Browse Items (8 total)

1432-Article Text-4211-1-10-20220929.pdf
The Literature Review article on the Relationship of E-Commerce, Influencer Marketing and Social Media to Digital Marketing is a scientific article that aims to build a research hypothesis on the influence between variables that will be…

1396-Article Text-4053-2-10-20230207.pdf
This study aims to find out: (1) the effect of profitability on the occurrence of income smoothing practices, (2) the effect of financial leverage on the occurrence of income smoothing practices, (3) the effect of winner/loser …

1371-Article Text-3924-1-10-20220820.pdf
This studyaims to analyze how big the level of receivables turnover on sales made by PT. Inti Sukses Sumatera in 2021. In the midst of intense business competition, companies are required to be able to achieve market…

1364-Article Text-3894-1-10-20220813.pdf
Literature Review Article Analysis of Buying Interest: Price, Trust and Advertising is a scientific article that aims to build a research hypothesis on the influence between variables that will be used in further…

1335-Article Text-3780-1-10-20220805.pdf
This study aims to determine whether net income and current ratio significantly influence cash dividends inmining companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016 either partially or simultaneously. The type of …

1301-Article Text-3573-2-10-20220704.pdf
This study aims to determine the level of taxpayer compliance for the Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2) to local regulations and laws that apply in the city of Padang, discipline, responsibility, level of self-awareness …

1241-Article Text-3160-2-10-20220603 (1).pdf
The application of standard operating procedures on the micro, small, and medium enterprise retail industry was critical since this type of enterprise employs the majority of national workforces and has become the most …

911-Article Text-2179-2-10-20220603.pdf
This research effort is to determine the performance of non-civil servant government employees at BPPI where the influence of leadership and organizational commitment can provide an explanation for strengthening the influence through…
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