial marketing
- entrepreneurial mindset
- entrepreneurial orientation
- entrepreneurial outcome expectations
- Entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship education
- entrepreneurship skills.
- Entrepreneutial interest
- Entropy
- Entropy difference value (EDV)
- Entry
- Entry mode
- Envelope correlation coefficient
- Environment
- Environment and public health
- environmental
- Environmental awareness
- environmental concern
- Environmental cost
- Environmental Exposure
- Environmental intolerance
- Environmental Passion
- environmental performance
- environmental sanitation; incidence of diarrhea in toddlers; toddlers
- Environmetal monitoring
- epidemi
- Epidemic
- Epidemiology
- epilepsi
- epilepsy
- Epistaxis Nosebleed Nasal packing Bleeding ENT Emergency department
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale
- equalization fund
- Equalizer
- Equatorial region
- Equity Earnings
- Equity Multiplier
- era
- era digital
- Era new normal, Infant, status gizi
- erectile dysfunction
- Ergodic capacity
- ergonomi perkantoran
- ergonomic
- Ergonomics
- Ergonomis
- Erlang distribution function
- ERP implementation
- ERP lifecycle
- Error
- Error diffusion
- Error minimization
- erythrocytes
- Escherichia coli
- ESG criteri
- Esophageal and Gastric Varices
- ESP32
- Esp8266
- Essay Assessment Application
- essential oils
- Estimated time of Arrival
- Estimation
- Estimation techniques
- Etching
- Ethereum
- Ethernet
- Ethernet FFT
- ethic and medicolegal regulation
- Ethical capacity building
- Ethical decision-making
- Ethical digital health
- Ethical leadership
- Ethics
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopia Mortality Prevalence Sepsis Septic shock
- Ethnocentrism
- Ethylene glycol poisoning Toxic alcohols High anion gap metabolic acidosis Status epilepticus Case report
- Etiologies
- Etos Kerja
- ETR, and firm value
- Euclidean
- Euclidean Distance
- Euclidean Probablity
- Euler’s equation
- Eulerian video magnification
- Europe
- Europe Brent
- European countries
- European listed firms
- European modern office buildings
- European Union
- Euthanasia
- Evacuation
- Evaluasi
- Evaluasi Kompleks
- evaluasi pembelajaran
- Evaluasi Program
- Evaluating
- evaluation of conjunctival inflammation marker in tears
- Evaluation of Health-Related Hazards
- Evaluation theory
- everolimus
- Evidence-based guidelines
- Evolutionary algorithm
- Evolutionary Algorithm, Support Vector Regression
- Evolutionary algorithms
- ewom
- exacerbation
- Exacerbation factors of heat-related illnesses at workplaces
- example of firefighters
- Excess Compensation; Independent Director
- excessive decline
- Exchange rate
- Exchange Rate Regime; Generalized Autoregressive
- Exchange Rate Volatility; Economic Growth
- exchange rate; economic growth
- Exchange rates; Interest rates; Inflation
- Exclusive breast milk
- exclusive breastfeeding
- Execution of a search warrant
- Exercise
- Exercise testing
- exhalation
- Exhaustion
- Exigency motivation
- Exoskeletons
- expansion; dividend behavior; financial leverage behavior
- Expectations
- Experience
- Experiences
- Experiences of exposure
- Experiment
- Explicit knowledge
- explorations
- Exploratory search
- Exploratory spatial data analysis
- Explosion
- Explosion injury
- export
- Export barriers
- Export Value
- export; import
- Exports, Imports
- Exposure
- Exposure assessment
- exposure levels
- Exposure time
- Extended Kalman filter
- Extensibility
- Extension
- Extension cord
- external auditor
- External financing
- External R&D
- External resistance (Rext)
- External-cause death
- Extra motivation to invest; Investment decision;
- extracellular pH
- Extract
- Extraction
- Extraction time
- extraordinary items
- Extreme gradient boosting
- Extreme learning machine
- extreme learning machines
- eXtreme Programming
- extremities
- Extroversion
- Eye exercises
- Eye fatigue
- eye movement
- Eye opening
- Eye-tracking
- Eyestrains
- F0
- FaaS
- Fabrication
- face
- Face Detection
- Face Detection, SIFT
- face mask
- Face Recognition
- Face-to-face education
- Facebook, Social media
- Facebook. Media Sosial
- Facepiece design facial hair
- Faceted energy
- Faceted search
- Facial burn
- Facilities and Customer Satisfaction
- Facility layout planning
- factor
- Factor analysis
- factor analysis; ICU; sleep quality
- factor VIII
- Factoring
- Factors
- Factors of consumer behavio
- FACTS devices
- Fading channels
- Failed handoff
- Failure analysis
- fair load distribution
- fairness
- Faktor
- faktor – faktor
- faktor demografi
- Faktor Dukungan Lembaga
- faktor eksternal
- Faktor Individu
- faktor internal
- Faktor Motivasi
- faktor pemanfaatan VCT
- Faktor Pemungkin
- Faktor Pendorong
- Faktor pengalaman
- Faktor Pengetahuan
- Faktor Persepsi Organisasi
- Faktor Personal
- faktor prediktif
- Faktor Predisposis
- faktor risiko
- Faktor Risiko Hipertensi
- faktor sosial ekonomi, Indonesia
- Faktor-Faktor
- Faktor-Faktor Dismenore
- Faktor-faktor Perdarahan Postpartum Primer
- Faktor, Kehamilan Remaja, Remaja
- Fall
- Fall detection
- Fall risk
- Falling
- Falls
- Falls prevention
- Falls risk
- False-negative RT-PCR
- Fama and French Model; Sortino Ratio
- Families
- families; families APGAR; social functions
- Family
- Family business
- family caregiver, kanker, pengalaman.
- family caregiver; hemodialysis; quality of life
- family characteristics; stunting; toddler
- Family Embeddedness (FE)
- Family firm
- Family firms
- family firms; stock price crash risk
- Family functioning,
- Family motivation; Self-efficacy; Welfare; OCBI
- Family nursing
- family ownership
- family ownership structure; related party transaction
- Family presence Pain Anxiety Invasive nursing procedure Emergency centre
- Family support
- Family’s health
- Fan-shaped resonator
- Farmakologi, menejemen klinis, penatalaksanaan, preeclampsia
- farmer
- farmers
- Fascia iliaca compartment block
- Fase Aktif
- Fase Sign Out, Patient Safety, Pembedahan
- fashion
- fashion consciousness
- fasilitas
- Fasilitas Sanitasi
- Fast and slow wave
- FAST assessment Stroke Emergency medical services Telephonic communication South Africa
- FAST corner detection
- fast fashion
- Fast Fourier transform
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Fast fourier transform Neural networks
- Fast fuzzy clustering
- fast pay Application
- Fast transform algorithms
- fast-transient
- Faster R-CNN
- fasting
- Fatal Boomslang bite in the Northern Cape
- Fatal occupational accidents
- fatigue
- Fatigue risk management
- Fatigue,
- Fatigue, Mining
- Fault detection
- Fault diagnosis
- Fault tolerance IoT networks
- Fault tolerant
- Fault-tolerant
- favipiravir
- FBG coating FEM
- Fe tablets
- Fear
- fear of COVID-19
- fear of failure
- feature
- Feature based
- Feature detection
- Feature engineering
- Feature extraction
- Feature extraction Machine learning
- Feature fusion
- Feature matching
- feature selection
- Feature selection algorithm
- Feature transformation
- Featured Product
- Features
- Features extraction
- Features extraction methods
- Features, Online
- Fecal-oral transmission
- federated cloud
- Feedback
- Feedforward neural network
- feeding time; stunting; toddler
- feeling
- FEM simulation
- Female
- female adolescent
- Female auditor
- Female CFO
- Female director
- Female in the audit committee; Female in the board
- female labor participation
- Female reproductive system
- Female students
- Femoral fractures Traction Splint
- femtocell
- Fern-like lines
- fetal head; gymnastics; knee chest position
- fetal membranes
- Fetal weight
- FEV1
- Few-mode fiber
- Fiber Bragg grating
- Fiber optic sensor Navier-Stokes
- Fiber optical sensor
- Fiber-optic communication
- fibrosis
- field of study mismatch
- Field programmable gate array
- Field-oriented control
- FIFA 11+ warm-up
- Fifth generation
- Fifth generation (5G)
- Figure of merit
- File
- File Inclusion
- FileSmartphone
- filling data
- Film tourism
- Filter
- Filtering antenna
- filtering facepiece respirator
- Final disposition
- Financial Accelerator, Banking
- financial accounting; the value of the company
- financial behavior
- Financial constraints
- Financial Crisis, Cointegration
- Financial development
- financial distress
- financial distress; inflation
- Financial Fragility
- financial inclusion
- Financial inclusion; Stability; e-money; Fintech
- financial knowledge
- Financial Literacy
- Financial literacy, financial risk attitude
- Financial literacy, the role of Government
- financial management
- Financial performance
- financial performance (ROE)
- financial performance behavior; company life cycle
- Financial Performance; Firm Size; Firm Age
- financial performance; life insurance.
- Financial Planning
- Financial reporting aggressiveness; Tax avoidance
- Financial Risk; Funding; Sharia Banking
- Financial Sector
- financial stability
- financial stress
- financial structure
- financial technology
- Financial technology; MSMEs loan distribution
- Financial Well-Being
- Financialization
- Financing
- FinFET
- Finger movement
- Fingerprint
- Fingerprints
- Finite difference time domain
- Finite element method
- fintech
- Fintech; Sharia; Business; Artificial Intelligence
- Fintech; Syariah; Bisnis; Artificial Intelligence
- Fire alarms
- Fire hazard
- fire intensity
- Fire outbreak Safety
- Firebase
- Firebase cloud
- Firefighter
- Firefighters
- firefly algorithm
- firm
- Firm Size
- firm characteristics
- Firm debt
- Firm effect
- Firm fundamentals; Idiosyncratic volatility
- Firm Location
- Firm objectives
- Firm Performance
- Firm performance; Intellectual capital
- firm performances
- firm size
- firm value
- Firm’s performance
- firm’s size
- firm’s value
- Firms’ perceptions
- First aid
- First Aid CPR Community volunteers Drowning
- First aid emergency care awareness knowledge Democratic Republic of Congo
- First aid First responder
- First aid Taxi driver Conductor First responder Uganda
- First responder care training Recertification Refresher training Mountaineering practitioners
- first responders
- first trimester pregnant women; ginger herbal drink; nausea and vomiting
- First zero finding logic
- First-aid
- First-aid fast Track Channel
- Fiscal benefits
- fiscal illusions
- fish
- Fish farming
- Fish production prediction
- Fish swarm algorithm
- Fishbone Diagram
- fisher index
- Fisher-Yates
- Fisherface
- Fisheries
- Fishing safety
- Fissures recognition
- fistula
- Fit factor
- Fit factor (FF)
- Fit for School
- Fitness function
- Fitting instructions
- Fitur Layanan
- Five words maximum
- Five-dimensional chaotic map
- fixed asset intensity
- Fixed channel assignment
- Fixed Effect Model (FEM)
- Fixed-point induction control
- flame photometer
- flash sale
- flat design
- Flat lens
- Flavonoid
- Flavonoid extraction
- Fleksibilitas
- Flexibility, Hemodialisis, Intadialytic Exercise, Penyakit Ginjal Kronik
- Flicker fusion
- Flip bifurcation
- Flip-FBMC
- Flipaclip
- Flipped classroom online Emergency care Open access educational resources Education Point-of-care
- Flocculation,
- Flood
- Flood early warning and response system
- flood; knowledge; preparedness
- Floodlight controller
- floor mopping
- Flour Albus
- flour albus; piper betel; teenager
- Flow
- Flow Meter
- flow state
- Flowmeter
- Flowrate
- Floyd-steinberg
- Fluid therapy
- fluoroscopy
- Flux estimation
- Flux oriented control
- Fly algorithm
- Flynn’s taxonomy
- flypaper effect
- FM antenna
- FM broadcast standard
- Focal loss
- Focus
- Focus group interview
- Focused cardiac ultrasound Training Capacity building Low and middle-income
- Fog weather
- Follow-up
- food
- food bar
- Food delivery rider
- food neophobia
- Food quality
- Food value chain
- food; energy
- foodborne disease
- Foot Massage
- Foot Massage, Tekanan Darah, Stroke, ICU
- Force feedback
- Forced expiratory volume in one second
- Forecast
- Forecasting
- Forecasting; Microcredit; Non-performing loans
- foreign bank
- Foreign bodies
- foreign debt
- Foreign direct investment
- Foreign investment
- Foreign investment inducement policy
- Foreign Operation; Bonus Mechanism; Debt Convenant
- foreign ownership
- Foreign subsidiary
- Foreign subsidiary divestiture
- foreign-body migration
- Forensic
- Forensic electrical engineering
- Forensic medico-legal examination
- Forensic tools
- Forensik Komputer, File Signature
- forest fire
- Forest protection
- Forged images
- Forgiveness
- Formal
- formal organization
- formalin
- formation
- Formative model
- Formula Kacang Hijau
- Forward and backward slicing
- Forward backward time
- Forward Chaining
- Forward scatter radar
- Fotogrametri Jarak Dekat
- foundry
- Fountain codes
- Four database
- Four-wave mixing
- Fourth industrial revolution
- FP-Growth
- FP-Tree
- FPGA implementation
- FR-4
- Fractal analysis
- Fractal antenna
- Fractal geometry
- Fractional-order systems
- Fractional-polynomial function
- Fractographicanalysis
- Fracture
- Frail older patient
- Frailty
- fraktur
- fraktur ekstremitas bawah
- fraktur, manajemen farmakologi nyeri, IGD
- Frame differences
- Framework
- Framework CodeIgniter
- Frangi filter
- Fraud; Pressure; Opportunity; Rationalization
- free cash flow.
- free life expectancy
- free radicals
- Free space optics
- Free-space optical communications
- Freedom of Work
- Freeze dried plasma
- Frekuensi
- Frekuensi Menyusui
- frekuensi seksualitas
- Frequency
- Frequency of stressors
- Frequency reconfigurable
- Frequency responses
- Frequency selective channels
- Frequency selective surfaces
- Frequency-selective surface
- Frequent attenders
- Frequent pattern growth
- Frequent subgraph mining
- Frequent Users
- front efleurage massage
- Front Mattaer
- frozen shoulder
- Fruit and vegetable market workers
- FSO channel
- FSSs
- Fuel cell
- Fuel consumption
- Fuel cost
- Fuel cost curve
- Full Body Harnes
- Full order state observer
- Full-body digital X-ray
- Full-duplex
- Full-face snorkel mask N95 alternatives Personal protective equipment (PPE) COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2
- Full-order state observer design
- Fully convolution network
- Fully fuzzy linear system
- Fully fuzzy matrix equation
- functional capacity
- Functional decline
- Functional somatic syndromes
- functions
- Fundamentals of Care
- Funding
- fungal keratitis
- Fungi
- fungsi kognitif
- Fungsi Perlindungan
- fungsi pernapasan
- fungsi seksualitas
- Futile care
- Future
- Future Company Performance; Leverage
- Future opportunities
- Fuzzy
- Fuzzy AHP
- Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)
- Fuzzy arithmetic operators
- Fuzzy C-Means
- Fuzzy cluster mean
- Fuzzy control
- Fuzzy Logic
- fuzzy logic model
- Fuzzy logic system Healthcare
- Fuzzy logic toolbox
- Fuzzy miner
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy numbers
- Fuzzy PI controller
- Fuzzy RBFNN
- Fuzzy set theory
- Fuzzy set theory mathematical apparatus
- Fuzzy subset theory
- Fuzzy Sugeno
- Fuzzy Systems
- Fuzzy Time Series
- Fuzzy TOPSIS
- Fuzzy transform
- Fuzzy Tsukamoto
- Fuzzy-tuned PID controller
- FuzzyTECH
- G.654.E
- GA algorithm
- Gabor filter
- Gadget
- gadget,gangguan tidur.
- Gagal Ginjal Kronik
- Gagal Ginjal Kronik, IDWG, Self Efficacy.
- Gagal Ginjal Kronik, Intervensi Keperawatan
- gagal ginjal kronis
- Gagal Ginjal Kronis; Hemodialisa; Teknik Relaksasi Otot Progessive; Kecemasan
- Gagal Ginjal Kronis; Hemodialisis; Nyeri; Kompres Dingin
- gagal ginjal terminal
- Gagal ginjal, Fatigue, Hemodialisis, Foot Massage
- Gagal ginjal; Fatigue; Hemodialisis; Range of Motion
- gagal jantung
- Gagal jantung; penanganan gawat darurat
- Gain
- gallery walk method; treatment of leuchorrhoea; vulva hygiene
- Gambaran
- Gambaran Diri
- gambaran penanganan
- Gambaran. Kualitas hidup, jantung koroner
- Game Base Learning
- Game Based Learning Foundation
- game development life cycle
- Gamifikasi
- Gamma correction
- Gamma-gamma turbulence channels
- Gamma-parameter
- Gammu
- Gandeng Gendong
- gangguan gairah seksual, kontrasepsi hormonal
- Gangguan Haid
- Gangguan jiwa
- gangguan jiwa berat
- gangguan kesehatan
- Gangguan Memori
- Gangguan Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini
- Gangguan Pola Tidur
- Gangguan Reproduksi
- gangguan spektrum autisme
- ganglions
- Gantry crane system
- gap parameter
- garam
- Garment workers
- Gas sensor
- Gasoline
- Gastritis
- Gastroesophageal Refux Disease
- gastrointestinal disease
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Gated recurrent unit
- Gating signals
- Gaussian
- Gaussian mixture model
- Gaussian noise
- gawat darurat
- Gaya Belajar Siswa
- Gaya Hidup
- Gaya kepemimpinan
- Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi
- Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional
- Gejala
- Gejala Akibat kemoterapi; Leukemia Akut Limfoblastik; Anak Usia Sekolah
- Gemas Application
- Gemba Walk
- Gempa
- Gempa Bumi
- Gender
- Gender diversity
- Gender equality
- Gender gap
- Gender on board; firm performance; innovation
- Gender parity in the workplace
- Gender policies
- gender recognition
- Gene expression
- General Administration Department
- general allocation fund
- general allocation fund
- General Anestesi
- General Anestesi,
- General practitioners
- general principles
- General wards
- Generalized DHTs
- Generalized least square; Selling, general
- Generalized regression neural networks
- Generator matrix
- Generator model
- genes
- Genetic algorithm
- Genetic algorithm Longitudinal plane
- Genetika
- GeneXpert
- genggam tangan
- Genital infection
- Genomic repeats
- geographical
- Geometric attacks
- geometry WLEDs
- geopolitical risk; cash reserves
- geospatial analysis
- Geostrategic matrix
- Geothermal energy
- Gerbang AND, OR, NOT
- Gerbang NAND dan NOR
- Geriatric Elderly Trauma Emergency department
- Geriatrics
- germline mutation
- gestational age
- Gestational diabetes
- Gestational diabetes mellitus
- getaran
- GGK, Rasa Haus, Terapi Ice Cube’s.
- Ghana Financial risk protection Universal health coverage Trauma Children
- Ghana Paediatric Weight estimation Broselow Tape Age-based weight estimation formulae
- Gig working
- ginger; citronella (lemongrass); honey; lemon; morning sickness
- gini index
- Gitar
- Gizi
- Gizi Anak
- Gizi Ibu Hamil
- Gizi Ibu Nifas
- Gizi Kurang
- Gizi seimbang
- Glasgow coma scale
- Glass beadwork
- Glass epoxy FR-4 substrate
- Glasses
- Glaucoma
- Global administrative area
- Global cognitive function
- Global convergence property Large-scale
- global financial crisis; labor productivity growth
- Global Health
- Global Health Abstracts
- Global health research abstracts
- Global health research abstracts: April ‘23
- Global Health research abstracts: June ‘23
- Global health research abstracts: March ‘23
- Global Health research abstracts: May ‘23
- Global health research abstracts: November ‘22
- Global initiatives
- global occupational health
- global pandemic
- Global positioning system
- Global value chains
- Globalisation
- globalization
- glomerular filtration rate
- glutathione (GSH)
- glutathione peroxidase
- glycemic control
- glyphosate
- GNU-radio
- Goal orientation
- going concern
- going concern audit opinion
- Golay code Multi-kernel polar code
- gold miners
- Gold; Indonesia Stock Exchange; Stock volatility
- Gold; Oil; USD/IDR; Stock return
- good corporate governance
- good corporate governance (GCG)
- good corporate governance,
- Good governance
- Google
- Google Classroom
- Google cloud function
- Google Colab
- Google Maps
- Google Maps API
- Googlemaps Api
- Gosok Gigi
- Gout Arthritis
- Gout Arthtritis
- gouty arthritis
- Governance
- Government
- Government Internal Control Sistem
- Government mitigation strategies
- Government Ownership; Tobin’s
- Government Performance Accountability
- Government university
- Government,Medical Schools
- GPRS sim900
- GPS,
- Grab food
- Gradation
- Grade of power
- Gradient
- Graf
- Graf Berbobot
- Grafik Barber Johnson
- graft for pterygium excision
- Grage Business Hotel Yogyakarta
- Grain classification
- Grain localization
- Gram-negative bacteria
- Grammatical
- Granger Causality
- Granger causality networks
- granger causality; VECM.
