Browse Items (12 total)

document (14).pdf

document (13).pdf
Objective: This study investigates the relationship between personalization and customer experience, with emotion and cognitive as the components through which the result repeats purchase intention.
Design/Methods/Approach: This study uses…

document (12).pdf
Objective: This study aims to determine the role of social word of mouth in mediating the influence of digital content marketing on visiting interests.
Design/Methods/Approach: This research uses a purposive sampling technique on 385 respondents who…

document (9).pdf
Objective: This study aims to investigate the determinants of entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students.
Design/Methods/Approach: The data was collected through a questionnaire survey from 210 undergraduate students at one of the…

document (8).pdf
Objective: This research aims to identify the most important qualification criteria for selecting subcontractors in the construction supply chain.
Design/Methods/Approach: The criteria calculations were analyzed based on the Analytical Hierarchy…

document (7).pdf
Objective: This study aims to investigate the effect of macroeconomic conditions (inflation and GDP growth) and institutional quality (control of corruption, stability politics, and voice and accountability) on private participation in PPP…

document (6).pdf
Objective: This paper aims to explore how a relational collaboration process is formed among bag and suitcase craftsmen in an Industrial Village in Indonesia.
Design/Methods/Approach: The study is a qualitative case study formulated from nine…

document (5).pdf
Objective: This study aims to investigate the factors influencing student financial management behaviour after the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial management behaviour is believed to be a driving factor in managing good finances during a difficult…

document (4).pdf
Objective: This research aims to assess attractiveness, identify national competitiveness drivers, and critical success factors of Indonesia's cosmetics industry as Indonesia has an enormous growing market for cosmetics, but the revenue growth has…

document (3).pdf
Objective: This study evaluates the critical factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Indonesia using a proposed extended theory of planned behaviour (extended-TPB).
Design/Methods/Approach: We conducted an online survey (N = 222…
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