Monitoring data while it is processed and transformed can yield detailed insight into
the dynamics of a (running) production system. The lumberjack package is a lightweight
package allowing users to follow how an R object is transformed as it is…
NScluster is an R package used for simulation and parameter estimation for NeymanScott cluster point process models and their extensions. For parameter estimation, NScluster uses the maximum Palm likelihood estimation procedure. As some estimation…
Gene expression data provide an abundant resource for inferring connections in gene
regulatory networks. While methodologies developed for this task have shown success, a
challenge remains in comparing the performance among methods. Gold-standard…
A plethora of disparate statistical methods have been proposed for subgroup identification to help tailor treatment decisions for patients. However a majority of them do not
have corresponding R packages and the few that do pertain to particular…
Even though adaptive two-stage designs with unblinded interim analyses are becoming
increasingly popular in clinical trial designs, there is a lack of statistical software to make
their application more straightforward. The package adoptr fills…