- Graph partition
- Graphene
- Graphics processing unit
- Gratification theory
- gravida
- Gray-scale and color-scale
- gray-scale images
- Green Accounting
- green awareness
- green bonds; fixed-effect regression
- Green coffee
- Green Economy
- Green Identification Product
- Green Information System
- Green Manufacturing
- Green Marketing
- green marketing mix
- green perceived value
- Green Product Awareness
- green purchase intention
- Green Purchasing
- green satisfaction
- Green Spinach
- green supply chain management
- Grenade injury
- grey relation analysis
- Grey wolf optimization
- grey wolf optimization reliability
- Grey wolf optimizer
- gross domestic product
- Grounded reflector
- Grounded theory
- group polarization
- Group development
- Grover
- Growth
- growth and development
- Growth Opportunity
- GSM Location-based services
- GSM network
- GSM Shield
- Guava
- guide imagery
- Guided participation
- Guideline
- Gula
- gula darah
- Gunshot injury
- Guppy fish farming
- Gustilo-Anderson
- Gym ball
- gynecologic surgery
- Gyroscope
- H.P.F.
- H∞/H− robust optimization
- H2S
- Haar Cascade
- Haar Cascade Classifier
- Haar transform
- Haar wavelet
- Hadamard matrix
- Hadoop
- Haematological diseases
- Hairpin-defected ground structure (Hairpin-DGS)
- Hajj Health Istithaah
- Hajj Health Management
- Halal
- half mode substrate integrated waveguide
- Half-duplex
- Half-duplex (HD)
- Halftoning-BTC
- Halt position
- halusinasi
- Halusinasi Pendengaran
- Hamil
- Hamil Resiko Tinggi
- Hand exoskeleton
- Hand geometry
- Hand gesture
- Hand gesture recognition
- Hand grip force
- Hand hygiene
- Hand Sanitizer
- Hand surgery
- Hand Wash
- Hand washing
- Hand-arm vibration
- Handgun
- Handoff
- Handoff mechanism
- Handover
- Handover Handoff Prehospital Emergency centre
- handover learning
- Handwashing Hand hygiene Alcohol-based hand rub Bare below the elbows Emergency department, disposable surgical gloves
- Happiness
- HAProxy
- Haralick
- Harapan
- harbour
- Hardware architecture
- Hardware security
- Harga
- Harga Diri
- Harga Diri Rendah Kronis, Skizofrenia
- Harga diri, Pasien, Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok
- Harga jual, Papalele, Budaya Pela
- Harga Khusus
- Harga Pokok Penjualan
- Harga Produsen
- Harga Saham
- Harmful work-related factor
- Harmonic
- Harmonic distortion Lightweight IP
- Harmonic source identification
- Harmonic suppression
- Harmony search
- Hash
- Hash algorithm
- Hash functions
- Hash-node calculation
- Hashing generation Hiding capacity
- Hasil
- hate speech
- Hazard
- hazard assessment
- Hazard communication
- Hazard identification
- Hazard/risk
- Hazardous area
- Hazardous substances
- Hazardous waste
- Hazards
- Hb, Ibu Hamil
- HBM (Health Belief Model), Persepsi, Remaja, Seks Pranikah
- HCI design and evaluation methods
- HCSR-04
- HCWs
- Head
- Head injuries
- Head Injury
- Head up 30°
- Headache
- Healing
- Health
- health and safety
- health and safety at work
- Health and safety management
- Health and Well-Being
- Health belief model
- Health Belief Model.
- health care context System of emergency care Chain of survival
- Health care system reform plan
- health care workers
- Health Coaching
- health education
- health effects
- Health effects of RCS exposure - reduced OEL
- health endowment fund
- health facilities
- health hazard risk
- Health inequalities
- Health inequality
- Health informatics desk
- Health information
- Health literacy
- health of female organs
- health of pregnant mother
- Health personnel
- Health policy
- health prior
- Health profession students
- Health professional
- health professional students
- Health professionals
- Health profile
- Health promotion
- health related quality of life
- Health risk
- Health service
- Health service use
- health services
- Health services research
- health sevices; patient satisfaction; quality of outpatient registration service
- health status
- Health surveillance
- health worker
- Health workers
- Health-care workers
- Health-Promotion
- Healthcare
- Healthcare access
- Healthcare accessibility
- healthcare cost
- Healthcare managers
- Healthcare Old People
- Healthcare providers
- healthcare settings
- healthcare students
- Healthcare waste management
- healthcare worker
- healthcare workers
- Healthcare workers, Infection Prevention Control
- Healthy Da'wah cadres
- Heamodinamik
- hearing conservation program
- Hearing loss
- Hearing protection devices
- Heart disease
- Heart disease prediction
- Heart Monitoring
- Heart rate
- Heart rate control
- Heart rate estimation
- heart septal defects
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat exposure
- Heat flux
- Heat illness
- Heat Strain
- Heat stroke
- Heat treatment
- Heat-related illnesses
- Heatsinks
- Heavy metal
- Heavy metal lead
- Heavy water absorption
- Heavymetal exposure
- hedonic
- hedonic motivation
- hedonic value
- Helicopter ambulance
- Helicopter emergency medical service
- Helicopter emergency medical services
- Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Air ambulances Prehospital care Emergency medical dispatch
- hemangioma
- hemodialisa
- hemodialisa, keputusasaan
- Hemodialisa; Relaksasi Benson; Stress; Gagal Ginjal; Religi
- Hemodialisa; Restless Legs Syndrome
- hemodialisis
- Hemodialisis, Penyakit Ginjal Kronik, Pijat Kaki.
- Hemodialysis
- hemodinamik
- Hemodinamik; Acute Coronary Syndrome
- hemoglobin
- hemoglobin; moringa leaves; orange
- Hemogram
- Hemogram-derived ratio
- hemophilia A
- Hemorrhage
- Hemostasis
- HEMS dispatch
- HEMS Trauma Outcome Pre-hospital care South Africa
- Hepatitis B
- hepatocytes
- Herbal
- Herbal medicine
- Herfindahl-Hirschman index
- Hermitian symmetry
- Heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
- HetNet
- Heuristic
- Heuristic evaluation
- Heuristic miner
- Heuristic scores
- HGT1
- HGT2
- HGT3
- hidden Markov model
- Hidden Markov process
- hidroponik
- hidroterapi air hangat
- Hierarchical Decision Model
- Hierarchy culture
- hifertensi
- High Availability
- High directivity
- High directivity characteristics Patch antenna
- high flow nasal cannula, unit gawat darurat, gagal nafas akut.
- High frequency
- High frequency signal injection
- High gain
- High load data
- high mobility group box protein 1
- High power density
- high protein
- High school students
- High Service Users
- High- Income Countries
- High-demanding jobs
- High-k/metal gate
- High-power LEDs
- High-resolution image
- High-speed processing
- High-temperature insulation
- High-throughput satellite
- Higher education
- Higher-order dynamics
- Hight
- Highways
- Hill Chiper
- Hill Cipher
- Hinari
- Hip fracture
- Hip injury
- hiperglikemia
- Hipertensi
- Hipertensi dalam Kehamilan
- hipertensi, kader
- Hipertensi, Kualitas hidup, Upaya
- Hipertensi, Lansia
- Hipertensi; stess; kecemasan; Puskemas Baki, Sukoharjo.
- Hiperuresimia
- Hipoglikemia
- Hipoksia
- Hipotensi
- Hipotensi.
- Hipotermi
- Hipotermi; Emergency Blanket; Alluminium Foil; ICU
- Hipotermia
- Hippocampus
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Histogram
- histogram equalization
- Histogram equalization techniques
- Histogram of oriented gradients
- Histogram of s-RGB
- histology
- History
- history of occupational illness
- HIV AIDS; ottawa charter; prevention; wakatobi
- HIV and
- HIV positive
- HIV, Persepsi, Stigma
- HIV; phthalimide; SwissADME; toxtree
- HIV/ AIDS knowledge; non-professional personnel; sexual behavior
- HIV/AIDS, Kepatuhan, Obat Antiretroviral (ARV)
- HIV/AIDS, self-care strategy, symptom management
- HIV/AIDS; peception of stigma; people living with HIV
- hoaks
- Hoax News
- Hoax news detection
- HOG descriptor
- Holt Winters
- Holt-Winters Seasonality; Multiplicative
- Holter
- Holter Monitor
- Home automation
- Home Care lansia.
- Home Industri Kerupuk Usek
- Home Security
- Homocysteine
- Homomorphic encryption
- Homonym
- honey
- Honeypot
- Hope
- Horn antenna
- Horse stable hand worker
- Horspool
- Hospital
- Hospital admissions
- Hospital death
- Hospital discharge
- hospital management information system; human; organization; technology
- Hospital mortality
- Hospital Rapid Response Team
- Hospital staff
- hospital statistic; gross death rate (gdr); net death rate (ndr)
- Hospital volume
- Hospitalisasi
- Hospitalisation
- Hospitality services
- Hospitalization
- Hospitalized patients
- Hospitals
- Hospitals emergency
- hospitals; midwifery indicators; predictions; trends
- hosptalisasi
- host-graft reaction
- hot environment
- Hotel sector
- Hotels
- Hotspot
- household consumption
- household data
- Household Financial Well Being
- household income
- households
- housing loans
- HPC cloud game
- HPC mobile cloud game
- HPD discomfort
- HPK 5.2
- HR managers role
- HST systems
- HSV/YCbCr color space
- HTTP IDS Intrusion
- Hubungan
- Hubungan boarding school dan Masyarakat
- hubungan interpersonal
- hubungan seksual
- Hubungan Seksual Pranikah
- Huffman
- Hukum Positif
- Human action recognition
- Human activity
- Human activity recognition
- Human body
- Human body communication
- Human capacity development Training and education Faculty development Emergency medicine Low-resource settings Kirkpatrick
- Human capital disclosure
- human capital; autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)
- human development index
- human development index,
- Human Emotions
- Human error probability
- Human factor
- Human factors
- Human genom
- Human Health
- Human Health Risk
- human immuno deficiency virus; low birth weight; premature birth
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) South African Triage Score (SATS) Resource Utilisation
- human papillomavirus
- Human resource information system
- Human resource management
- Human Resource Practices,
- Human Resources
- Human Resources (HR)
- human resources recruitment system; hospital administrative officer; performance
- Human robot interaction
- Human thinking emulation
- Human tracking Internet of things
- Human-centered computing
- Human-computer interaction
- Human-robot collaboration
- Human-robot interaction
- Humanist algorithm
- Humidity
- huruf latin
- husband’s education
- husband’s occupation
- Hutang-piutang
- HW-LWA array
- Hx711 Module
- Hybrid
- Hybrid active filter
- Hybrid algorithm
- Hybrid approach redefinition-multiclass imbalance
- hybrid classification model
- Hybrid clustering
- Hybrid compression
- hybrid crypto sistem
- Hybrid Electric Vehicle
- Hybrid electric vehicles IoT IR4.0
- Hybrid electromagnetic solar
- Hybrid neural networks
- Hybrid precoding
- Hybrid projective
- Hybrid SBF algorithm
- Hybrid smartgrid
- Hybridization
- Hydroelectric generator
- Hydrogen fluoride
- Hydrogen gas leakage
- Hydrogen safety
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Hydrotherapy
- hydroxychloroquine
- Hydroxyurea
- Hygiene
- hygiene genetalia
- Hygiene routines
- hygyene
- Hyper-chaotic system
- Hyperchaotic system
- hyperglycemia
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Hyperledger
- Hyperosmia
- Hyperparameter
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- hypertension
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Hypnobirthing
- Hypnobreastfeeding
- Hypnobrithing
- Hypoglycaemia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hyponatraemia
- Hypothyroidism
- hypoxia
- hypoxia-inducible factor 1
- I V A test
- I-S-T 2000 R
- I2C
- Ibero-America
- Ibiza and formentera
- Ibu
- Ibu balita
- Ibu Bersalin
- Ibu dan Janin
- Ibu Hami
- ibu hamil
- Ibu Hamil Trimester III
- Ibu Hamil, KEK
- Ibu hamil, stunting, vitamin
- Ibu Inpartu
- Ibu Kota Negara
- Ibu Kota Nusantara
- Ibu menyusui
- Ibu Nifas
- ibu postpartum
- Ibu Primipara
- ibu, keturunan, pengalaman, stunting
- Ibu, orang tua, psychological well-being, retardasi mental
- IC
- IC50
- IC50 value of secang wood extract
- Ice cooling vest
- ice leaf disease, convolutional neural network
- ICOH heritage repository
- ICOH Saudi Arabia
- icroeconomics Variables
- ICTs; Indonesia; MSMEs; Poverty; Regional Economics
- ICU admission
- ICU, Madu, Oral care, VAP, Ventilasi mekanik
- ID3
- Identification for A Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Identifying human behavior
- Identitas diri
- Identity-based cryptosystem
- Idle time
- IEC60079-10-1
- IEC61000-3-2
- IEEE 802.11 protocols
- IEEE 802.11 standard
- IFLS, Happiness, Indonesia
- IFogSim
- IFRS adoption
- IFRS; Real earnings management
- IgG
- IgM
- ijarah
- Ikan Nila
- Ikatan Emosional
- ikatan pelanggan
- Ikigai
- Iklan
- iklim keselamatan
- Iklim Organisasi
- Ikterik
- iLearning
- Illegal cutting tree
- Illegal firms behaviour
- Illness
- Illumination uniformity
- Image
- Image analysis
- Image augmentation
- Image classification
- image classification, inception v3
- Image compression
- image encryption
- image enhancement
- Image features
- Image filtering
- Image forensic
- Image manipulation chain
- Image manipulation detection
- Image matching
- image processing
- image processing, COVID
- Image reconstruction
- Image retrieval
- Image retrieval deep learning
- Image rotation
- Image segmentation
- Image transformation
- Image transmission
- images quality
- Imbalan pasca kerja
- Imbalance data handling
- Imbalanced data
- Imbalanced ratio class
- IMD, Kelancaran ASI. EBI, Smooth Breastfeeding
- Immunity
- Immunization
- Immunocyte
- immunogenicity
- Immunoglobulins
- immunohistochemistry
- immunomodulator
- Impact
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- impact on health
- Impairment
- Impedance bandwidth
- Implan Prosegtin
- Implantable antenna
- Implanting capacitor
- Implementasi
- Implementasi Algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier sebagai Sistem Rekomendasi Pembimbing Skripsi
- Implementasi Kebijakan
- implementation of village funds
- Implementing
- implications
- import
- Import, Indonesia, Brazil.
- Importance performance analysis
- Importance Performance Analysis,
- Improved backtracking search
- Improved deep learning
- Improved GWOA
- Improved TF-IDF method
- Improved WOA
- improvement of Basic Occupational Health Services (BOHS)
- Improvised explosive device (IED)
- impulse buying
- Impulse noise
- Impulsive noise
- IMT, Preeklamsi
- Imun, Covid-19, intervensi non-farmakologis
- Imunisasi Dasar
- Imunisasi;tenaga kesehatan;Pengalaman ;Pelayanan;Pandemi Covid-19.
- Imunomodulator, Minuman Instan
- in vitro
- In-app purchase intention
- In-hospital cardiac arrest
- in-hospital mortality
- In-house contract
- In-Patiens Care
- In-role behaviour
- incentive and penalty
- Inception-V3
- InceptionResNet-V2
- incidence
- incidental finding
- Inclination angle
- inclusive growth
- Income
- income diversification
- income level
- Increase
- Increase Access
- Increased LILA Libraries : 72 (2010 to 2021)
- Increasing urgency of psychosocial risk management
- Incremental and radical product and process
- Incremental-eclat (i-Eclat)
- Indeks Alamat
- Indeks Alamat Pasien Rawat Jalan
- Indeks Demokrasi Indonesia
- Indeks Massa Tubuh
- Independence perceptions
- Independensi Auditor
- Independent Commissioning Board
- Independent directors
- independent directors; two-tier board
- independent doctor practice
- Index crime
- Index modulation
- Index Value Calculation
- Indexing
- India
- Indium
- Individual factors
- Individual indices
- Individual innovation capability
- Individual Karakteristik
- individual taxpayer compliance
- Indomaret
- Indonesia
- Indonesia Stock Exchanges
- Indonesia; Efficiency; Pension funds
- Indonesia; Manufacturing firms
- Indonesian
- Indonesian Family Life Survey 2014
- Indonesian language
- Indonesian QAS
- Indonesian sentences
- Indonesian Traffic Obstacle Dataset
- Indoor
- Indoor air
- Indoor air humidity
- Indoor Air quality
- Indoor communication
- Indoor localization
- Indoor navigation
- Indoor positioning
- Indoor positioning system
- Induction motor
- Induction motor drive
- Induction motor drives
- Industri
- industri ekonomi kreatif
- industri 4.0
- Industri pariwisata
- Industri Pengolahan
- Industrial
- Industrial accident
- Industrial Hygiene
- Industrial management
- Industrial networks
- industrial revolution 4.0; menarche; readiness; teen
- Industries
- Industry
- Industry 4.0
- Industry effect
- Industry Group; Covid-19 Announcement
- Industry specialization
- inequality.
- inertia
- Inertial sensor
- Infammation,
- infant
- infant warmer
- Infants
- infection
- Infection prevention and control
- infectious corneal ulcer treatment
- Infectious disease
- Infectious disease risk
- Infectious diseases
- infectious keratitis
- Infeksi Menular Seksual
- infeksi nosokomial
- inference system
- infertility
- infertility; menstrual cycle; obesity
- Inflammation
- Inflation
- Inflation; Financial Ratios; Financial Distress
- Inflow
- Influence
- Influence of fear
- Influence of Information Quality
- Influencer
- Influenza-like illness
- Informal Sector
- Informal Sector Miners
- Informal Sectors and SMEs
- Informal Work
- informal worker
- informal workers
- Informasi
- Informasi Parafrasa
- Informasi Wisata
- Information acquization
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Information asymmetries
- information asymmetry
- Information dissemination
- Information entropy
- Information Gain
- Information hiding
- Information organization
- Information retrieval
- Information security
- Information security second
- Information sequence; Information series
- Information service, Policy effect, Productivity
- Information System
- information system; outpatient registration; web
- Information systems success
- Information technology
- Informed consent
- Informed Consent Form
- Infra Red Radiation
- Infrared
- Infrared photos
- Infrared sensor
- infrastructure
- Infrastruktur
- Infrastruktur jalan
- Infusa
- Infusion Device Analyzer
- ing Quality of life
- Inisiasi menyusui dini
- Initial Public Offering (IPO), and Initial Returns.
