Browse Items (8 total)

19796-Article Text-73997-2-10-20231009.pdf
In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) trend has been adopted very quickly.The rapid growth of IoT has increasedthe need for physical access control systems(ACS) for IoT devices, especially for IoT devices containing confidential data or …

20502-Article Text-73614-2-10-20231009.pdf
Dynamic heterogeneous graphs can represent real-world networks. Predicting linksinthesegraphsis more complicated than in static graphs. Until now, research interest of link prediction has focusedon static heterogeneous graphsor …

17709-Article Text-73253-3-10-20231009.pdf
The outbreak of Covid-19has caused a global health crisis, presenting numerous challenges to the healthcare system with its severe respiratory symptoms and variable presentation. Early and accurate diagnosis of the virus is critical…

19279-Article Text-73222-2-10-20231006.pdf
A common type of video forgery is inter-frame forgery, which occurs in the temporal domain, such as frame duplication, frame insertion, and frame deletion. Some existing methods are not effective to detectforgeries in static…

19162-Article Text-73218-2-10-20231006.pdf
The rate of advancement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has drastically increased over the past twenty years or so. From AI models that can classify every object in an image to realistic chatbots, the signs of progress can be found in…

18894-Article Text-73217-3-10-20231006.pdf
Corn leaf diseases such as blight spot, gray leaf spot, and common rust still lurk in corn fields.Thisproblemmustbe solved to help corn farmers.The ConvMixer model,consisting of a patch embedding layer,is a new model with a simple structure.…

18690-Article Text-73216-2-10-20231006.pdf
In the world of computer technology, sorting is an operation on a data set that involves ordering it in an increasing or decreasing fashion according to some linear relationship among the data items. With the rise in the generation of big…

16725-Article Text-73213-2-10-20231006.pdf
In this paper, a 180-nm CMOS ring oscillator design, made with halo-implanted transistors andoperating in the weak inversion region, is proposed, based on an undergraduate integrated circuit design course methodology for building…
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