Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 4 2019
The Effects of Workplace Rest Breaks on Health Problems Related to Long Working Hours and Shift Work among Male Apartment Janitors in Korea (Original Article)

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Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 4 2019
The Effects of Workplace Rest Breaks on Health Problems Related to Long Working Hours and Shift Work among Male Apartment Janitors in Korea (Original Article)


Microbreak, Night work, Security officer, Work hours, Working condition


Background: Rest breaks at work are reported to reduce fatigue and job stress. Apartment janitors in
Korea who perform night shift work and work long hours can be exposed to various health problems
(HPs). However, few studies have evaluated relationships between their rest breaks and HPs. This study was conducted to examine the relationships between long working hours, shift work, and insufficient rest breaks and HPs among Korean apartment janitors.
Methods: Data on 1,212 selected male apartment janitors were obtained from the 3rd and 4th Korean
Working Conditions Surveys. Demographic and occupational characteristics were collected using self-reported questionnaires. Rest breaks at work were classified as “sufficient” or “insufficient.” Long
working hours were considered as working more than 60 hours per week. Zero-inflated negative
binomial (ZINB) regression was performed to investigate the effects of shift work and long working hours on HPs and the effects of rest breaks on relationships between HPs and long working hours and shift work.
Results: Among those with insufficient rest breaks at work, significant associations were found between long working hours and the risk of HPs [odds ratio (OR) 1⁄4 1.489; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1⁄4 1.038 e2.136] and work-related HPs (WRHPs) [OR 1.621; 95% CI 1⁄4 1.156e2.272], and between shift work and HPs [OR 1⁄4 1.603; 95% CI 1⁄4 1.084e2.372]. These relationships became nonsignificant when sufficient rest breaks were provided.
Conclusion: It is important to provide breaks at work to reduce HPs because of long working hours and shift work among aged workers such as apartment janitors.


Sungjin Park, June-Hee Lee, Wanhyung Lee


Elsevier Korea LLC


December 2019


Sri Wahyuni








Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 4 2019



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Sungjin Park, June-Hee Lee, Wanhyung Lee, “Safety and Health at Work Vol. 10 Issue 4 2019
The Effects of Workplace Rest Breaks on Health Problems Related to Long Working Hours and Shift Work among Male Apartment Janitors in Korea (Original Article),” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 6, 2025,