- initial return
- Injuries
- Injury
- Injury analysis
- Injury care Resuscitation Global health Low- & middle-income countries
- injury causality
- Injury Prehospital care Trauma care Emergency care
- Injury severity score
- Injury Substance use Alcohol Kenya Trauma Social determinants of health
- injury teaches
- Injury Trauma Emergency medicine Emergency care Tanzania LMICs
- Inkontinensia urin
- Innovation
- Innovation capabilities
- innovation capability
- Innovation efficiency
- Innovation management
- innovation performance
- Innovation policy
- Innovation strategies
- Innovations in human resource practices
- innovative behaviour
- Innovative strategy
- innovative work behavior
- Inovasi
- inovasi bisnis
- Inovasi Menu
- Inovasi Produk
- inpatients
- input output
- Input-output parameters
- Insentif
- Insertion loss Rectangular waveguide iris
- Insomnia
- Insomnia Pada Lansia
- inspection visual with acetic acid
- Inspired metaheuristic
- Instalasi Farmasi
- instalasi gawat darurat
- Instalasi rawat jalan
- institusional ownership
- Institutional Ownership
- institutional ownership; independent
- Institutional ownership; Interest rates
- Institutional pressures for sustainability
- Institutional theory
- Institutions
- instructional film and audio
- instrumen diagnosis keperawatan
- Instrument
- Insulating liquid
- Insulating material
- insulation resistance
- insulin
- intangible asset
- Integer and fractional order PI- PD controllers
- Integer wavelet
- Integrasi
- Integrated
- integrated management of sick toddlers; midwife; socialization
- Integrated management systems
- Integrated marketing communications
- Integrated power
- Integrated Reporting
- integrated reporting, firm value
- Integrated Reporting; SOE’s; Type of industry
- Integrated Service Posts
- Integration
- Integrative Medicine
- Integrity review
- intellectual capital
- intellectual capital disclosure
- Intellectual Capital Index; Non-financial firms
- intelligence
- Intelligent agent
- Intelligent arrays
- Intelligent control
- Intelligent controller
- Intelligent instrumentation
- Intelligent processor
- Intelligent transport system
- intelligent transport systems (ITS)
- Intelligent transportation
- Intelligent transportation system
- intensitas
- intensitas energi
- intensitas kebisingan
- Intensitas Nyeri
- Intensity
- Intensity analysis
- Intensive care nurse
- Intensive care unit
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU); Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
- Intensive care unit; Terapi music; Literature review
- Intensive care units
- Intention
- Intention of violence
- intention to quit
- intention to purchase
- interaction effects
- interaction moderation; overconfidence
- Interactive
- Interactive website
- Interaksi Sosial
- interaksi sosial, activity daily living, terapi aktivitas kelompok
- interaksi sosial, teman sebaya, anak
- Interaksi Sosial; Kualitas Hidup; Lansia
- Intercept probability
- Intercept probability (SP)
- Interconnect
- intercostobrachial
- interest
- Interest in Working
- interest to apply
- Interference
- Interference cancellation
- interferon-gamma release assay
- Interfunctional coordination
- Interior permanent magnet synchronous machine
- Interleaver
- Interleukin
- interleukin-2
- interleukin-6
- Intermodulation distortion (IMD)
- internal control
- Internal Control System
- Internal Marketing
- Internal medicine
- Internal R&D
- Internal temperature
- Internalization
- Internally distributed antenna systems (IDAS)
- international cooperation
- International Federation for Emergency Medicine global research primer
- International financial markets
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- International new ventures
- International patients
- International Pediatrics Sepsis
- International Visibility
- Internationalisation
- Internationalization
- internationaltrade
- internet
- internet addiction
- Internet banking
- Internet banking behavior
- Internet billing system
- internet financial reporting
- Internet for education
- Internet of Thing
- Internet of thing blockchain
- Internet of Things
- Internet of things (IoT)
- Internet of Think
- internet penetration
- Internet-offline
- Interpersonal needs
- Interpersonal violence Community assaults Trauma
- Interpolation
- Interprofessional
- Intersectoral collaboration
- Intervensi
- Intervensi Non Farmakologis
- Intervention
- intervention on retirement pathways
- Intervention process evaluation
- Intervention study
- Interview
- Interview study
- Interweave sharing
- intestinal obstruction
- Intra Operasi
- intra-axial mass
- Intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal injuries
- intracranial thrombosis
- Intraoperative Urologic Endoscopy,
- Intraosseous access
- Intrapreneurial behaviors
- intrastromal
- Intratracheal
- Intratracheal intubation
- Intravenous
- Intravenous fluids
- Intrinsic factors
- intrinsic motivation
- Intrinsic satisfaction
- Intrusion detection
- Intrusion detection system
- Intrusion On-board unit
- Intubation
- inundation data analysis
- Invariant moment
- Inventarisasi, Legal Audit
- inventory, FIFO method, web application
- Inverse design
- Inverse dynamics controller
- Inverse halftoning
- investasi
- Investigating Adverse Respiratory Health Effects
- investmen
- Investment
- investment decision making
- Investment decision; Religiosity
- investment decisions
- Investment flow
- Investment in innovation
- Investment intention; Millennials
- investment opportunity set
- Investment-cash flow sensitivity; Investment
- investment, ARDL-ECM, GDP
- Investor attention; Return reversal; Sneakers resale market
- investor behavior
- Investor psychology
- Investor Sentiment, Market Volatility,
- investor valuation; profit; company
- involusi uterus
- Iodine Number
- Ion chromatography
- Ion-implanted
- ION/IOFF ratio
- iOS
- IoT
- IoT application
- IoT architecture
- IoT chaotic cryptographic
- IoT ecosystem
- IoT system
- IoT Technology
- IoT, YOLOV3, visitor counter, deteksi objek
- IoT, YOLOV3, visitor counter, object detection
- IoTs
- IoV
- IPC (interprofessional collaboration)
- IR image
- IR sensor
- Iran
- Iranian Dentists
- Iraqi dinnar
- Iris recognition
- Iris segmentation
- iron deficiency
- Iron detection
- Irrigation systems
- Irritable bowel syndrome,
- IS/IT management
- Ischaemic stroke Prehospital Access to care South Africa Emergency medicine
- ischemic stroke
- ISD25120
- Islam
- Islamic Banking; Islamic Rural Bank
- Islamic boarding school
- Islamic boarding schools
- islamic entrepreneurship
- Islamic ethics
- Islamic financial inclusion
- Islamic Financial Instrument
- Islamic financial literacy
- Islamic rural bank; Leadership skills
- Islamic rural bank; Market concentration
- Islamophobia
- Islanded micro-grid
- ISM band
- ISO45001
- isolation
- isometric handgrip exercise, tekanan darah, hipertensi.
- ISP pulse
- iStar 2.0
- Istirahat Tidur
- IT governance
- IT industry
- IT service
- ITAE performance index
- Italy
- itching
- Iterative algorithm
- Iterative learning control (ILC)
- ITU-R model
- ITU-R P.837-6
- ITU-R P.837-7
- IVA Test
- Iva, Sadari, Sadanis
- Jabatan
- Jabon
- jackfruit
- Jahe
- jalan kaki
- Jalur Terpendek
- Jam Operasional
- JAMALI 500 kV
- jaminan kesehatan nasional
- janin
- Jantung Koroner
- Japan trauma data bank
- Japanese employees
- Japanese modern office buildings
- Jaringan Komputer
- Jaringan, Firewall, Static NAT
- JASA method
- jasmani
- Java island
- Javanese character recognition
- JavaScript object notation
- Jaw Trust Manuever, Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- JEL Classification: C22, D12, E21
- Jenis
- Jenis Kelamin
- jenis kerusakan
- Jenis Pakaian Kerja
- jenis pekerjaan
- Jepang
- Jeruk
- Job attitudes
- Job autonomy
- Job burnout
- Job characteristics
- Job content
- Job control
- Job Crafting
- Job cycle time
- Job demand
- job demanderesource (JDeR) model
- Job Demands-resources
- Job discretion
- Job expectations
- job exposure matrix
- job performance
- Job quality
- Job resources
- Job satisfaction
- Job scheduling
- Job shop scheduling
- Job stress
- Job stressors
- Job support
- Job training
- job-exposure matrix
- joint motion
- joints
- Journal
- journal for the publication of doctoral dissertations
- Journal Payment
- JournalTOCs
- Judgment
- Jumlah Akseptor
- Jumlah Perdarahan
- Jumlah Tenaga Kerja
- junior male athletes
- Junk Food
- Jurnal Internasioanal
- Jurnal Internasiona
- Jurnal Internasional
- Jurnal Internasional Keperawatan
- Jurnal Internasional Keperawatan,
- Jurnal Nasional Informatika
- Jurnal Nasional Keperawatan
- jurusan
- jus belimbing
- Jus Belimbing Manis
- Jus bit
- Jus bit, hemoglobin (Hb)
- Jus Labu Siam
- Jus mentimun
- Jus Semangka
- Jus Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris)
- Jus Tomat dan Hipertensi
- K-fold cross validation
- K-means
- K-Means Clustering
- K-Medoids
- K-Medoids,algorithm, K Means algorithm
- K-Nearest Neighbor
- K-nearest neighbors
- k-nearest neighbour
- K-Nearest Neighhbor
- K-NN
- K-NN algorithm
- Kabupaten Langkat
- Kadar Air
- kadar CO
- kadar glukosa darah
- Kadar Gula Darah
- Kadar Gula Darah Sewaktu, Kreatinin Serum, Diabetes Mellitus
- kadar Kalsium
- Kadar Kolesterol Darah, Senam Ergonomis, Lansia.
- kadar Zink
- Kader
- kader BKB
- kader BKB, sistem informasi geografis
- Kader Posyandu
- Kader, Kesehatan, Makanan Tambahan, Ibu Hamil, KEK
- Kader, RT
- kala 1 aktif
- kala II persalinan
- Kalangkala
- kalibrasi
- Kalman filter
- Kampung Wisata
- kanker
- kanker payudara
- Kanker Payudara, SADARI
- Kanker Serviks
- Kanker, Kecemasan, Terapi musik.
- Kapasitas adopsi keuangan digital
- Kapasitas Manajemen
- karakteristik
- karakteristik individu
- Karakteristik Kewirausahaan
- Karakteristik orang tua
- Karakteristik pekerja
- Karakteristik responden
- Karakteristik Wirausaha
- Karakteristik, kecanduan gadget, remaja
- Karang Taruna
- Karies Gigi
- Karo index
- kartu tani, persepsi petani
- karyawan
- Karyawan Berprestasi
- Kata Kerja
- Kata Kunci
- Katarak
- Kateterisasi Jantung
- KB
- KB suntik 3 bulan
- KB–Kes IBI Provinsi Riau
- KC-means
- Keaktifan dan Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu Balita
- Keaktifan lansia
- Keamanan
- Keamanan data, Peduli lindungi, kebijakan privasi
- Keamanan jaringan
- Kearifan Lokal
- Kearsipan
- kebahagiaan pelaku usaha ditempat kerja
- Kebakaran
- kebakaran hutan
- Keberhasilan Pengobatan
- keberhasilan usaha
- Keberlangsungan LPD
- Kebermanfaatan
- Kebersihan gigi dan mulut,Siswa SD, Tindakan
- kebiasaan
- Kebiasaan Tidur
- kebidanan
- Kebidanan Komunitas
- kebijakan dividen
- kebugaran jasmani
- Kebutuhan keluarga, Pasien kritis
- Kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan
- kebutuhan user
- kecanduan gadget
- kecanduan game online
- Kecanduan Internet
- kecanduan, media sosial
- Kecelakaan Kerja
- Kecemasan
- kecemasan dan PMR
- kecemasan kematian
- kecemasan orangtua
- kecemasan pada lansia
- Kecemasan Pre Operasi
- kecemasan, kenakalan, pola asuh, remaja
- Kecemasan, Lansia
- Kecemasan, mahasiswa, OSCE.
- Kecemasan, Paritas
- Kecemasan, Terapi Musik
- Kecemasan; Hipertensi; Penyakit Penyerta
- Kecemasan; Intensive Care Unit; Survivor; Covid-19; Penanganan.
- Kecemasan; Lanjut Usia; Wanita; Hipertensi
- Kecemasan; pasca karantina.
- Kecemasan; terapi musik; pasien ICU; musik tradisional
- kecerdasan adversity
- Kecerdasan Buatan
- Kecerdasan budaya
- Kecerdasan Emosional
- Kecerdasan Intelektual
- kecerdasan spiritual, anak berkebutuhan khusus.
- Kecurangan
- Kegawatdaruratan
- Kegemukan (Overweight)
- Kegiatan Merespon
- Kehamilan
- Kehamilan Anemia
- Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi
- kehamilan tidak diinginkan, KTD, remaja,
- kehamilan tidak diinginkan, orangtua, perilaku, remaja
- Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan, Remaja, Respon
- Kehamilan Trimester III
- Kehamilan usia remaja
- keikutsertaan masyarakat
- Kejadian Gastritis
- Kejadian Stunting
- Kekambuhan, Gangguan jiwa, Komunitas
- Kekerasan seksual
- Kekuatan Otot
- kekurangan energi kronik (KEK)
- Kelambu
- kelancaran
- Kelancaran ASI
- Kelancaran Pengeluaran ASI
- Kelancaran produksi ASI
- Kelas Bayi dan Balita
- kelelahan
- Kelelahan Kerja
- Kelengkapan
- Keluarga
- Keluarga Berencana
- Keluarga Berencana Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang
- Keluarga Pasien
- keluhan
- keluhan dermatitis kontak
- keluhan MSDs
- keluhan muskuloskeletal
- Keluhan Muskuloskeletal, Postur Kerja, Kar
- Kelurahan Maharani
- kemampuan
- Kemampuan Beradaptasi
- Kemampuan kerja
- kemampuan kognitif
- kemampuan sosial dan emosional
- Kemandirian
- Kemandirian Perawatan Diri
- Kemandirian, Lansia
- Kemanfaatan
- Kemempuan Mencuci Tangan, Pengetahuan.
- kemoterapi
- Kemudahan
- Kenaikan
- Kenaikan Berat Badan
- Kenaikan Berat Badan
- Kenaikan Berat Badan dan BBLR
- Kendaraan Listrik
- Kendaraan Roda 2, Pelatihan Otomotif, Servis Gratis
- Kenya
- Kenya Emergency care Devolution Universal health coverage Medical education
- Kenya Head injury Trauma Triple burden of disease Emergency medicine Kenyatta National Hospital
- Kenya Unscheduled Revisits Emergency department 72 hours
- Kepadatan Berlebih
- Kepala keluarga, pengetahuan, rumah sehat
- Kepatuhan
- kepatuhan diet
- Kepatuhan Manajemen Diri
- kepatuhan minum obat
- Kepatuhan Pajak
- Kepatuhan penggunaan APD
- kepatuhan terapi
- Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak
- Kepatuhan, Manajemen cairan
- kepatuhan, protokol kesehatan COVID-19
- Kepatuhan; Kalsium; Ekonomi
- Kepemilikan institusi
- kepemilikan institusional
- kepemilikan lahan pertanian
- Kepemilikan Manajerial
- kepemimpinan
- Kepemimpinan Islam
- Kepemimpinan Melayani
- Kepemimpinan Transformasional
- Kepemimpinan Transfornasional
- keperawatan
- keperawatan islami
- Keperawatan komunitas, pasien TB, tata kelola program TB.
- keperawatan medikal bedah
- Kepercayaan
- Kepercayaan Diri
- Kepercayaan Konsumen
- Kepercayaan Merek
- KEPServerEX6
- Kepuasan
- Kepuasan Kerja
- Kepuasan Kerja Perawat
- Kepuasan kerja, perawat, Rumah Sakit
- Kepuasan Konsumen
- Kepuasan Nasabah
- Kepuasan Pasien
- Kepuasan pasien‖, Mutu pelayanan
- Kepuasan Pelanggan
- Kepuasan pelayanan
- Kepuasan Pembelajaran
- Kepuasan Pengguna
- Kepuasan Remaja
- Keputusan Pembelian
- Keputusan Nasabah
- Keputusan Pembelian
- Keputusan Pembelian iPhone
- Keputusan Pemilihan
- Keputusan Penggunaan
- Keputusan Penggunaan Gopay
- Keputusan Penggunaan Jasa Pengiriman
- keratoplasty
- Kerawanan
- Kerentanan
- Kernel density estimate
- Kernel function
- Kernel independent component analysis
- Kernel linear discriminant analysis
- Kernel principal component analysis
- kesadaran hidup sehat
- kesadaran pajak
- kesehatan
- kesehatan anak
- kesehatan jiwa
- kesehatan kerja
- kesehatan masyarakat, pemberdayaan perempuan
- kesehatan mental
- Kesehatan mental, anak, pandemic, Covid-19.
- Kesehatan Remaja
- Kesehatan Reproduksi
- keseimbangan kehidupan kerja
- Keseimbangan tubuh
- Kesejahteraan
- Kesejahteraan ekonomi
- keselamatan berkendara,
- Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
- keselamatan pasien
- Keserasian.
- Kesiapan pulang
- kesiapsiagaan
- Kespro
- kesuksesan bisnis
- Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi
- Ketaatan Pelaporan
- ketahanan pangan
- ketakutan
- ketamine
- Ketepatan Kelulusan Mahasiswa
- Ketepatan Waktu Penyampaian Laporan Keuangan
- Ketepatan, Triage
- keterampilan
- Keterampilan Pendidikan Konseling
- keterampilan teknologi
- Keterampilan, Potty Training.
- Keterikatan Karyawan
- Keterlambatan Pra-fasilitas kesehatan
- keterlambatan pre-hospital
- Ketersediaan SPKLU
- ketimpangan
- ketimpangan pendapatan
- Ketorolac
- keunggulan bersaing
- Keunggulan Kompetitif
- Keuntungan
- kewaspadaan universal
- Kewirausahaan
- Key Activities
- key events of altered expression of gene
- Key Length
- Key Partnership
- Key Resources
- Keystroke dynamic authentication
- Keyword candidate
- Keyword consist of 3-5 words or phrases
- Keyword extraction
- Kinerja
- Kinerja Karyawan
- Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah
- Kinerja Bisnis
- kinerja dan lingkungan kerja
- Kinerja Ekonomi
- Kinerja Karyawan
- Kinerja Karyawan.
- kinerja keuangan
- kinerja lingkungan
- Kinerja Manajerial
- Kinerja Pegawai
- kinerja pelayanan
- kinerja pemasaran
- kinerja pemasaran.
- Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, Penerimaan Daerah.
- Kinerja Perawat
- Kinerja Perusahaan
- Kinerja Sosial
- King’s graph
- Kista Ovarium
- klaim
- klamp
- Klasifikasi
- klasifikasi kategori
- Klasifikasi, KNN, k-fold cross validation
- klien stroke
- klimakterium
- kNN
- KNN imputation
- knowledge
- Knowledge attitude practice
- Knowledge Attitude Practice Nurses Emergency Management Road Traffic Accident
- Knowledge exploitation
- Knowledge exploration
- Knowledge growing
- Knowledge growing system
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge Prehospital Emergency Mountaineering Adventure Outdoor
- Knowledge Sharing
- Knowledge translation
- Knowledge visualization
- Knuth Morris Pratt
- kognitif
- kognitif, terapi, stres, belajar, di rumah
- Kohonen artificial neural network
- Kohort Ibu Hamil
- Kolesterol Total
- kolestrol
- Kolmogorov
- kolotrum, posisi dan pelekatan, segitiga cinta
- komik
- Komitmen
- Komitmen Organisasi
- KOMPAK Study Program Students
- kompensasi
- Kompetensi
- Kompetensi instruktur
- Kompetensi Kerja
- Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia
- Komplementer
- Komplikasi Intradialitik
- Kompres
- Kompres Air Hangat
- Kompres Air Hangat Rebusan Jahe
- Kompres Aloevera
- Kompres Bawang Merah
- Kompres dingin
- Kompres hangat
- Kompres hangat.
- Kompres Jahe Merah
- Kompres jahe merah hangat
- Kompres kubis
- Kompresi
- komputer
- Komunikasi
- Komunikasi Interpersonal
- komunikasi organisasi
- Komunikasi terapeutik, Media pembelajaran
- komunikasi, kontrasepsi, laki-laki.
- Komunitas
- komunitas di Asia
- Konflik Peran
- Konflik; Stres; Perawat Gawat Darurat
- Konseling
- Konseling gizi
- Konsep Askep Ansietas
- Konstruksi
- Konsumen
- konsumsi buah
- konsumsi pangan reaktif
- konsumsi sayur
- Kontak
- konteks
- Konteks iBisnis
- Kontrasepsi
- Kontrasepsi pasca salin
- Kontrol diri
- Kontrol Diri, Perilaku Pengelolaan Keuangan
- Kontroler PID
- Konveksi
- Koperasi
- Koperasi Karyawan
- Korea
- Korea health panel
- Korea Occupational Health Service
- Korean traditional medicine
- Korona 2020
- kosakata
- kosmetika
- Kota Salatiga
- kota santri
- KPI(Key Performance Indikcator)
- KPU, Video Editing
- Kredit
- Kriminal
- Kriptografi
- Kriteria
- Kronecker product
- Ku-band
- Kualitas Air
- Kualitas Audit
- Kualitas Hidup
- kualitas hidup, mahasiswa
- kualitas hidup, retardasi mental.
- Kualitas hidup; Pasien kronis; Era new normal
- Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja
- kualitas kompresi RJP
- Kualitas Layanan
- Kualitas Layanan (Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles)
- Kualitas Pelayanan
- Kualitas Pelayanan Islami
- kualitas pelayanan kesehatan
- kualitas pelayanan.
