Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019
The Mental Health and Occupational Characteristic of Horse Stable Hand Workers in Korea (Case Report)

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019
The Mental Health and Occupational Characteristic of Horse Stable Hand Workers in Korea (Case Report)


Depression, Horse stable hand worker, Mental health, Occupational stress


The horse stable hand workers are one of the most important occupations in horse-racing industry.
However, suicide problem of the horse stable hand workers in Korea has raised the necessity of new
study on how these workers experience mental health problems such as occupational stress and
depression in organizational situation. Therefore, this study investigated the occupational stress and
depression level of the horse stable hand workers and identified the structural relationship in the horse-racing industry through a detailed interview. A total of 207 horse stable hand workers participated in this study, and occupational stress and depression level were surveyed using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) and Korean version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). The results of this study showed that the occupational stress level of horse stable hand workers was higher than the median of Korean population. The significant difference in occupational stress among the detail
job grade was also identified. In addition, 34% of the horse stable hand workers showed high risk of
depression, and job demand, organizational system, and inappropriate compensation as the subfactors of occupational stress were showed to mainly affect depression. Although there are some limitations ac-
cording to the field survey, this study also has significant meaning in that it identifies the relationship between the occupational characteristics of the horse stable hand workers and the mental health. It will be necessary to study the diverse organizational situation and individual mental health for new occupations.


Kyung-Woo Kim, Sang-Gil Lee, Gyu-Seok Hwang


Elsevier Korea LLC


September 2019


Sri Wahyuni








Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019



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Kyung-Woo Kim, Sang-Gil Lee, Gyu-Seok Hwang, “Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 3 2019
The Mental Health and Occupational Characteristic of Horse Stable Hand Workers in Korea (Case Report),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025,