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1643-Article Text-2272-1-10-20220414.pdf
This study aims: 1) to determine the application of the talaqqi method in online learning of tahsin Al-Qur'an in class VIII SMPIT Asy-Syukriyyah Tangerang. 2) to determine the effectiveness of the application of the talaqqi …

1644-Article Text-2274-1-10-20220414.pdf
Class XII high school students are students who occupy a period of formal education before entering lectures, students who are in the teenage age range where at this age they have to make decisions for their future. In making these decisions, …

2054-Article Text-3100-1-10-20230721.pdf
Database can also be interpreted as a data warehouse. The amount of data collected in the database can be processed to generate valuable knowledge for science. One popular and widely used technique for processing databases is data…

1642-Article Text-3603-1-10-20231109.pdf
After conducting research at the Koto Panjang Village Head Office, problems were found regarding the preparation of certificates, which still used Microsoft Word. This results in the report requested by the leadership not being…

1646-Article Text-2278-1-10-20220414.pdf
n today's technological era, computers are not only used as a tool to complete human work but can also run applications designed to access information quickly. Expert systems are one part of artificial intelligence. An Expert Systems application is…
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