- Kualitas Produk
- Kualitas Produk dan Keputusan Pembelian
- Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia,
- Kualitas Tidur
- Kualitas Udara
- kualitas web
- Kualitatif, Gyssens
- Kubernetes
- Kuisioner
- Kuisioner; demam berdarah; uji coba; PSP (pengetahuan sikap perilaku)
- Kulit Buah Pisang Kepok, Tikus Putih
- kumur air matang
- kunjungan ulang
- kurang energi kronis
- kurikulum akuntasi, wirausaha
- kurikulum pendidikan akuntansi
- Kutu Air, Banjir
- kutukan sumber daya alam
- kyphosis
- L*A*B*
- LaAsO4:Eu3+
- Lab work activities
- laba
- Laba Akuntansi
- Labelling
- labiospalatoskizis; meta analysis; secondhand smoke
- Labor Force Survey
- labor pain
- Labor productivity
- Laboratory marker
- Laboratory workers
- labour; mozart; music therapy; pain
- LabVIEW 2015
- Lactate
- lactate dehydrogenase
- Ladder graph
- lagging indicators
- Lagrange multipliers
- Lahan Kritis
- Laissez-faire leadership
- laju nadi
- lama hemodialisis
- Lama Kala III
- lama kerja
- Lama Operasi
- Lama Operasi, Usia
- Lama Pelepasan
- Lama penggunaan Gadget,
- lama penyimpanan, suhu penyimpanan.
- Lama Persalinan
- Lama Puasa
- lama rawat inap
- Lama Usaha
- Lama waktu tunggu
- Lambert-Beer Law
- lamda-cyhalothrin
- lamellar
- laminectomy
- Lanczos-3 algorithm
- Land records
- Land registry
- Land-use classification
- Landat-8
- Landfill
- Landsat-8 TIRS
- langkah
- language development; speech delay; storybook literacy method
- Language modelling
- Lanjut usia
- Lansia
- Lansia, Kesehatan Spiritual, Kematian.
- Lansia, Senam lansia
- Laplace-Stielles transform
- Laplacian filter
- Laporan kasus; Hipoglikemia; Komorbid Diabetes Melitus
- Laporan Keuangan
- Laporan Keuangan Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Cu Damai Sejahtera.
- Laporan Pajak
- Large effective area
- Large neighbor search
- large occupational health
- Large scale solar simulator
- Large-scale
- Largest shareholder
- Laring Mask Air Way
- larva
- Larvae
- Laryngoscopy
- laser photocoagulation
- Latency
- Latent Dirichlet allocation
- Latent profile analysis
- Latent semantic indexing
- Lateral kanan; kebutuhan oksigen; saturasi oksigen
- Latitude
- latrine availability
- lavender
- Lavender oil
- LaVO4:Eu3+
- Law
- Layanan Aplikasi Online Kursus, Kursus, Pelatihan
- Layer
- Laying Hens
- Layman
- LDPC codes
- LDPC decoder
- Leachate
- Lead
- Lead time
- Leader Member Echange (LMX)
- Leader Member Exchange
- leader support
- Leadership
- leadership agility
- leaf
- Leaf disease
- Leaf venation
- Leakage current Taguchi
- Lean culture
- Lean SixSigma
- Learning
- Learning algorithm
- learning from home
- learning management system
- learning orientation
- Learnings
- Least connection
- Least mean square
- Least square estimation
- Leave
- LED lamp driver
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Left-hand algorithm
- Legal Aspect
- Legislation and regulations
- Legitimacy
- Legitimacy dimensions
- Legitimacy measurement
- Lego-Lego
- Leisure-time physical activity
- lem
- Lem Kayu
- Lembaga Penerbit
- Lembaga Penerbit UMSB Presss. A
- Lemon Inhalation
- Lemon Orange (Citrus limon)
- lemuru fish
- lending.
- Length of stay
- leprosy
- leptin
- less developed countries
- Less Development Regions
- Lessons learned
- lessons learnt
- Leucine
- Leukemia
- leukocytes
- level of education; LBW; mother; weadiness
- level of risk
- Level pruning
- Levenshtein distance
- leverage
- leverage buyout; Merger and Acquisition
- leverage, return on asset
- Leverage; Media Visibility; Sustainability Reporting
- leverage; product diversified
- levetiracetam
- life satisfaction
- Life settlements
- Lifeguard
- Lifesaving skills Medical proficiency Emergency medicine BLS training Medical students
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle disease
- Lifestyle market segmentation
- Lifestyles and consumption practices
- Lifting wavelet transform
- Light emitting diode
- Light emitting diodes
- light of chemical incident preparedness
- Lighting efficiency
- Lightweight AES algorithm
- Lightweight crypto
- Lightweight IP
- Lightweight present algorithm
- Likelihood Medium Access
- Likuiditas
- likuidity
- Lila
- LiLaO2:Eu3+
- Limb salvage
- Lime
- Limited hardware devices
- Lindu Plateau
- Line of sight
- Line staff
- Linear actuator
- Linear cellular automata transform (LCAT)
- Linear interpolation
- Linear matrix inequality
- Linear support vector machine
- Linear systems
- Linear Vector Quantization
- Linear-based
- Linearity
- Lingkungan Belajar
- Lingkungan Eksternal
- Lingkungan Fisik Rumah
- Lingkungan Internal
- Lingkungan Kerja
- linguistic-based steganography
- Linier Congruential Generator
- Linux
- Liquefied petroleum gas
- liquid meal replacement nutrition
- Liquid petroleum gas
- Liquid Waste
- liquidation risk
- liquidity
- Liquidity constraints
- liquidity ratio
- liquidity, firm size
- Lissajous curves
- Listed companies
- Literacy; Inclusion; Financial Performance
- literasi digital
- Literasi Keuangan
- Literasi, Menulis
- Literature Review
- live streaming
- liver
- Livestock workers
- Livin
- LM35
- LO
- Load
- Load balance
- Load Balancing
- Load Cell
- Load frequency control
- Loaded-stub phase shifter
- loan
- loan interest rates
- Loan to Deposit Ratio
- loan-to-value policy
- Local adaptive thresholding
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Local binary pattern
- Local feature descriptors
- local revenue
- Local smoothing
- Local thresholds
- Local Wisdom As Social Capital In LPD
- Localization algorithm
- location
- Location Based Service
- Location-Based-Service, Markerless
- lock up period
- Lock-free
- LODOX-Statscan
- Log data
- Log-normal fading
- Logarithmic transformation
- Logical algorithm
- logistic map
- Logistic model
- Logistic regression
- Logistics
- Logit model
- Logo recognition
- Lokasi
- lokasi tempat tinggal (rural, urban)
- Lomo Mandar
- long follow-up
- Long reach passive optical network
- Long short-term memory
- Long working hours
- long-acting reversible contraception
- Long-haul truck drivers
- Long-term care
- Long-term outcome
- Long-term prognosis
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Longitude
- Longitudinal analysis
- Longitudinal studies
- Longitudinal study
- Loop filter
- Loose-fitting clothes Wearable technology
- lopinavir
- LoRa
- LoRa technology
- LORA wireless
- Loss of consciousness
- Lossless compression
- Lossy compression
- Lotion Formulation
- Lotka volterra equation
- Loudspeaker
- Low
- Low acuity
- Low back pain
- Low Back Pain (LBP)
- Low Back Pain Miogenik
- Low birth weight
- Low cost
- Low cost microcontroller
- Low ethical ambiguity
- Low Fidelity Simulation
- low glycemic index
- Low input range
- Low noise amplifier
- Low order moment
- Low phase noise
- Low power
- Low prevalence
- Low resource setting Predictive scores Emergency department
- Low-cost BCI
- Low-cost terrestrial laser scanners
- low-density lipoprotein
- Low-density polyethylene
- Low-frequency
- Low-level visual feature
- Low-power multiplier
- Low-power network
- Low-priority stroke patients
- Low-ranking government employees
- low-ripple
- Lower limb,
- lower urinary tract symptoms
- Loyalitas Nasabah.
- Loyalitas Pelanggan
- loyalty
- LPM, Accreditation, Application, Prototype, Certificate
- LPM, Akreditasi, Aplikasi, Prototype, Sertifikat
- LQ45
- LQ45 Index; Graham; Corporate Bonds
- LQG controller Pitch control
- LQR controller
- LSL (Lekasi Seks Lelaki)
- LTE Radio frequency fingerprint
- LTV channel
- luka diabetik
- Luka kronik, Madu, Penyembuhan luka.
- Luka perineum
- lumbar spine
- Lumen output
- Luminous efficacy
- Luminous flux
- Lumped element
- lung cancer
- lung function
- lung function decline
- lung granuloma
- Lung Pulmonary TB
- lupus erythematosus, systemic, nursing care
- Luxury brand perception
- Luxury consumer self-image congruency
- Luxury goods market
- LVQ3, Attribute Selection, Classification
- LVQ3, Seleksi Atribut, Klasifikasi
- Lyapunov second method
- Lyapunov stability
- Lyapunov stability theory
- Lyapunov’s direct method
- lycopene
- lymph node metastases
- lymphocyte
- lymphovascular space invasion
- M2M connections
- MAC protocols
- Machete cut open fracture wound infection risk factor
- machine learning
- Machine learning algorithm
- machine learning algorithms
- Machine learning Medical informatics
- Machine learning Paddy disease
- Machine learning Point cloud
- Machine learning Real-time
- machine learning, svm
- Machine vision
- macroeconomic
- macroeconomic variable
- macroeconomics
- macrophage migration inhibition factors
- Madu
- Maggot BSF
- magnesium sulfate
- magnesium; obesity; oxidative stress; sweet orange peel; vitamin c
- Magnetic core
- magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetized water applications
- mahasantri
- Mahasiswa
- mahasiswa keperawatan
- Mahasiswa Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran, Perilaku Seks Bebas, Sikap.
- Mail Server
- maintain work ability
- maintenance
- Maize leaf image
- Major Disaster: the World Trade Center Experience
- Major incident
- Majority voting
- Makanan
- Makanan Tradisional
- MAKP Tim
- Maladaptive schema
- malaria
- Malaria COVID-19 Public health Pandemic Burundi
- Malaria transmission
- malate dehydrogenase
- malcolm
- Malcolm Bardrige
- male
- Male reproductive system
- Malicious traffic flows
- Mallampati
- malnutrisi
- Malnutrition
- malondialdehyde (MDA)
- Maluku
- malware
- Mammogram
- mammography
- Management
- management accounting profession
- management entrenchment.
- Management Accounting System
- management accounting system quality; user
- management change
- management demographic characteristics
- Management I
- Management of energy
- management philosophy
- management plan
- Management quality indicators
- Management system
- Managerial Ownership
- Manajemen
- Manajemen Alumni
- manajemen diri
- Manajemen Internasional
- Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu Hamil; Booklet; Leaflet
- Manajemen keuangan
- Manajemen Kewirausahaan
- manajemen laba
- Manajemen Laba.
- manajemen perawatan diri, pembinaan kesehatan
- Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi
- Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Makanan
- Manajemen waktu
- Manajemen. Budaya.
- manfaat
- mange
- Mango leaf diseases
- Mango pest and disease
- Mangosteen Peel Extracts
- Manikin
- Manikin head forms
- Manset restrain ; ICU
- mantan pasien
- Manual handling
- Manual mapping
- Manual workers
- Manufacturing
- manufaktur, Indonesia
- Manure handling
- Manusia
- manuskrip
- Mapping
- Marchiafava-Bignami disease
- Marginal stability
- Marine risers
- Marital satisfaction
- marital status
- Maritime application
- markers
- market integration
- market orientation
- market basket analysis
- Market competition
- market discipline
- market integration
- market orientation
- market overreaction
- market performance
- market performance.
- market power
- Market Risk; Operational Risk
- Market segmentation
- Market share; Profitability
- market value
- market value added
- Marketing Mix
- Marketing Digital
- Marketing Environment
- marketing media, pandemic era
- Marketing Mix
- marketing performance
- Markov chain
- Markov model
- Markowitz; optimal portfolio
- Marmet
- marriage; premarital preparation; premarital woman; teenager
- married women
- Martabak Djoeragan
- Masa Kerja
- Masa kerja, Merokok
- masa pandemi, pengelolaan pemberian obat, perawat, , serah terima
- masalah psikososial ibu
- Mask
- Masked-face speech
- Masker
- Mass notification system
- Mass casualty incident
- Mass casualty situations
- Mass media
- Mass patient influx
- Mass spectrometry
- Massage
- Massage counterpressure
- massage effleurage
- Massage Endorphin
- massase counter pressure
- massive chemical disaster
- massive chemical disasters
- Massive hemorrhage
- Massive MIMO
- Master file table
- mata
- Matakuliah Pilihan
- Material characterization
- Material extrusion
- Material handling
- Material jetting
- Material safety data sheet
- materialism
- Materials characterization
- maternal
- Maternal age
- Maternal behavior
- Maternal Health
- Maternal mortality
- maternal neonatal
- maternal nutrition
- Maternal outcomes
- Maternal Self Efficacy
- Maternity
- maternity harassment
- Mathematical modeling
- Matlab
- MATLAB environment
- Matlab_Simulation
- Matrix code
- Matrix effect
- matrix WSN clustering method
- Maturity level
- Maximum eigenvalue
- Maximum gain
- Maximum likelihood estimator
- Maximum power point
- Maximum power point tracking
- Maze-solving
- MbileNetV3
- MCT4
- MD5
- Meal timing
- Mean of horner’s rules
- Mean square error
- Mean square error (MSE)
- Mean-square error
- Meander line
- Measurement
- Measurement of pH sensor
- Measurement strategy
- measurements
- meatballs
- Mechanical loads
- Mechanical ventilation
- Mechatronic system
- media aplikasi whatsapp
- media dan metode pembelajaran
- Media exposure
- Media Informasi
- Media Pemasaran, Era Pandemi
- Media promosi
- Media Promosi Kesehatan
- Media Resources.
- media sosial
- Media Sosial, Pencegahan Kanker Serviks
- Media Video
- media video (teman sebaya)
- Median filter
- mediator
- Medical applications
- medical biology laboratory
- medical care
- medical education
- Medical education Basic emergency care Short training courses Emergency medicine in Nigeria
- Medical Evacuation Military Africa Transport Trauma
- Medical image
- Medical image compression
- Medical image segmentation
- Medical images TCP/IP
- Medical imaging
- Medical imaging system
- medical IoT
- Medical Journal of Indonesia
- medical record
- medical record is clear of its existence
- Medical Record Storage
- Medical Records and Health Information
- medical residency
- medical staff
- Medical student Awareness Attitude Emergency medicine Specialty Career choice
- Medical student Emergency medicine Career Perception
- Medical students
- Medical Toxicology Health Professions Education Curriculum development Poison Information Specialists Delphi-study Core competencies
- Medication adherence
- medicinal plants
- Medicines safety
- medulloblastoma
- Meerkat clan Random forest
- Meeting new challenges
- Mekanisme Koping
- Mekanisme koping
- Mel frequency cepstral coefficient
- Melanoma
- membaca Al-.Qur’an
- membaca Al-Qur’an
- Memetic algorithm
- memorability.
- Memory
- Memory and address lines
- Memory-based learning
- MEMS sensor
- Men
- Menarche
- Mencuci Hidung
- Menggosok Gigi
- menggunakan
- meningitis
- Meningitis Reagent dipstick Bedside diagnosis Resource-limited Global health
- meniscus
- Menjelang Ajal
- Menopause
- menstruasi
- mental disorder
- Mental Disorders
- mental emotional disorders
- Mental fatigue
- mental health
- Mental health Depression Substance use disorder Alcohol Tobacco Emergency department
- mental health inventory
- mental illness
- Mental model
- Mental well-being
- Mental workload
- Mentoring
- Mentorships
- Menyusui
- meperidine
- Merawat
- Merek
- mergers
- Merkuri
- merokok
- Merokok; Mind Mapping; Remaja; Tingkat Pengetahuan.
- mesenchymal stem cells
- Mesh current method
- Mesin Penerjemah Statistik
- Mesothelioma
- mesothelioma patients
- Message digest
- Messages
- meta analysis; polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos); obesity
- meta-analysis
- Meta-heuristic algorithms
- Meta-heuristics
- Metabolic Disorders
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Metaheuristic
- Metal detector
- Metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET)
- Metals
- Metalworking fluids
- Metamaterial
- Metamaterials
- Metaverse
- metedo perceptron
- Meteorology data
- metformin
- Method WISN
- Methoxyflurane
- Methoxyfurane
- Methyl alcohol
- methylene blue
- metode
- Metode Garis Lurus
- Metode Kangguru
- Metode Kaur
- Metode Kontrasepsi
- Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang
- Metode Mamdani
- Metode Polcar
- Metode Prewitt
- Metode Promethee
- Metode Robbert
- Metode Spinal
- Metode Topsis
- Metode UmurPiutang
- Metode Viola Jones
- Metode Virtual Reality Interface Design (VRID)
- metode waterfall
- metode wisn
- Metrics
- Metro system
- Mexico
- MF resin
- Mg2SiO4:Mn2+
- Mg4(F)(Ge,Sn)O6:Mn2+
- Mg8Ge2O11F2:Mn4+
- MgB2O4:Mn2+
- MgSr3Si2O8:Eu2+
- mHealth
- Mic Condensor
- micro
- Micro gas turbine
- Micro-grids
- Micro-strip antenna
- Micro-trip
- micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
- Microarrays
- Microbial
- microbiological techniques
- Microbreak
- Microcontroller
- Microcontroller Arduino Uno
- Microcontrollers
- Microenterprise
- Microgrid
- Microprocessor design
- Microring
- microRNAs characterize
- Microsatellite attitude
- microscopic
- Microscopic blood images
- Microsensors
- Microsoft Academics
- Microsoft Azure function
- Microsoft Exchange Server
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
- Microstrip
- Microstrip antenna
- Microstrip bandpass filter (MBPF),
- Microstrip filter
- Microstrip patch antenna
- Microstrip technology
- microstrip transmission line
- microsurgery
- Microwave Diathermy
- Microwave link
- Microwave propagation
- Microwave resonators
- Microwave Sensor
- middle cerebral artery
- Middle East
- Middle Income Countries
- Middle managers
- Midwifery
- Midwifery Students
- midwive’s Excperience
- Mie-scattering theory
- Mie-scattering theory pc-LEDs
- Mie-scattering theory WLEDs
- Mie-scattering theory YOCl:Eu3+
- Mie-scattering thoery
- migraine disorder
- migrant workers
- Migrants
- Mikro
- Mikrokontroler
- Mikrotik RouterBoard
- milai perusahaan
- Mild cognitive imapirement
- Mild conginitive imapirement convertible
- Milenial
- military pre-hospital emergency care
- milk proteins
- Millennial
- millennial generation
- Millimeter wave
- Millimeter wave (mm Wave)
- Millimeter wave,
- Millimeter-wave
- Millimeter-wave MIMO
- milling process
- MIMO antenna
- MIMO wireless networks
- mimpi
- minat
- Minat Beli
- Minat Berkunjung
- minat kunjung ulang
- Minat Mahasiswa
- Minat Masuk Perguruan Tinggi
- Minat Nasabah
- Minat Penggunaan M-Banking
- Mindfulness
- mine fire prediction
- Mine safety
- Miners
- Minimum sample volume
- Mininet-WiFi POX
- Mining
- Mining employees
- Mining equipment
- Mining industry
- Mining Sector
- Mining workers
- Minor
- Minor head trauma
- Minum Kopi
- Minum Tablet
- minyak esensial bergamot
- Minyak Goreng
- Minyak kelapa, xerosis kulit, gagal ginjal kronis, hemodialisis
- minyak zaitun
- minyak zaitun (olive oil)
- Mirror Exercise
- Mirror Therapy, Motorik, Sensorik, Stroke
- Misalignment
- Misfire analysis
- mismatch repair
- Mismatched uncertainty
- misprice
- Misscomunication
- Missed injuries
- Missed nursing care
- Missing value imputation
- Mission Impossible
- Mission statement
- Mission statement quality
- mitra, monitoring, praktik kerja lapangan
- Mixed data
- Mixed integer programming Model
- MLP with SFLA
- mm-Wave
- mMTC
- MmWave propagation
- Mmwave Pin diode
- Mn2+
- MNC workplace
- MOBA games.
- mobile
- Mobile ad-hoc network
- Mobile ad-hoc networks
- Mobile anchor
- mobile application
- Mobile applications
- Mobile apps
- Mobile Banking
- mobile banking adoption; UTAUT 2; perceived credibility
- Mobile care
- Mobile cloud game
- Mobile communication
- Mobile Communication System
- Mobile communications
- Mobile health
- Mobile learning
- Mobile phone
- mobile robot
- Mobile robot Virtual maze
- Mobile team
- Mobile technology Emergency care Implementation lessons Tanzania
- Mobile vehicular
- Mobile-assistant localization
- MobileNet
- Mobilisasi Dini
- Mobilisasi Progressive; saturasi oksigen; Intensive Care Unit
- mobilisasi, senam kegel
- Mobilitas Fisik
- Mobility
- Modal
- Modal Kerja
- modal sosial
- Modal Usaha
- Mode-division multiplexing
- model
- model fixed effect
- Model order reduction
- Model predictive
- Model predictive control
- Model predictive current control
- Model predictive torque control
- Modeling
- Modelling
- Modelling five-parameter PV model
- Moderated mediation effect
- modernization of the tax administration system
- Modification training method
- modified 30-second sit-to-stand test
- Modified camel travelling
- Modified moth swarm algorithm
- Modified shaped slots
- Modified sine cosine
- Modul Bluetooth HC-05
- modulation format identification (MFI)
- Module
- Modulo
- Moisture damage
- Moisture damaged buildings
- MoM
- Moments
- monetary policy
- MongoDB
- Mongolia
- Monitoring
- Monitoring and control
- Monitoring application
- monitoring system
- Mono photo-voltaic (PV) cell
- monocytes
- Monoester
- mononuclear leukocytes
- Monopole antenna
- Monotone line search Optimum point
- Monte carlo simulation
- Monte Carlo theory WLEDs
- Mood
- Moon date declaration
- Moon phases
- Moral
- Moral distress
- Moral entrepreneurship
- Moral hazard
- Moral injury
- Moral Pajak
- moral pajak, inklusi pajak
- Moral values
- morality; organizational ethical culture
- morbidity
- moringa leaf; optimum formula; simplex lattice design; span 80; tween 80
- Moringa leaves
- Morning Sickness
- Morphological filters
- Morphological operations
- Morphology
- Morphology enhancement
- Mortalitas
- mortality
- mortality rate
- Mortality Report
- MOS varactor
- Moses Decoder
- Mosquito anopheles
- mother knowledge; otof; stunting
- Mother wavelet
- mother's efforts; breast milk production
- Mothers
- Motif
- motion analysis
- Motion control
- Motion magnification
- Motion object detection
- Motion planning
- motivasi
- Motivasi Belajar
- Motivasi Intrinsik
- Motivasi Kerja
- Motivasi Kerja Pegawai
- motivasi menyusui
- motivasi perawat
- Motivasi, Beban kerja, Mutu Pelayanan
- Motivation
- Motivational interviewing
- Motivational role modeling theory
- Motivational theories
- Motor imagery
- Motor imagery signals
- motor Railway traction
- Motor Servo
- Motor stepper
- motor transcortical aphasi; clients; language disorder
- Motorcycle
- Motorcycle crash
- Motorcycle Injury
- Motorcycle rider
- Motorcycles
- Mouza map
- movement
- Moving object
- Moving-horizon estimation
- Moxibustion combination
- moyamoya disease
- MQ-6 gas sensor
- MQTT broker
- MRI image
- MRI images
- MRI Severity
- MSME performance
- MSME Financial Performance; Mobility Service Applications
- MSME performance
- MSME taxpayer compliance
- MSMEs Klasifikasi JEL: M500, D140, D190
- MSMEs, Analytical Hierarchy Process, K-means
- Mual
- Mual Muntah
- Mud crab
- MuGFET simulator
- multi group analysis
- Multi radio
- Multi-area power system
- Multi-bit upset
- Multi-channel
- Multi-class
- Multi-class imbalance
- Multi-classification
- multi-component interventions
- Multi-contrast images
- Multi-core
- Multi-criteria segmentation
- Multi-diagonal New zero cross correlation
- Multi-factor authentication
- multi-hole spherical model
- Multi-hop relaying networks
- Multi-layer hairpin
- Multi-layer perceptron
- Multi-level converters
- Multi-level keys
- Multi-level threshold
- Multi-party employment arrangements
- multi-perspective framework
- Multi-regression
- Multi-stage classification
- Multi-statessystem
- Multi-thread
- Multi-threaded
- Multi-user massive MIMO
- Multi-users
- Multiagent
- Multicenter study
- Multiconductor
- Multicriteria decision
- Multidisciplinary team
- Multihop routing protocol
- Multilayer perceptron
- multilevel Association rules
- Multilevel inverter
- multimedia
- Multimodal
- Multimorbidity
- Multinomial logistic regression
- Multiparadigma, Belajar, Diri.
- Multiphase
- Multiple access
- Multiple applications
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Multiple Directorships; Political Connection
- Multiple exposure
- Multiple Face Recognition
- Multiple fusion sensors
- Multiple injury
- Multiple linear regression
- Multiple organ dysfunction
- Multiple pre-trained network
- Multiple Regression
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple strategic orientations
- Multiple trauma
- Multiplexing
- multiplexing (OFDM)
- Multiprocessor Pipelined
- Multiservice communication network
- Multiservice communication network
- Multitasking
- Multivariable control
- Multivariat
- Multivariate regression
- Multivariate Regression Analysis; SMEs Performance.
- Mung bean juice
- Municipalities
- Muntah
- murabahah
- murotal
- Murottal.
- Murrotal l-Qur'an Therapy
- Muscle discomfort
- muscles
- Musculoskeletal
- Musculoskeletal disease
- musculoskeletal diseases/musculoskeletal disorders risk assessment
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Musculoskeletal pains
- Museum
- Musharaka; Vector Error Correction Model
- Music
- Musik Kolintang
- musik stayin alive
- Muslim
- mustahiq zakat
- musyarakah
- Mutagen
- Mutasi
- mutation
- Mutation Screening of Diseases
- MutL homolog 1
- MutS homolog 2
- mutu layanan
- Mutu Pelayanan
- mutual funds
- Mycobacterium
- Mycobacterium leprae
- Mycotoxins
- Myocardial infarction
- Myoelectric pattern recgnition
- myRIO
- Mystery shopping
- N-grams
- Na ̈ıve bayes
- Na(Mg2–xMnX)LiSi4O10F2:Mn
- Na3Ce(PO4)2:Tb3+
- Naïve Bayes
- Naïve Bayes Algorithm, Discretization
- Nakagami-m fading
- Nalbuphine
- Named entity recognition
- Nanocomposites
- Nanodisc
- Nanolithography
- nanoparticles
- napas dalam
- Narapidana
- Narrow brown-spot
- Narrow personality traits
- Narrowband
- Nasal High Flow
- Nascent entrepreneur
- nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- National characteristics
- National Government Expenditure
- national health insurance
- National Health Service
- national income
- National Social Security System
- Nationality; Company Value
- Natrium Bikarbonat
- Natural disasters
- Natural hazard
- Natural killer cell
- natural language generation
- natural language processing
- Natural language processing Recommendation system
- natural language processing techniques
- nausea and vomiting
- Navigation
- Navy of the Islamic revolutionary Guard
- NaYF4:Er3+Yb3+
- Nazief & Adriani algorithm
- nCD64
- Near infrared light
- Near-Infrared
- Near-zero fuzzy numbers
- Nebulized budesonide
- neck node metastasis
- Neck pain
- NEDOCS Index
- Needle stick injuries
- Needle stick injury
- Needs
- Needs assessment
- Needs assessment Emergency medicine Madagascar International emergency medicine Global medicine
- Neem Leaf
- negative expected inflation
- Negative group delay
- Negative resistance amplifier
- Neglected tropical diseases
- Neimar-Sacker bifurcation
- neoadjuvant chemotherapy
- Neonatal
- neonatal intensive care unit
- Neonatal outcomes
- Neonatal sepsis Emergency centre Perinatal HIV
- neonatus, pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu
- Neovascularization
- nephrolithiasis
- Nerve blocks
- Nerve blocks Pain Emergency centre Emergency department Regional anaesthesia
- nervous system diseases
- Net Profit Margin; Sales Growth
- Netherlands 2040
- Netmiko
- Network
- Network configuration
- Network control system
- Network devices
- network efficiency
- Network Formation
- Network lifetime
- Network on chip
- Network performance
- Network Security
- network traffic
- Network, Firewall, Static NAT
- Networking topology
- neural network
- Neural network classifiers
- Neural network controller
- neural network model
- neural networks
- Neurobranding
- neuroimaging
- Neuroinflammation
- Neurological functional predictors
- Neurological injury
- neurological manifestations
- Neurological outcome
- Neuromarketing
- Neuromorphic computing
- Neurophysiological measurement
- Neurophysiology of sleep
- neuropsychological tests
- Neurosignal
- neuroticism
- Neutral-point-clamped inverter
- neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
- Neutrophil-to-platelet ratio
- New business
- New edge detection algorithm
- new epidemic of silica-related diseases
- New Mersenne number transforms
- New Normal
- New Normal; --New Intention Behavior
- New technology file system
- New-Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- News classification Support vector machine
- News summarization
- Newton Raphson
- Ni-doped ZnO
- Niat Beli Ulang
- niat berpindah
- Nifas
- nifas, BBL, lembar balik
- Nigeria
- Nigeria University
- Night shift
- night shift work
- Night work
- Nilai Budaya
- Nilai Inti
- Nilai Keanggotaan
- Nilai Perusahaan
- NIR sensor
- nitroglycerin
- NLPI controller
- Node
- Node voltage method
- Nodemcu
- NodeMCU Microcontroller
- Noise
- Noise cancellation
- noise induced hearing loss
- Noise measurement methods
- Noise removing
- Noise temperature
- nominal protection factor
- non convertible
- Non conveyance
- non farmakologi
- Non Finansial – Reward
- non performing loan
- Non urgent patients
- non-communicable diseases
- Non-conveyance
- Non-COVID-19 disease
- Non-destructive sensing
- Non-economic satisfaction
- Non-financial information report
- Non-halal Income; Ownership Structure
- non-interest income
- Non-invasive measurement
- Non-linear problems
- Non-orthogonal
- Non-orthogonal multiple access
- Non-performing financing (NPF)
- non-performing financing; profit-sharing financing
- Non-specific chief complaints
- Non-specific complaints
- Non-technical human skills
- Non-transport
- Non-urgent
- Non-urgent ems missions
- Nonlinear control strategy
- Nonlinear control systems
- Nonlinear programming
- Nonlinear systems
- Nonlinear-FOPID
- Nonlinearity
- Nonprescription drugs
- nonprofit
- Nonstandard
- Nonuniform transmission lines Wideband
- Norma Keluarga
- Normalization of feature
- Normalized distance
- Norms
- Northern Cyprus
- Northwest Ethiopia
- Northwestern Europe
- Norway
- Norwegian
- Norwegian hospitals
- nose
- nostalgia
- Notch-characteristics
- Notched band
- Notched UWB unwonted band
- Notched-band
- Notification
- Notifikasi
- Nov 15, 2022
- Novice
- Nrf2
- NRZ/RZ coding
- NSFR; risk; stability
- nstitutional ownership
- nucleocapsid proteins
- Nueral network
- Nugget Ikan
- Number
- Number identification
- number of parasitemia
- Number theoretic transforms
- Numerical simulation
- Numerical solution
- Numerical-analytical method
- Numismatics
- Nurse
- nurse aides
- nurse entreprenurship; self efficacy; students of ners
- Nurse intervention
- nurse practitioners
- Nurse professional competence scale
- Nurses
- Nurses against Covid-19
- Nurses, Oral hygiene.
- Nurses’ perceptions Family presence Acute deterioration Emergency centre COVID 19 African relevance
- Nursing
- Nursing care
- Nursing assessment
- Nursing care left undone
- nursing care plans
- Nursing managers
- Nursing models
- Nursing practice
- Nursing process
- Nursing staff
- Nursing Student
- Nursing students
- Nusa Tenggara Barat
- nutrients, pregnancy.
- Nutrisi
- Nutrisi Ibu Nifas
- Nutrisi, diabetes mellitus, android, kebutuhan nutrisi.
- Nutrition
- Nutrition, Nursing
- nutritional
- Nutritional risk
- Nutritional status
- Nutritional status, Quality of life, HIV, Adolescents
- nvestment
- Nyeri
- Nyeri atau Sakit Kepala
- nyeri dada
- Nyeri Dismenorea
- Nyeri Kepala Pasca Spinal Anestesi
- Nyeri Luka
- nyeri menstruasi
- Nyeri Nifas
- Nyeri Persalinan
- nyeri persalinan kala I
- Nyeri Persalinan, Kala 1
- nyeri persalinan, kala I
- Nyeri Pinggang
- Nyeri Punggung
- Nyeri Saat Menstruasi
- Nyeri tenggorokan
- nyeri, persalinan
- Obat
- obesitas
- Obesitas dan Stress.
- obesity
- object
- Object classification
- Object detection
- Object extraction
- Object recognition
- Object-Oriented
- Object-oriented matlab adaptive optics (OOMAO)
- objective measurement
- Objek Wisata
- Observability
- observational ergonomic assessment tool
- Observed Time of arrival
- Observer
- Obstacle avoidance
- Obstacle extraction
- Obstacles avoidance
- obstetric labor complication
- Obstetrics
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Occlusion
- Occupation
- Occupation health hazards
- occupational
- Occupational accident
- Occupational accidents
- Occupational and Health Safety
- occupational and organizational psychology
- Occupational asthma
- Occupational cancer
- occupational disease
- Occupational disease surveillance system
- Occupational diseases
- Occupational Ergonomics
- Occupational exposure
- Occupational Factors
- Occupational groups
- Occupational hazards
- Occupational health
- Occupational health and safety
- Occupational health and safety (OHS)
- occupational health and safety management
- Occupational health literacy
- occupational health nurses
- occupational health of health workers
- Occupational health policy
- occupational health professionals
- Occupational health service
- Occupational Health Services
- Occupational Health Services in Indonesia
- Occupational Health,the Small Islands Developing States of the Pacific
- occupational hygiene
- occupational implications
- Occupational infections
- Occupational infectious disease
- Occupational inhalation accidents
- Occupational injuries
- Occupational injuries and diseases
- Occupational injury
- occupational lung
- Occupational medicine
- Occupational mental health
- Occupational noise exposure
- Occupational physical activity
- Occupational prestige
- Occupational risk factors
- Occupational risks
- Occupational safety
- Occupational safety and health
- Occupational stress
- Occupationalstress
- Occupations
- Ocean environment monitoring Ocean waves
- ocial value co-creation
- OCT4
- Ocular lens dislocation Traumatic lens dislocation Ultrasound POCUS
- Oesophagus Constriction, pathologic Therapeutics Foreign body migration
- of application
- of commissioners; Female in the board of directors
- OFF-Mission
- Offering; Prospectuses; Resource Dependency Theory
- OFFICAIR project
- Office ergonomics
- Offloading manager
- Offshore oil and gas
- Oil spill
- Oils
- oko Candi Elektronik 310 Surakarta
- Okra(Abelmoschus esculentus); Kukus dan rebus; Kadar Kolesterol Total; Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2,
- Olahraga; tekanan darah; denyut nadi; hipertensi
- Older adulthood
- Older adults
- older people
- Older person
- Omicron
- Omni-directional mobile robot
- omnichannel marketing
- Omnidirectional camera
- On-board unit Roadside units
- ON-Mission
- oncology
- Ondansetron
- Ondansetron.
- One Day Surgery (ODS)
- One Hot Encoding
- One Time Pad
- One-shot learning
- One-to-many scheme
- online
- online purchase behavior
- online account opening
- online class
- Online classification
- online consumer behavior
- online education
- online exams, online proctoring,
- online impuls buying
- Online learning
- Online mobile gaming
- online proctoring,
- Online recommendation behavior
- online services
- online shopping
- online shopping experience
- Online social commerce
- online sources
- Online trust
- Online video
- Ontology
- Ontology-based preprocessing
- OO
- OPC server
- Open access Impact Emergency medicine Critical care
- Open CV
- Open fracture
- Open source
- Open sources
- open unemployment rate
- Open-Flow
- OpenCV
- OpenFlow
- Operasi Mayor
- operating costs operating income
- Operating head
- operating performance
- Operating room
- Operation dan Maintenance
- operational cash flow
- operational efficiency
- Operational performance
- ophthalmic artery
- opinion shopping
- opinion going concern
- OPNET simulation
- Opportunities
- Opportunity
- Opportunity Recognition
- opt-out model
- Optical amplifiers
- Optical properties
- Optical sensor
- Optical sensor Sensitivity
- optical system optimization
- Optical wireless
- Optimaalisasi, Ibu Hamil
- Optimal control
- Optimal economic load dispatch
- Optimal location
- Optimal loss cost
- optimal path planning
- optimal reactive power
- Optimalisasi, solar panel,
- Optimation
- Optimization
- Optimization algorithm
- Optimization technique RIP system
- Optimization techniques
- Optimization, solar panels,
- Optocoupler Sensor
- Oral and dental health
- oral dental health
- Oral health
- oral hygiene
- Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS
- Orang Tua
- orang tua perokok
- orangtua
- Order dithering
- Organ donation
- Organic culture
- Organic dust
- Organic solvents
- Organic solvents exposure Worker’s health cohort
- Organic structure
- Organisasi
- Organisasional Citizenship Behavior
- Organisational design
- Organization and administration
- Organization Commitment
- Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
- Organizational agility
- Organizational aspects
- Organizational change
- Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
- Organizational climate
- Organizational Commitment
- Organizational Culture
- Organizational decision-making
- Organizational factors
- Organizational health
- Organizational intervention
- Organizational Justice
- Organizational legitimacy
- organizational performance
- Organizational support for entrepreneurship
- Organizationally employed
- Organized trauma system of care
- Organophosphorus Poisoning Toxicology Africa Intensive care
- Organophosphorus toxicity Atropinisation dose Atropine toxicity Emergency department Cholinesterase levels
- orientasi masa depan
- orientasi pasar
- Orientation
- Orthogonal
- Orthogonal frequency-division
- Oscillation problem
- oseltamivir
- OSH Regulations
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
- OSPF single area
- Osteoarthritis
- osteoporosis
- osteosacoma, post op amputasi
- other legal revenue
- Otomasi jaringan
- otoritas
- Otsu
- Otsu’s algorithm
- Out Guide
- Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)
- Out-of-hospital acute care
- Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
- Out-of-hours medical care
- Out-of-pocket expenses Catastrophic healthcare expenditure CHCE Financial burden Healthcare costs Indirect medical costs
- Out-of-role behaviour
- Outage capacity
- Outage probability
- outbreak
- Outcome
- outcome assessment
- Outcome productivity
- Outdoor tracking system
- Outdoor workers
- outlet
- Outliers
- Outpatient
- outpatient, website, rapid application
- outpatients
- outreach programme
- Outsourcing
- ovarian cancer
- ovariectomy
- Over the last few weeks, as I battled denial for the devastating loss of our beloved friend, colleague,
- overconfidence; financial restatements
- Overcrowding
- Overdose Colchicine Multi-organ failure
- Overemployed
- Overfunding
- Oversampling
- Oversampling Prediction of cervical cancer
- Overset grid generation
- oversubscription
- Overtime
- Overview
- Overwork
- OWASP ZAP Telegram Bot
- ownership concentration
- ownership dispersion
- Ownership Managerial
- ownership structure
- ownership; firm age; leverage
- oxidative stress
- oxidative stress marker
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Concentration
- Oxygen Flow
- Oxygen Therapy
- Oxygenation
- Oxytocin
- Ozone generator
- P
- P-D Controller
- p-glycoprotein
- P-q theory
- P-V curve
- P. falciparum
- P2P Accommodation
- P2P lending; Perceived risk
- P300 component
- p4k; public perception; theory of planned behavior
- Pacalor Supplementary Food
- Packaging machine
- Packet error rate
- Padi
- Paediatric
- Paediatric Emergency care Sub-Saharan Africa Triage
- Paediatric Emergency Department Paediatric emergency medicine Paediatric emergency care Emergency care preparedness Emergency medicine Paediatrics
- Paediatric Emergency Equipment Resuscitation Emergency unit
- Paediatric emergency medicine Paediatrics Resource-limited setting Child health Quality care
- Paediatrics
- PageRank
- Pain
- Pain assessment
- pain intensity
- pain management
- Pain management Bone fractures Sedation Fentanyl Ketamine
- Pain measurement
- Pain; Esssensial oil lavender; Hemodialisa
- Pajak
- Pajak Daerah, Retribusi Daerah
- Pajak, Wajib Pajak Badan
- pajanan
- palliative care
- Palm Oil
- Palm print
- Palm vien
- pancreas
- pancreatic neoplasm
- pancreatic pseudocysts
- pancreatoblastoma
- Pandemi
- pandemi covid-19
- Pandemi Covid19
- Pandemi, tenaga kesehatan, wabah
- Pandemic
- Pandemic of COVID-19
- pandemic, COVID-19
- Pandemics
- pandemik
- Pandemik Covid-19
- Panel analysis
- panel data regression
- Pangan darurat
- Pangan Lokal
- panic
- Panik
- Panorama
- Pantai
- panti wreda
- Pap smear
- Papanicolaou test
- Papua
- Paracetamol
- Parachuting injuries
- Parallel computing
- Parallel processing
- Parallel robot manipulator
- paralytic lagophthalmus
- Paramedic
- Paramedic competence
- Paramedic education
- Paramedic experience
- Paramedic process
- Paramedicine
- Paramedics
- Parameter estimation
- Parameter PI
- Parameter tuning
- Parameterize decision mining
- Paramiko
- paraquat
- parent’s income
- Parental entreprenurial role model
- Parental satisfaction
- parental socialization
- parenting eating patterns; stunting; toddler
- Parisian evolution
- Paritas
- Paritas, Status Gizi, Stunting
- Paritasg
- parity
- Parity and Age
- Parity bits
- Parity Health expenditures Critical care Emergency medicine Fellowships and scholarships Conference
- Pariwisata
- PAROS study
- Parsimonous features
- part of speech
- Partial discharge
- Partial discharge measurement
- Partial shading
- Partial shifter adder
- Participation
- Particle exposure
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Particle Swarm Optimization, Breast Cancer Coimbra Disease
- Particulate matter
- Partition column
- Partitur
- partners, monitoring, practical field study
- parturition
- Pasangan Usia Subur
- Pasar
- Pasar tradisional
- Pasca Anestesi Spinal, Shivering
- pasca bencana
- Pasca Covid-19
- Pasca Narkose Umum
- pasca stroke
- pascaoperasi
- pasien
- Pasien gangguan jiwa, Video edukatif
- pasien hipertensi
- Pasien Sectio Caesarea
- pasien stroke
- Passenger bus
- Passive/Active/Hybrid GDSS
- Past exposure
- Patch antenna
- patch extraction
- Patent
- patent ductus arteriosus
- path analysis
- Path loss
- Path planning
- pathology
- Pathway
- Pathway evaluation
- patient
- patient acceptance of healthcare
- Patient and relatives
- Patient assessment
- Patient Care Management
- Patient complaints
- Patient discharge
- Patient education
- Patient experience
- Patient experience Family experience Care experience Patient satisfaction Family satisfaction Emergency department
- Patient fow
- Patient involvement
- patient isolation
- Patient outcome
- patient outcome assessment
- Patient participation
- Patient pathway
- patient pre operation
- patient registration
- Patient report form Medical records Patient handover Scoping review
- Patient rights
- Patient safety
- Patient satisfaction
- Patient satisfaction Emergency care Healthcare Emergency Centre
- patient satisfaction levels; spo; the right six principles dispensing
- Patient-reported outcomes
- Patient’s rights
- Patients
- Patients’ perspectives
- Patients’ relatives
- Patriarchal attitudes
- Patriotisme
- pattern
- Pattern null
- Pattern pneumonia children respiratory disease
- Pattern recognition
- Patterns
- Patterns of crime
- PAUD; preschool age child; stunting
- PAWPER tape Broselow tape Resuscitation aid Length-based tape Drug dose calculations
- Pay-What-You-Want
- paylater services
- Payload
- Payudara Bengkak
- PDB per kapita
- PE
- Peak expiratory flow rate
- Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR)
- Peak-to-signal noise ratio
- Peat Swamp forest
- Pecegahan
- pedagogic
- Pediatric emergencies
- Pediatric injuries Sub-Saharan Africa Trauma registry Global health
- Pediatric mortality
- Pediatric patients
- Pediatric poisoning Pesticide poisoning Paraffin ingestion Household product poisoning
- Pediatric Procedural sedation Anesthesia Resource-limited
- pediatrics
- pedicle screws
- Pedoman Aplikasi Pemijatan Bayi.
- peer group
- peer influence
- Peer-to-peer lending
- Pegadaian Syariah
- pekerja
- pekerja finishing
- pekerja ketinggian
- pekerja konstruksi
- Pekerja Proyek
- Pekerja Shift
- Pekerjaan dan Stunting
- Pekkanen
- Pelaksanaan ASI Ekslusif
- Pelaksanaan manajemen nyeri
- Pelaku Usaha
- Pelaporan LB4
- Pelaporan Menyelesaikan kewajiban pajak.
- Pelatihan
- Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris
- Pelatihan, SAK ETAP
- pelatihan, sungai alalak
- pelayanan
- Pelayanan Hotel
- Pelayanan Imunisasi Bayi
- Pelayanan KB
- Pelayanan Kebidanan
- Pelayanan Keperawatan
- pelayanan keperawatan syariah
- Pelayanan Kesehatan
- Pelayanan kontrasepsi (kb)
- Pelayanan MTBS
- pelayanan paliatif, teori Ella Joy-Lehrman dan Reva Rubin, ibu kondisi terminal.
- Pelayanan prima
- Pelayanan publik
- Pelayanan Rehabilitasi
- Pelayangan Admisi
- Pelepasan Informasi Medis
- pelepasan tali pusat.
- Peltier
- pelvic floor disorder
- pelvic organ prolapse
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse Vaginal Repair
- Pelvic rocking, birth
- PEM fuel cell
- pemahaman
- Pemahaman Akuntansi
- Pemakaian KB suntik
- Pemakaian Masker
- Pemandu Wisata
- Pemanfaatan Asset
- pemanfaatan pelayanan VCT
- Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi
- pemantauan
- pemasangan elektrokardiogram
- Pemasangan Implan dan IUD
- pemasangan infus
- Pemasaran
- pemasaran digital
- pemasaran, kampus merdeka
- Pematangsiantar
- Pembangunan
- pembangunan keuangan
- pembangunan manusia
- pembedongan
- pembelajaran
- Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
- pembelajaran daring
- Pembelajaran Daring, Belajar Online, Pandemi COVID-19
- Pembelajaran jarak jauh, Covid 19, Kecemasan, Stress, Depresi.
- Pembelajaran Luring
- Pembelajaran Tatap Muka
- Pembelian Impulsif
- Pemberdayaan
- Pemberian Imunisasi
- Pemberian Informasi Anestesi
- Pemberian KJP
- pemberian MP-ASI
- Pembiayaan Murabahah
- Pembiayaan Rahn
- Pembungkus tubuh; plastik; hipotermi, BBLR
- pemeliharaan
- Pemenuhan SDM
- Pemeriksaan IVA test
- Pemeriksaan kehamilan
- Pemilihan
- pemilihan ketua kelembagaan
- Pemilihan Presiden
- Pemilu, blockchain, teknologi blockchain
- peminatan
- Pemindahan
- Pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara
- peminjaman dan pengembalian
- Peminjaman Dana
- pemodelan
- pemodelan UML
- pemulihan
- pemutih kulit
- PenA
- penampilan
- Penanganan demam
- penanggulangan, KEK
- pencarian-bantuan
- Pencegahan
- Pencegahan Covid-19
- Pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi
- pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi (PPI), peningkatan kompetensi, perawat
- Pencegahan Komplikasi
- pencegahan pasien jatuh
- pencegahan pelecehan seksual
- pencegahan penularan
- pencegahan resiko cedera
- Pencegahan, Paediatric dan Stunting.
- pencegahan.
- pencurian
- Pendaftaran
- Pendampingan
- Pendampingan Orang Tua
- Pendapatan
- Pendapatan Asli Daerah
- pendapatan keluarga
- Pendapatan Pemerintah
- Pendapatan UMKM
- Pendapatan, Beban
- Pendataan penduduk, SDLC
- Penderita Tuberkulosis
- Pendidikan
- Pendidikan Akuntansi
- Pendidikan dan Penduduk Miskin
- Pendidikan Islam
- Pendidikan Kesehatan
- Pendidikan Kesehatan, deteksi dini, kanker serviks
- Pendidikan Kesehatan, Pengetahuan dan Perilaku,
- Pendidikan kesehatan, Pengetahuan, Jajanan Sehat, Ular Tangga Modifikasi.
- Pendidikan kesehatan, Pengetahuan, PHBS di sekolah
- Pendidikan kesehatan, pengetahuan, sikap, kekambuhan.
- Pendidikan seks
- Pendidikan senam kaki
- pendidikan, status gizi
- Pendidikan,Gagal jantung, Self Care
- pendorong
- Penempatan
- Penerapan
- Penerapan E-Filling Sistem
- Penerimaan
- Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru
- Penerimaan Proposal
- Penerimaan Sosial
- Penetapan Harga dan Keputusan Pembelian
- Penetapan Harga dan Keputusan Pembelian.
- Penetrating injury
- Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Pengalaman
- pengalaman finansial
- Pengalaman Kader; Penatalaksanaan Posyandu; COVID-19
- pengalaman, terapi komplementer, terapi bekam, stroke.
- Pengambilan Keputusan
- pengangguran
- pengangguran, migrasi
- Pengangkutan Sampah
- Pengaruh
- Pengaruh pemberian
- pengawas menelan obat
- pengawasan K3
- Pengelolaan Obat
- pengeluaran ASI post partum
- pengeluaran ASI, ibu post partum
- Pengembangan
- Pengembangan dan Pelatihan SDM
- Pengembangan Karir
- Pengembangan Kepariwisata
- Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
- Pengembangan Usaha
- Pengenalan Wajah
- Pengendalian
- Pengendalian Internal COSO
- Pengetahuan
- Pengetahuan Audiovisual
- Pengetahuan COVID-19
- Pengetahuan Ibu
- Pengetahuan Keuangan
- Pengetahuan Orang tua
- Pengetahuan pajak
- pengetahuan perawat, penerapan
- Pengetahuan Produk
- Pengetahuan Sikap
- pengetahuan tentang perilaku seksual
- Pengetahuan, Efikasi Diri, Diabetes Melitus.
- Pengetahuan, Santri, Skabies
- Pengetahuan, Sikap
- Pengetahuan; Sikap; Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS)
- Penggabungan
- penghindaran pajak
- penghindaran pajak
- Pengklaiman
- pengobatan
- Pengobatan Herbal, Remaja
- pengujian
- Pengukuran Kinerja
- Pengungkapan Keberlanjutan
- Penilaian Kinerja
- Penilaian Otomatis
- Penilaian Pasar
- Penilaian SAS
- Peningkatan Akurasi
- Peningkatan Pendapatan Usaha
- Penjualan
- Penta-band notched
- pentagon fraud
- Pentagonal shape
- Penthrox
- Penurunan fungsi paru
- Penurunan kepala, Senam hamil (pelvic rocking)
- Penurunan tekanan darah
- penutup wajah
- Penyakit
- Penyakit asma
- Penyakit daun padi, convolutional neural network
- Penyakit Ginjal Kronik (PGK)
- Penyakit Infeksi
- penyakit jantung koroner
- penyakit menular
- Penyakit Paru Obstuktif Kronis
- Penyakit refluks
- Penyakit rematik
- Penyangga Daerah
- Penyebab
- penyebab MSDs
- penyederhanaan K-Map
- penyedia jasa mindring
- penyembuhan luka
- Penyimpanan
- Penyimpanan Alternatif1
- Penyimpanan logistik umum dan efektifitas kerja
- Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana
- Penyuluhan
- Penyuluhan Gizi
- Penyuluhan kesehatan
- People sustainability
- peppermint
- Peralatan Elektronik
- Peran
- Peran Ibu
- Peran Insentif Pemerintah
- peran keluarga
- Peran keluarga, Konsep diri anak
- Peran Orang Tua
- Peran Orangtua
- Peran Organisasi Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK)
- Peran perawat
- Perancangan
- Perancangan Sistem
- Perancangan Sistem Aplikasi
- Perancangan Sistem Informasi
- Perangkuman Otomatis
- Perawat
- perawat Islam
- Perawat Puskesmas
- Perawat ruang operasi
- Perawatan
- perawatan daerah perianal.
- Perawatan Diri
- Perawatan Kaki
- perawatan luka
- Perawatan Payudara
- perawatan tali pusat
- Perbandingan
- Perbandingan Metode
- Perbankan
- Percaya
- Perceived abilities Registered nurses Emergency nurses Accident Emergency centre
- perceived behavioral control
- perceived ease of use
- perceived eWOM credibility
- Perceived health
- Perceived health safety
- Perceived organizational support
- Perceived organizational support,
- Perceived price
- perceived price justice
- perceived quality
- Perceived risk
- perceived satisfaction
- perceived social media marketing
- perceived usefulness
- perceived value
- perception
- perception of ease
- perception of barriers
- perception of benefits
- perception of cue to action
- perception of severity
- Perception of violence
- Perception Vulnerability
- Perceptual Ability
- Perceptual and cognitive education
- Perceptual strain
- Perdarahan Primer
- Peredam
- Perekayasa
- Perekonomian ASEAN
- perencanaan kebutuhan
- Perencanaan kehamilan
- Perencanaan Strategis
- Perfect SIC
- Performance
- Performance analysis
- Performance characteristics
- Performance expectancy
- Performance management
- Performance management questionnaire
- performance of the company
- Performance of the power stability
- Performance parameters
- Performance-based regulatory approach
- performance; Ownership concentration
- Performance; Return on investment; Size
- Performance; Value Added Creation Intellectual
- Perguruan Tinggi
- perhatian
- Perilaku
- perilaku aman
- perilaku anak autistik
- perilaku caring
- perilaku CERDIK
- Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat
- perilaku inovatif
- Perilaku Kekerasan
- perilaku keuangan
- Perilaku Kewirausahaan
- Perilaku Masyarakat
- Perilaku Pelanggan
- perilaku pencegahan
- perilaku perawatan diri
- Perilaku SADARI
- Perilaku seksual
- perilaku seksual beresiko
- Perilaku Swamedikasi
- Perinatologi
- Perineal
- Perineal Wounds
- Periodic Acid-Schiff and Alcian Blue Immunohistochemistry to Detect Mucin
- Periodogram
- periodontitis
- Perioperatif
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Peripheral perfusion
- peritoneal dialisis; kehamilan; gagal ginjal kronis
- peritoneal dialysis
- peritonitis
- Perkembangan
- Perkembangan Usaha
- Perkembangan anak
- Perkembangan Ekonomi
- Perkembangan Motorik
- perkembangan motorik dan kognitif anak
- perkembangan sosial, stimulasi perkembangan
- Perkesmas
- Perlindungan Hukum
- Permanent magnet synchronous
- Permanent magnet synchronous motor
- Permanent waged worker
- permen karet
- Pernapasan
- Pernikahan
- Pernikahan Dini
- Perokok Remaja
- Perovskite
- Peroxide Number
- Perpektif Islam
- Perpustakaan
- Persalinan
- persalinan aterm
- Persalinan Kala I
- Persalinan Kala I , Persalinan.
- Persalinan lama
- persalinan preterm
- persediaan, metode FIFO, aplikasi web
- persepsi
- Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi
- Persepsi Harga
- Persepsi Hybrid Learning,
- persepsi K3
- Persepsi keliru
- persepsi pasien
- Persepsi Wanita
- Persepsi, Remaja Putri, SADARI
- Persiapan Kehamilan
- persiapan operasi
- Persiapan Persalinan
- persistent effect
- Personal attenuation rating
- Personal brand
- Personal brand positioning
- Personal branding
- personal health service
- Personal healthcare
- personal hygiene
- Personal Hygiene Mensteruasi
- Personal Hygiene Menstruasi
- Personal hygine
- Personal protective equipment
- Personal values
- personality
- Personality factors
- personalized medicine
- perspectives
- Persyaratan Admisi
- Pertanian
- Pertolongan Pertama Pada Korban Kecelakaan lalu lintas
- Pertumbuhan
- Pertumbuhan Bisnis
- Pertumbuhan Bisnis Berkelanjutan
- Pertumbuhan laba
- pertumbuhan penjualan
- pertumbuhan perusahaan
- Pertumbuhan Usaha
- Pertumbuhan, Anak
- Perturb and observing
- Peru
- Perubahan
- Perubahan Berat Badan
- Pesan WA
- Pesantren
- pesticide’s label
- pesticides
- Pet monitoring system
- peternakan
- Pethidine
- Petrochemical
- Petugas Unit Rekam Medis
- PFR_LS algorithm
- PFR_RS algorithm
- pH
- pH level
- pH water
- phagocytosis
- Pharmacotherapeutic stewardship
- Phase congruency
- Phase correction techniques
- Phase noise
- Phase-based
- PHBS rumah sakit
- PHBS, anak usia sekolah, siswa disabilitas
- Phenomenology
- phenytoin
- Phillips curve
- Phishing
- Phlebotomy
- Phonocardiogram
- Phosphor geometries
- Phosphor structure
- Photo Products
- Photodiode
- Photodiode Sensor
- photogrammetry
- Photography Time-lapse
- Photonic crystal
- Photoplethysmogram
- Photoprotection
- Photoresist
- Phototherapy
- Photovoltaic
- Photovoltaic panel
- Photovoltaic system
- PHP dan MySQL
- Phrase chunking
- Phrase pattern
- phylogeny
- Physical Activities
- Physical activity
- Physical and psychological health
- Physical checkup
- Physical environment
- physical environmental factors
- Physical Evidence
- physical examination signs
- Physical layer security
- Physical properties
- Physical risk factors
- physical stress
- Physical-layer security
- Physician wellness
- Physicians
- Physicians and nurse’s perceptions
- Physicochemical exposure
- Physics
- Physiological reaction
- Physiological strain
- phytochemical
- Pi controller
- PI Controller TCP networks
- pica
- Picocell
- picture-based education
- PID controller
- PIDC controller
- PIECES Framework
- PIECES Framework, SIMAT
- Piezoelectric
- Piezoelectric material
- Piezoelectric transformer
- pijat
- Pijat Batuk Pilek
- Pijat Bayi
- Pijat Bayi, Peningkatan Berat Badan Bayi
- Pijat Endorphine
- Pijat Oksitoksin
- Pijat Oksitosin
- Pijat Perineum
- Pijat tui na
- Pilar Gizi Seimbang
- pilgrims
- pilot project, waste
- Pilot study
- PIN diode
- Pineapple
- Pinjaman Modal
- Pinjaman online
- Pitch
- Piutang Usaha
- pkm
- PKP Index
- Placement strategy
- placenta
- placenta accreta
- placenta previa
- Plagiarism network
- Plain films X-rays Trauma imaging Fracture detection Missed fracture
- Planar antenna
- Planar monopole
- Planer sensor
- Planning
- Plant acoustic frequency
- Plant disease detection
- Plasmodium knowlesi
- Plasmonic
- Plasmonic Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs)
- Plastic optical fiber
- platelet-rich plasma
- Platform
- Plattnerite
- playstore, application rating, XGBoost
- playstore, rating aplikasi, XGBoost
- PLC channel
- Pleural plaques
- PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling)
- PM
- PM0.25
- PM2.5
- PMK-28 2020
- PMSM drive
- PMSM drives
- Pneumatic actuator
- pneumococcal vaccines
- Pneumoconiosis
- pneumonia
- Pneumonia, CKD, Intensif Care Unit (ICU)
- Pneumonia; Covid-19; SARS; MERS; penanganan
- Pneumothorax Hemothorax E-FAST NEXUS Blunt chest trauma
- Point of care immunology
- Point of interest
- Point of Sales
- Pointing error effects
- Poisoning
- poka yoke
- pola aktivitas dan gagal jantung
- Pola Asuh
- Pola Asuh Orang Tua
- pola asuh pemberian makan
- pola asuh, remaja
- Pola Hidup Sehat
- pola hidup, remaja.
- pola konsumsi jajanan
- Pola Makan
- Pola nafas
- pola Pemberian Makan
- pola tidur
- Poland
- Polarization
- Police
- Police officers
- Policies to Reduce Air Pollution
- Policy
- Policy analysis
- Policy in Public Health
- Policy-Related Factors
- political connections
- Political Skills
- polymerase chain reaction
- Polyphase filters
- Polytrauma Acute kidney injury Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute Tanzania
- Polytrauma levels Patterns Interventions Outcomes
- Polytrauma patients
- Pontryagain
- Pontryagin’s maximum principle
- population characteristics
- pornography
- Port security
- Portable PV cleaner
- PortaCount
- portfolio sustainability score
- Portuguese
- pos kesehatan pesantren
- posisi mengedan
- Positioning
- positive emotion
- Positive Re-evaluation
- Positive-intrinsic-negative diode
- Post Anastesi
- Post Anesthetic Shivering
- Post Anesthetic Shivering, Spinal Anestesi
- Post Mastektomi
- post operasi
- post operasi, Ondansetron
- Post Operative Nausea Vomiting dan Shivering
- Post Operrative Nausea Vomiting
- post pandemic world
- Post Partum
- Post Partum Sectio Caesarea
- Post Spinal Anestesi
- Post Spinal Anestesi, Levica
- post-/with-COVID-19
- post-acute Covid19 syndrome
- Post-entry growth
- Post-extubation stridor
- Post-graduate medical education
- Post-investigation reports
- Post-oil mining exploration
- Post-silicon debug
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- Posterior inference
- Postfix
- Postnatal care
- postoperative pain
- Postpartum
- postpartum blues
- Postpartum depression
- postpartum depressive symptoms
- postpartum hemorrhage
- Postpartum period
- Postpartum,
- Posttraumatic growth
- postur kerja
- Postural control
- posture
- posyandu
- Posyandu Remaja
- POT, behavior financing, company life cycle
- Potassium
- Potato chips agro-industry
- potato farmers
- Potensi Dampak, Airbnb
- Potensi.
- Potential Employee
- Poultry farm workers
- poverty
- Power
- Power beacon
- power consumption
- Power delay product
- Power dissipation
- Power distribution
- Power distribution system
- Power domain based multiple access
- Power electronics
- Power factor correction
- Power flow analysis
- Power flux
- Power holding company of nigeria
- Power inverter
- Power line exchange
- Power loss
- Power management
- Power plant
- Power splitting
- Power stability
- Power system
- Power system automation
- Power system stability
- Power transmission
- PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- PPE availability
- PPE utilization
- PPh
- pra-lansia
- Practice
- practitioners
- Prakonsepsi
- Praktik mindring
- Pranikah
- Prayer learning
- Pre operasi
- Pre Operasi Katarak
- Pre Operasi, Pengetahuan Pre Operasi
- Pre Operatif
- pre path planning
- Pre-announcement
- Pre-filter
- Pre-hospital
- Pre-hospital assessment
- Pre-hospital care
- Pre-hospital care Road traffic collisions Botswana police services
- Pre-hospital emergency care
- Pre-hospital emergency nurse
- Pre-hospital Intercostal chest drain Pneumothorax Haemothorax
- Pre-hospital transport
- Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support
- Pre-hospital triage
- Pre-Operasi
- pre-post study
- pre-processing
- Pre-trained models
- Pre-trained networks
- Precarious work
- Precarious worker
- Preceptorship
- Precipitation prediction
- precision
- precision health care
- precision medicine
- precission
- Prediabetes
- Prediction
- Prediction model
- Prediction methods
- Prediction model
- Predictions
- Predictive control
- Predictive factors
- Predictive marker
- Predictive performance
- Predictive value
- Predictor
- Predictors
- Predictors of fit
- Prediksi
- prediksi lokasi
- Prediktor Komplikasi Pasca Anestesi
- preeclampsia
- Preeklampsi
- Preeklamsi
- preeklamsia
- Preferensi Konsumen
- pregnancy
- pregnancy outcome
- Pregnancy outcomes
- Pregnancy weight gain
- Pregnant mothers
- pregnant woman
- Pregnant women
- Pregnant Women.
- Prehospital
- Prehospital Alternative guideline development Expert review Clinical practice guidelines Qualitative research
- Prehospital blood products
- Prehospital care
- Prehospital care Emergency medical services Emergency care Nigeria Ambulance
- Prehospital care Experiential learning Simulation Emergency medical technician Education
- Prehospital deaths Brought in dead Trauma
- Prehospital Delay, Stroke Dewasa
- prehospital emergency
- Prehospital emergency care
- Prehospital Emergency Medical Services
- Prehospital Emergency medical services Trauma Africa Bundle of care Shock
- Prehospital emergency nurses’ competence progress
- Prehospital hypercapnia is associated with an increase in in-hospital and 7-day mortality in patient with AHF
- Prehospital restraint Aggressive patient Aggressive patient risk mitigation
- Prehospital thrombolysis Implementation Acute myocardial infarction St-segment myocardial infarction Prehospital coronary care
- Prehospital time
- Prelacteal Feeding
- Premarital sexual behavior
- premature birth
- Premature infants
- premature rupture of membranes
- Premenopause
- Premenstrual syndrome
- premium; use of proceeds
- Prenatal care
- prenatal diagnosis
- Prenatal Yoga
- preoperasi
- preoperative
- preparedness
- Preparedness is key - the challenge of COVID-19 in low resource settings: four checklists from Doctors Worldwide to prepare for COVID-19
- Preparedness Tunisian university hospitals Lived experience Massive influx of victims
- Preprocessing
- Preschool children
- Prescribing
- Prescribing errors
- present fatalistic
- Presentasi Bisnis
- Presentation pattern; Self review debiaser
- presenteeism
- Pressure
- Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy
- prestasi
- prestasi akademik
- Prestasi Belajar.
- prevalence
- Prevalence of Silicosis
- prevalensi
- Prevent Tuberculosis (TB)
- Preventing infectious diseases
- Preventing overwork
- Preventing Tuberculosis (TB)
- Prevention
- Prevention management
- prevention of sexual behavior
- Preventive measures
- Preventive Medicine and Division of Occupational and Environmental Diseases
- Prewitt
- Price
- Price value
- price elasticity, income elasticity JEL Classification
- Price Perception
- Pricing
- Prilaku
- Primary Care Physicians
- Primary Care Units (PCUs)
- primary dysmenorrhea
- Primary health care
- primary prevention
- Prime
- Primigravida
- Principal component analysis
- Principle component analysis
- Principle of connectivity
- Prioritisation
- Priority
- PRISMA protocol
- Privacy
- Privacy preserving
- Private and public universities Malaysia
- Pro-industry interaction
- Probability density function
- Probability of the switching module state
- Probit analysis
- problem
- procalcitonin
- procastination; online learning; stress levelsocial support; self efficacy
- Procedural sedation Analgesia Anesthesia Sedation Emergency department
- Process and product innovation
- Process discovery
- Process mining
- Process model
- Processing system
- product
- product affect
- Product innovation
- Product performance
- product price
- Product quality
- product risk
- product variety
- Production Areas
- productive assets, and profitability
- productivitas
- Products
- Produk
- Produksi ASI
- Produksi ASI, Ibu Postpartum
- produktivitas
- Produktivitas Karyawan
- produktivitas kerja
- Produktivitas Kerja Petugas
- Produktivitas Pegawai
- Professional
- Professional / diagnosis
- Professional commitment
- Professional communication
- Professional competence
- Professional development
- Professional quality of life
- Professional status
- Professional-patient relations
- profile matching
- profit
- Profit Management
- Profit Planning
- profit sharing fund
- Profitabilitas
- Profitability
- Profitability and Firm Growth
- profitability ratio
- Profitability, Firm Size, Leverage
- Profitability, Gender Diversity,Company Size
- Profitability, maqashid sharia
- Profitability; Dividend Pay-out Ratio
- Profitability; expected stock return; ASEAN stock market
- Profitability; Reserve causality; Sustainability reporting
- prognosis
- Prognostic accuracy
- prognostic factor
- program
- program flash sale
- Program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi.
- Programmable logic
- Programming
- programming interfaces
- progression-free survival
- Progressive learning
- Project ECHO Telementoring Emergency care
- project management
- prokaryote gene expression
- Prokrastinasi akademik
- prolog
- Promosi
- Promosi gratis ongkir
- Promosi Kesehatan
- promosi kesehatan sekolah, COVID-19
- promoting occupational safety and health
- Promotion
- promotion through online applications
- Proof-of-authority
- Propensity score
- Propensity Score Matching
- Property
- Prophetic Leadership
- propofol
- Proportion of independent commissioners
- Proportional integral
- Proquest
- Proses Bisnis
- Proses Pembelajaran
- prosiding internasional keperawatan
- Prosiding Kebidanan
- prosiding kebidnan
- prosiding nasional keperawatan
- prosiding nasional keperawatan,
- prosiding nasional keperawatan,Repository
- prosiding nasional keperwatan
- prosiding seminar nasional ilmu informatika
- prospective brides
- prostate cancer
- prostheses and implants
- Prosthetics hand
- Protection
- Protective devices
- Protective measures
- Protein
- Proteus
- protocol classification
- protocol comparison
- Protokol Kesehatan
- protokol scoping review, tenaga kesehatan.
- Prototype
- Prototyping
- Provincial Minimum Wage
- proximity detection
- pruritus
- Psikoedukasi
- psikoedukasi keluarga
- psikologis
- psikologis postpartum
- psikososial
- PSO-CPF technique
- PSPNet
- psycho spiritual therapy
- Psychoeducation, Anxiety, Family, Mental Disorders, Knowledge
- Psychological
- Psychological adaptation
- psychological biases
- Psychological capital
- psychological distress
- Psychological ethical climate
- Psychological health
- Psychological recovery
- Psychological resilience
- Psychological stress
- psychological well-being
- psychology
- Psychology of working theory
- Psychometric
- psychosocial development; school age children
- Psychosocial factors
- Psychosocial impact (MeSH)
- Psychosocial problem
- Psychosocial risk factors
- Psychosocial risks
- psychosocial risks (PSR) of fishermen (FM)
- Psychosocial variables,
- Psychosocial work environment
- Psychosocial working conditions
- Psychosocialstatus
- PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk
- PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang, Lingkup Pengolahan Kopi Geothermal, Strategi CSR, Proses, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
- pterygium
- puberty
- Public
- Public Ownership, Inflation, Interest Rates
- public accountant size
- public accounting firm
- public accounting firm size
- Public health
- Public health policies
- public health service
- Public health surveillance
- public infrastructure
- public ownership
- Public policies
- Public safety
- Public safety answering point
- Public sector
- Public service
- public service ads
- Public transportation
- Public university
- publishing
- Pulling
- Pulmonary function
- pulmonary function test
- pulmonary hypertension
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- Pulse echo
- Pulse injection
- Pulse shaping
- Pulse width modulation
- Pulse-width modulation
- Pulsed electromagnetic stimulation
- pumpkin
- Puncture-to-recanalization time
- Punishment
- Punjabi language
- pupuk bersubsidi, WAI
- Purchase
- Purchase Decision
- Purchase Intention
- Purchasing Decisions
- Pursed Lip Breathing (PLB); Status Oksigen
- Pusat Kegiatan Gugus
- Push messaging
- Push-pull factors
- Pushing
- Puskesmas
- Puskesmas Babakan Sari
- PV power mitigation
- Python
- Q-factor
- Q-learning
- QCA technology
- QOL of Indian police
- QoS
- QoS-based routing
- QR code
- Qrcode
- Quadrant
- Quadrature amplitude modulation
- Quadrotor UAV
- Qualitative
- qualitative assessment
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
- Qualitative content analysis
- Qualitative methodology
- Qualitative observational study
- Qualitative research
- Qualitative research (MeSH)
- Qualitative research Emergency care South Africa
- Qualitative research Emergency medicine Paediatrics Uganda
- Qualitative research method
- Qualitative study
- quality
- quality of human resources
- Quality assurance
- Quality assurance approach
- Quality assurance system
- quality control
- Quality control management
- Quality control program
- Quality factor
- Quality Health
- Quality health care
- Quality management
- Quality of care
- quality of life
- Quality of Life (QoL)
- Quality of Medical Record
- Quality of postnatal care
- Quality of service
- quantile regression
- Quantitative fit test (QNFT)
- Quantitative limit of detection
- Quantitative respirator fit test
- quantization
- Quantum application
- Quantum computing
- Quantum cryptography
- Quasi-experimental
- Query optimization
- Question Generator
- questionnaire
- Questionnaire survey
- Questionnare
- Queueing network analysis
- Queuing model Technical parameters
- Quick look image
- R programming language
- R&D
- R&D cooperation
- R&D grant
- R&D Project
- R&D subsidy
- Rabin Karp
- Radar clutter
- Radial basis function neural network
- Radial distribution system
- Radial radio labeling
- Radial radio number
- Radiation
- Radiation pattern
- Radiation patterns
- Radiations
- Radical innovation
- Radio frequency link
- Radio labelling
- Radio location
- Radio number
- Radio over fiber
- Radio receiver
- radio visibility matrix
- Radiography
- Radiology
- Radiometer Device
- Radiometer phototherapy
- Radiosonde
- Radius
- RADIUS Server
- Radix-10
- Radoop Spark
- Rain attenuation
- Rain gauge network
- Rainfall
- Rainfall rate
- Ramah Difabel
- Raman
- rambu lalu-lintas
- Random Forest
- Random forest regression
- Random sample consensus
- Random sampling
- randomized controlled trial
- Range expansion
- Range of motion, Stroke
- Rangkaian Multilevel
- Ransomware detection
- Rapid Application Development
- Rapid Application Development (RAD)
- Rapid diagnosis
- Rapid sequence induction and intubation
- rapid sequence intubation
- Rare earths
- Rasbperry pi
- Rasio Aktivitas
- Rasio Kecukupan Kas
- Rasio Keuangan
- Rasio Lancar
- Rasio Likuiditas
- Rasio Profitabilitas
- Rasio Solvabilitas
- Rasio..Solvabilitas..dan..Profitabilitas
- Rasio.Likuiditas
- Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Rate
- ratio; Management efficiency; Net interest income
- rauma registry Uganda Global health Injury epidemiology Road traffic injury
- Rawat Inap
- Rawat Jalan
- Rayleigh fading
- Rayleigh fading channel
- Raynaud
- RB1 gene
- RBF neural network control
- RCS exposure
- RE indicators
- Re-experience,
- Re-laparotomy
- Re-shoring
- Reaching industry milestones
- reactive oxygen species
- Reactive power
- Readability
- Readiness
- readiness for change
- real activities manipulation; substitution
- real earnings management
- Real estate trust investment
- Real interest rate; Structural factors
- Real Time
- real wages
- Real-time face detection
- Real-time face recognition
- Real-time processing
- Realtime
- Reasoned Action Approach
- Rebar
- Rebusan Daun Sirih Merah
- Rebusan Daun Sirsak
- Rebusan Ketumbar, Tekanan Darah, Hipertensi
- Recall
- received signal strength indicator
- Receiver
- Recent Approaches
- receptor for advanced glycation end products
- Recessive and expansive markets
- Recognition
- Recognition rate
- Recommendation system
- Reconciling epidemiological
- Reconfigurability
- Reconfigurable antenna
- Reconfigurable intelligent surface
- Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
- Reconfigurable patch Tuning
- Reconfiguration power loss
- reconstructive surgical procedures
- Record
- Recovery
- recovery of household expenditures
- Rectangular antenna
- Rectangular band-notched
- Rectangular LED module
- Rectangular pulse
- Rectangular resonator
- Rectifier
- Recurent neural network
- recurrence
- recurrent neural network
- recurrent neural networks
- Recycling
- Red blood cells
- Red cell distribution width
- Red Fruit Extract (EBM)
- Red ginger
- Red Shoots
- Red-Emitting phosphor
- Red-lettuce
- redistribution of resources and rationing of services
- reduce emergency nurses’ stress
- Reduced size
- Reduced-order estimator
- Reducing disease
- Reduction of Silica Mean
- Redundant
- Reflectance response
- Reflecting
- Reflection
- Reflection coefficient
- Reflector antenna Transverse electric
- Reform of Occupational Health Authority
- Refractory ceramic fibers
- refraining
- regencies/cities
- Region of interest
- Regional Domestic Product
- regional expenditure
- regional financial performance
- Regional Intravena
- Regional Levy
- regional original income
- regional policy
- Regional Tax
- Registered nurse
- registries
- Registry for Systematic Review
- Regresi Linear Berganda
- Regresi Linier Sederhana
- regresi panel
- regresi SVM
- regression
- Regression analysis
- Regression-based prediction
- Regulable parameter
- Regulation
- Regulator Oksigen
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation machine
- Reinforcement learning
- Reject band
- Rekam Medis
- rekayasa piranti lunak
- Relaksasi
- Relaksasi Benson
- Relaksasi nafas
- Relaksasi nafas dalam
- relaksasi napas dalam
- relaksasi otot progresif
- relational interaction capability
- relationship
- relaxation
- Relay selection
- Relaying network
- Reliability
- reliability and validity
- reliable online information
- Relief-F
- Religi
- Religion
- Religiositas keislaman
- religiosity
- religiusitas
- religiusitas Islam
- Remaja
- Remaja Andikpas
- Remaja Masjid
- Remaja Perempuan
- Remaja Putri
- Remaja Talasemia
- Remaja; pengalaman; peran; peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat
- Rematik
- remdesivir
- Reminiscence training
- Remote control
- remote energy system
- remote monitoring and operation
- Remote phosphor
- Remote phosphor package
- Remote phosphor structure
- remote sensing
- Remote work mode
- Remote-phosphor
- Remote-phosphor white LEDs
- Remotely operated vehicle
- Renal colic Emergency centre Urolithiasis
- Renal dysfunction
- renal transplantation
- Renewable energy
- Renewable energy resources
- Renewable energy sources
- reno
- Rental housing
- Repeater
- Reporting
- Repository
- representation
- Reproduction
- Reproductive
- Reproductive health
- Reproductive Health Gymnastics
- reproductive rights
- Reproduksi Remaja
- Republic of Korea
- Republic of Korea nursing occupations
- repurchase intentions
- Reputation
- Requirements elicitation
- Requirements modeling tool
- Research ethics Low- to middle-income countries Emergency care Emergency medical services
- Research evaluation
- Research publications
- Research utilization
- Residual energy
- Residual LSTM
- resiko perilaku kekerasan
- Resilience
- resilience engineering
- resiliensi caregiver
- Resistensi
- ResNet
- ResNet-50
- ResNet34
- ResNet50
- Resonansi Pelanggan
- Resonator
- Resonator cavity
- Resource allocation
- Resource utilisation
- Resource utilization
- Resource-constrained project scheduling
- Respiraory Disease
- Respirator
- Respirator design facial hair
- Respirator performance test
- Respiratory Disease
- respiratory distress syndrome
- Respiratory exacerbation
- Respiratory Failure
- respiratory mask
- Respiratory protective equipment
- Respiratory Rate
- Respiratory Support
- respiratory tract infections
- Respon
- Response
- Response surface analysis
- Response time, kecemasan. Response time, anxiety.
- responsible investment
- responsive voice
- restatement of financial statements
- Restaurant cooks
- Restaurant industry
- Restless Leg Syndrome, Hemodialisa
- restrictive measures
- resuscitation
- Resusitasi Jantung Paru
- Retail
- Retardasi Mental
- retardation mental
- Retensi
- Retensi Urine
- retinal vascular caliber
- retinoblastoma
- Retirement
- return
- Return Saham
- Return loss
- Return loss Sixth-generation
- return on asset
- return on assets
- Return on Equity
- Return on Investment
- return portofolio
- Return to work
- return, saham
- Return; Volatility
- Reumatoid Arthritis
- Revaluation
- Revenue Stream
- Reverse Proxy
- Reverse Tracking
- Reverse vending machine (RVM)
- Reversible logic
- Review
- Review Konsumen Online
- revisit intention
- Revitalisasi
- Revitalisasi Pasar
- Revitalisasi.
- Revitalizing
- Reward
- reward system
- Reward-based crowdfunding
- RF Energy
- RF energy harvesting
- RF magnetron sputtering
- RFID tag
- RGB-D camera
- rhabdomyosarcoma
- rheumatic heart disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- RI algorithm
- Rib fracture
- Rib fractures
- Ribonucleic acid sequencing
- Rice leaf diseases
- Rice seed image classification
- Rider ergonomics
- right ventricular dysfunction
- right-sided heart failure
- Ring-core Weak coupling
- Rinitis
- Ripple
- Risiko Global
- risiko portofolio
- Risiko Ulkus Kaki
- risk
- Risk Assesment
- Risk assessment
- risk attitude
- risk aversion; investment decision; behavioral financial
- risk based capital
- Risk behaviors
- risk disclosure
- Risk evaluation and mitigation
- risk factor
- risk factors
- Risk Faktors
- Risk management
- Risk model
- Risk observatory
- Risk of falling
- Risk of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- risk of occupational disease biotransmission of SARS-COV2
- risk perception
- Risk Tolerance
- Risk tolerance; Moderating
- Risk transfer
- Risk-taking
- Risk; Enterprise Risk Management
- risk; regional development bank
- risks
- Risky driving
- Rivest–Shamir–Adleman algorithm
- riwayat ASI eksklusif
- riwayat keluarga
- riwayat penyakit infeksi
- RLS algorithm
- RO3003 FR-4
- roa
- Road safety
- Road side unit VANET
- Road trafc
- Road Trafc Accident
- Road trafc accidents
- Road traffic accident Clinical pattern Management outcomes Jimma University Medical Center
- Road traffic accident Severity Patterns Outcomes Determinants Western Ethiopia
- Road traffic crash Brain injuries Polytrauma
- Road traffic injuries
- Robekan
- robekan perineum
- Roberts
- Robot
- Robot soccer
- Robotic arm
- Robotic car
- Robotic visions
- Robotics
- Robots acceptance
- Robust control
- Roda Klop
- Rogers RT/Duroid5880
- Rogowski sensor
- Rokok dan Siswa
- Role
- role conflict
- Role overload
- Rolling Massage
- ROM pasif
- Romanticism management philosophy
- Roof materials
- Room Layout
- Root cause analysis
- Root causes
- root planing
- Root-WSF algorithm
- Rosa
- Rose Aromatherapy
- Rotasi Kerja
- Rotation work
- Rotator Cuff Disorders
- Rotor angle stability
- Rotor position detection
- router
- Router placement
- Routing
- Routing protocol
- routing protocols
- routing protocols of wireless sensor networks
- ROV controller
- ROV modelling
- ROX index
- RPE design facial hair
- RS
- RSA Algorithm
- RSA3k
- RSQ-questionnaire
- RT/Duroid 5880
- RT/Duroid 6010.2 lm substrate
- Ruam Popok
- Ruam popok (diaper rash)
- ruang perawatan intensif, ventilasi mekanik
- Rubber substrate
- rubber yield prediction
- Rubeosis iridis
- Rule Based Heuristik
- Rule breaking
- rule grammars
- rule learning
- Rule of Law
- Rule-based lip-syncing
- Rules
- Rumah Layak Huni
- Rumah Sakit
- rumah tangga tani padi
- rumah tangga, IFLS
- Rumination
- RUMPS401
- Run Length Encoding
- Ruptur Perineum
- Rupture perineum
- Rural
- Rural area
- Rural education
- rural workers
- Rutan
- Rwanda HIV Emergency care Global health Low- and middle-income countries
- Rwanda Injury care COVID-19 Coronavirus Global health Lockdown
- Rwanda Trauma Injury prevention Injury secondary survey LMIC Low and middle-income country CHUK: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali
- Rwanda Vasoactive agents Peripheral vasopressors Extravasation Resuscitation Global health
- Ryu SDN
- s-box, AES, affine matrics
- S-transform
- S. olivacea
- S1 Keperawatan
- sack.
- SAD algorithm
- Sad Kerthi Local Wisdom; Social Capital
- Sadar Wisata
- Safe system of work
- safe work environment
- Safe-haven asset
- safety
- safety & wellbeing in a VUCA world
- Safety analysis
- Safety attitude
- Safety climate
- Safety communication
- Safety compliance
- Safety culture
- safety health and well-being at work
- safety incentives
- Safety initiative
- Safety intervention
- safety management
- Safety management and policy
- Safety measures
- safety motivation
- Safety participation
- safety performance
- Safety performance indices
- Safety program
- safety responsibilities
- Safety silence motive
- Safety study OxEra Oxygen delivery device
- Safety vest Smart PPE
- Safety-I
- Safety-II
- Saibatin
- Sakit Kepala
- Saldo laba
- sales growth; interest rates; total asset turnover
- Sales satisfaction
- Saling berbagi makanan
- Salinity
- Salivary ferning
- Salsa20
- Salt and pepper noise
- Sampah
- Sample and hold
- sanctions
- Sanitary gloves
- Sanitasi
- Santri
- sarapan pagi
- SARS-CoV-2
- SARS-CoV-2 infection
- SARS-CoV-2 Symptom screening Children and accompanying caregivers
- SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
- SARS-COV-2 wave
- SAS, Morbiditas,
- Satellite applications
- Satellite image
- Satellite imagery
- Satellite images
- Satellite-earth link
- Satellite-to-ground
- Satisfaction
- satisfaction dimension
- Satisfaction Index Public
- Satisfaction with life
- satisfaction; managerial performance
- Satuan Pelayanan
- Saturasi oksigen
- Saudi Arabia
- saving behaviour
- Saving power
- savings
- SAW (Simple Addivite Weighting)
- SC
- Scale
- Scale development
- Scaled manhattan distance
- Scaps 1D
- Scattering threshold power
- Scenario
- Scene classification
- Scheduling
- Schiffman phase shifter
- Schistosomiasis
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenia classification
- Schizophrenia; Group Art Therapy; Nursing; Negative Symptom.
- Scholar
- school
- school cadres
- School cooking fumes
- School information
- School teachers
- schwannoma
- sciatic nerve
- science lesson
- Science mapping analysis
- Scientific laboratory workers
- Scientific maps
- Scilit
- Scintillation SLVGB
- scoliosis
- Scoping review
- Scopus
- Scorpion sting Scorpionism Envenomation Epidemiology Poisons centre South Africa
- scraper
- screening
- Screw electrode
- Scrum
- Scrumban
- Scylla
- SD Card Memory
- SDGs
- SDN Sirnaraja
- SE
- Seafood processing
- Search engine
- Searching
- Second and third levels of
- Secondary lens
- Secondary metabolite
- Secondary peritonitis
- Secret key
- Secret message
- Sectio Caesar
- Sectio Caesarea
- Sectio Caesarea,
- Sectio Caesaria
- Section Caesarea
- Sectoral Stock Price Index
- Secure cloud storage
- Secure data storage
- security
- Security alert
- Security analysis
- Security officer
- security polices
- Security services
- Security surveillance system
- Security system
- Sedation
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Segment-tree cost aggregation
- Segmentasi pelanggan,
- segmentation
- Segway robot
- seizure
- seizures
- seizures and a severe metabolic acidosis”
- Sejarah Relokasi
- sekolah
- Sekolah Dasar
- Sekolah Inklusi
- Sekolah luar Biasa
- Sekolah Luar Biasa Tipe C
- sekolah usia sekolah
- sekolah, siswa
- Seks bebas
- Seks Edukasi
- Seks Pranikah
- Seksio Sesarea
- Seksio Sesaria
- seksual
- Seksual, Remaja
- Sektor Pariwisata
- Sektor Riil Klasifikasi JEL
- Sektoral
- sekuensial linier
- sel surya
- Selective forwarding attack
- Seledri
- Seleksi
- Seleksi Fitur
- Self awareness
- self care
- Self Care Behaviour
- self care management
- Self Confidence
- Self Efficacy
- Self efficacy Kekerasan Seksual
- Self Esteem
- self help group
- Self Instructional Training; Self Management; Diabetes Melitus tipe II
- Self Management
- self management dietary counselling
- Self organizing map
- Self report
- Self Role
- self-acceptance
- self-actualization motivation
- Self-Actualization Motivation,
- self-affirmation
- Self-balancing
- self-brand connection
- Self-calibration Self-test
- Self-care
- self-care management
- Self-compassion
- self-concept
- Self-confdence
- Self-confidence
- self-control
- Self-efficacy
- Self-employed
- Self-esteem
- Self-esteem, Remaja Putri, Tubuh Pendek
- Self-excited attractor
- Self-harm
- self-image congruence
- Self-learning
- Self-management
- self-medication
- Self-report health
- Selling Price
- SEM model
- Semangat Belajar
- Semangat Kerja
- Semantic web services
- Semantics-based clustering
- semaphore
- semen
- Semi Fowler; Saturasi oksigen.
- Semi fowler: saturasi oksigen: gagal jantung
- Semi-circular
- Semiconductor
- Semiconductor operation
- Semistructured interview
- Senam Aerobic
- senam diabetes
- senam dismenore
- Senam Hamil
- senam nifas
- seni batik, budaya, motif, multimedia.
- sensasi haus
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Sensivitas Harga
- Sensor
- Sensor circuit sensitivity
- Sensor Flow
- Sensor Leve
- Sensor LM35
- Sensor MQ - 135
- Sensor node
- Sensor power dissipation
- Sensor resistance
- sensor termopile
- Sensor Ultrasonic
- Sensor Water Level Control
- Sensor Water Level, Panel Surya
- Sensor Water Level, Solar Panel
- Sensorless drives
- Sensorless field oriented control
- Sensorless Speed estimation
- Sensors
- Sentence level embedding
- sentence paraphrasing
- sentiment analysis
- Sentiment analysis Transformer technique
- sentinel lymph node biopsy
- Sepak Bola
- separated by
- sepsis
- Sepsis Emergency department Developing countries
- septic shock
- sequence
- sequence alignment
- sequential covering
- sequential exploratory
- sequential feature selection
- sequential images
- Sequential learning
- sera
- serai wangi, ekstrak
- Serbia
- serbuk , instan
- serbuk kayu
- Series DC arc fault
- Serious Accidents Punishment Act
- Serious bacterial infection Invasive bacterial infection Fever Infants Evaluation algorithms
- serious games
- serology
- Sertifikasi
- sertifikasi guru
- serum
- Serum D-dimer
- Servant leadership
- Server
- Server WEB
- Serverless computing
- service
- Service Automation
- Service co-design
- Service Features
- service level agreement
- Service Performance
- service quality
- Service quality and purchasing decisions
- Service ranking
- Service Recovery; Perceived Value; Behavioral Intention; Bank; Covid-19.
- Service robot
- Service Standards
- Services
- Servitisation
- Sesak nafas, gagal ginjal kronis, teknik relaksasi nafas dalam
- sesak nafas, secret, tuberkulosis, active cycle of breathing
- Severe stroke
- Severe trauma
- Sewing machine operators
- Sex
- Sex education
- sexual arousal
- sexual behavior
- Sexual dysfunction
- Sexual function
- Sexual harassment
- sexual health
- sexual online
- Sexuality
- Shade
- shallow parsing
- Shape features
- Shape segmentation
- shareholder retention
- shares
- Sharia banking; mobile banking; behavioral intention
- Sharia Compliance; SSB
- Sharia Performance; Sharia Risk
- Sharia Stock; Market integration
- sharia supervisory board
- Sheet metal
- Shift Cipher
- shift kerja
- Shift Share
- Shift work
- Shift work schedule
- Shift worker
- shiftwork
- Shiny server
- Shinydashboard package
- shivering
- Shock
- Shock index
- Shodaqoh
- Shor
- Short duration
- Short length files
- Short of breath
- Short text
- Short-Term Effect; Event Study
- Short-term high exposure
- Shortest path algorithm
- shoulder pain
- Shuffled frog leaping algorithm
- Shunt capacitor
- Siamese Convolutional
- Siamese neural network
- Siballiparriq
- Sick Building Syndrome
- sick leave
- Sickle cell disease
- Sickness absence
- sickness absence prevention
- Sickness Absenteeism
- Sickness presenteeism
- Sidoarjo mudflow
- sig, education, android, shelter, routes
- sig, edukasi, android,shelter, rute
- Sigmoidal Hadamard
- Signal process
- Signal processing Single line ground
- Signal recognition
- Signal regulation
- Signal to noise
- Signal transmission
- Signal-to-noise ratio Synchronization
- Signalling
- Signals
- Signature recognition
- Signing application
- Signs and symptoms
- Sikap
- sikap kerja
- Sikap Keuangan
- Sikap Pengetahuan, Perilaku
- Sikap Seksual Remaja
- Sikap, Menarche
- Sikap, Remaja
- sikap, Vulva Hygiene
- Silhouette Coefficient
- Silhouette index
- Silica
- Silica Dust Controls
- Silica Dust Controls: The Case
- Silica exposure
- Silica Exposure Control Measures
- silica-exposed occupations
- Silicone rubber
- silicones
- Silicosis
- Silver
- SimEvents Stateflow
- Similar image
- Similarity measurement
- Similarity-based
- SimPKL online system, feedback.
- Simple Additive Weighting
- Simplicia
- Simulasi
- Simulasi mitigasi Bencana Alam
- Simulation
- Simulation Assessment Stress Anxiety
- Simulation Fidelity Moulage
- Simulator Chest tube Management Health education Low-cost
- Simulink
- Simulink model
- Simultaneous localization and mapping
- simultaneous relationship
- sindrom koroner akut; waktu respon
- Singapore Medical Journal
- singapore smart industry readiness index
- Single document
- single garlic juice
- single nucleotide polymorphism
- Single QCA layer
- Single-child women,
- Singular value decomposition
- Sinkhole attack
- Sintaksis
- Sinusoidal bending
- Sinyal
- SiO2
- SiO2@LaOF:Eu3+
- Sirius framework
- sisdig Corner’s
- Sistem
- Sistem bilangan
- Sistem Cerdas
- Sistem Iinformasi Manajemen Klinik
- Sistem Imun
- Sistem Informasi
- Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
- Sistem Informasi Geografis
- Sistem Informasi Pasien Rujukan
- Sistem Informasi; PWA DKI Jakarta
- Sistem Kendali
- sistem kode
- Sistem Kompleks
- Sistem Kontrol
- Sistem Manajemen Persediaan
- Sistem Pakar
- Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
- sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK)
- Sistem pendukung pembuat keputusan (SPPK)
- Sistem Pengambil Keputusan
- Sistem pengambilan keputusan
- Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen
- Siswa
- Siswa SD
- siswa sekolah dasar
- Siswa, Motivasi Belajar Daring, Stres Akademik
- siswi
- sitting
- Situational awareness
- situational factors
- SiTung Tani
- size
- size effect
- Size Perusahaan
- Size reduction
- Sizing techniques
- skabies, pengetahuan, pencegahan skabies.
- Skills training
- Skin cancer
- Skizofrenia
- Skor Stress
- skor uji kompetensi perawat
- Skrining
- Skrining EPDS
- Skrining Fitokimia
- skripsi
- Skull stripping
- Sleep
- Sleep apnea diagnosis
- Sleep assessment
- Sleep disorders
- sleep disturbance
- sleep duration
- sleep hygiene
- Sleep problems
- sleep quality
- Sleep quality,
- Sleep wake disorders
- Slice genetic algorithm
- Sliding mode control
- Sliding mode control T-type inverter
- Slope of ramp floor
- slot antenna
- Slot patch
- Slots
- Slow Stroke Back Massage
- small and medium enterprises
- Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Small business resilience
- Small Women Entrepreneurs
- Small- and medium-sized enterprises
- Small-scale milling enterprises
- Small-scale mining
- Smart agriculture
- Smart Antenna
- Smart antenna system
- Smart aquaculture
- Smart car
- Smart city
- Smart contact
- Smart contract
- Smart contracts
- Smart fitness mirror
- Smart gird
- Smart grid
- Smart Home
- Smart meter
- Smart parking
- Smart sensors
- Smart techniques
- Smart Tourism
- Smart traffic light
- Smartphone
- Smartphone accelerometer
- Smartphone Addiction
- Smartphone Android
- Smartphoneyword
- SmartPLS
- SME performance
- Smelting industry
- SMEs
- SMEs, Sustainable Performance
- Smoke sensor
- Smokeless
- Smokeless tobacco
- smoking
- Smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville
- SMS Gateway
- Snort alerts
- Sobel
- soccer
- social
- Social accountability
- Social capital
- Social change
- social cognitive theory
- Social competence
- Social distance
- Social economy enterprises
- Social engineering
- Social environment
- Social identity
- Social influence
- social interaction.
- Social marketing
- Social media
- Social media analysis
- social media marketing
- Social network
- Social network analysis
- Social networks
- Social phobia
- Social Relation
- social responsibility
- Social Responsibility of Medical Journal
- social restrictions
- Social security Trust
- Social skill
- Social skills
- Social support
- social value
- Social welfare maximization
- Social, Qualitative research
- socialization
- Society
- socio-economic development
- Socio-economic factors
- Socio-Emotional Wealth (SEW)
- Sociocultural determinants
- Socioeconomic disparity
- Socioemotional wealth
- Sodium
- Soft error
- Soft PID controller
- Softmax classifier
- softskill
- Software architecture
- Software component
- Software defined radio
- Software effort estimation
- Software engineering
- Software forensic tools
- Software maintenance
- Software product line
- Software project management
- Software project scheduling problem
- Software refactoring
- software security vulnerability detection
- software vulnerabilities
- Software-defined network
- software-modeling medium
- Soil depth
- Soil temperature
- Soil Transmitted Helminths
- Solar algorithms
- Solar cell
- Solar cell design
- Solar energy
- Solar energy source
- solar energy, school electricity
- Solar irradiance
- Solar power plant
- Solar PV energy
- Solar PV power
- Solar system
- Soldering
- Solenoid inductor
- Solid dielectrics
- Solidity
- solutions
- Solvabilitas
- solvability
- solvency
- SOR framework
- Sorting system
- Sosialisasi
- Sosialisasi Perpajakan
- sosioekonomi
- Sound event detection
- Sound pressure level
- Source code analysis
- source code features
- soursop leaf nanoparticles
- South Africa
- South Africa prehospital Paramedics Professionalism
- South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
- Southeast Asia
- Southern Africa
- SOX2
- Space robots
- Space vector modulation
- Space vector pulse width modulation
- Spain
- Spark
- Spark MLlib
- Sparse channel estimation
- Sparse dataset
- Sparse representation
- Sparsity
- Sparsity score
- Spatial
- Spatial analysis
- Spatial association mining
- Spatial data mining
- Spatial knowledge discovery
- Spatial modulation
- Spatial modulation (SM)
- Spatial variations
- special allocation fund
- Special Session 1 Occupational health and safety implications
- Special Session 10 Indoor air quality in modern office buildings
- Special Session 11 Respirable Crystalline Silica e exposure limits
- Special Session 12 Mining occupational safety
- Special Session 13 Preventing Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
- Special Session 14 Preventing and Managing Occupational Shoulder Disorders
- Special session 2 Working towards
- Special Session 3 Immunotoxicology
- Special Session 4 Stress
- Special Session 5 Development of Basic Occupational Health Services
- Special Session 6 Great opportunities
- Special Session 7 Occupational Health Services for all
- Special Session 8 From the chemical massive disaster to the prevention
- Specifcity
- Specific attenuation
- Specificity
- Spectral amplitude coding- optical code division multiple
- Spectral decision
- Spectral impedance
- Spectral opportunity
- spectrogram
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectrum
- Spectrum holes
- Spectrum match
- Spectrum sensing
- Speech recognition
- Speech recognition system
- Speech segmentation
- Speed
- Speed estimator
- Speedup
- Spelling Correction
- Spending Quality
- sphygmomanometer
- Spider monkey optimization
- Spin-offs
- Spinal Anastesi
- Spinal Anestes
- Spinal Anestesi
- spinal anesthesia
- Spinal injuries
- Spinal load
- spine clearance Decision-making tools
- SpiNNaker
- spiritual
- Spiritual coping
- Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique, SEFT, Kanker Payudara, Tingkat Stres.
- Spirituality
- spirometry
- Split radix algorithm Type-II DHT (DHT-II)
- spontaneous combustion
- Sport entrepreneurship
- Sport event
- sport massage
- Sport video analysis
- Sports finance
- Spouse
- Spread; Vector Error Correction Model
- Spreading information
- SQL Injection
- squamous cell carcinoma
- SQuaRE standards
- Squared Euclidean
- Squirrel search algorithm
- SrSnO3
- SSDLite
- SSW production line
- ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
- ST-elevation myocardial infarction South Africa Telemedicine Randomised controlled trials Research methods
- Stability boundaries
- Stability of Islamic banks; Z-score
- Stable sequential learning
- Stacked Bi-LSTM
- Stacked microstrip patch antenna
- Stacked residual
- Staff persons
- Staff recall
- Stage of Grief, Kanker Paru, Pendekatan Spiritual keagamaan.
- stages of change
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder theory
- Stakeholders
- Stamp recognition
- Standar beban kerja
- standar diagnosis keperawatan Indonesia
- standard
- Standard 13.3 MIRM
- Standard GARCH; Value at risk
- Standard HWY-algorithm
- Standard precautions
- Standard process
- Standard sine cosine
- Standardized protocol
- Standards
- standing psoture
- Standing surface
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Starting torque (Ts)
- startups
- state ownership
- State estimation
- state ownership; business group; Indonesia
- state pension age
- State-Owned Bank; sticky cost
- State-space representation
- States’ health
- Static Round-Robin
- Static slicing
- Static var compensator
- Static-gesture signs
- Statik
- Stationary applications
- Statistical analysis
- Statistical distribution
- Statistical features
- Statistical frequency scaling
- Statistical mean manipulation
- status epilepticus
- status gizi
- Status Gizi, Balita
- status gizi, covid-19 anak.
- Status Hemodinamik
- status imunisasi
- status merokok, IFLS
- Status Pernikahan
- Status Sosial Ekonomi
- Stay points
- STBC mathematical equations
- Steganografi
- Steganography
- Stemming
- Step-up converter
- Stepped impedance matching
- Stepper motor
- stepping
- STEPs course Training programs Trauma injuries
- stereo matching algorithm
- Stereo matching algorithm Stereo vision
- stereo vision
- Sterilizers
- Stewardship theory.
- sticky costs; selling
- Stigma
- Stimulasi Kulit
- Stimulasi taktil-kinestetik, Perkembangan Perilaku Prematur.
- Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang
- Stimulation
- Stimulus Sosial
- STM32