Vol. 28 • No. 1 • March 2022 : The role of childbirth educators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Vol. 28 • No. 1 • March 2022 : The role of childbirth educators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


Childbirth education helps to deliver information regarding health care to pregnant women and
their families during the antenatal and postnatal periods. Culturally, Korea has a unique type of
childbirth education, termed taegyo, which helps in maternal health care and stimulates the cognitive development of the fetus in the womb [1]. In modern society, this tradition continues to be
taught in prenatal classes for pregnant women and their families, mainly at hospitals and public
health care centers. Prenatal classes play a role in encouraging maternal physical, psychological, and
social health through self-care during pregnancy. These classes deliver information on a wide-ranging and deep understanding of the birth process and readiness for the maternal role, and they play a
valuable role as a mode for evidence-based nursing care to be shared with pregnant women. In addition to learning about diet, nutrition, vaccination, exercise, rest, activity, the birth process, pain control during labor, breastfeeding, and practical approaches to daily activities, pregnant women gain
emotional benefits through communication between educators and pregnant women. Childbirth
education enhances parental attachment, motherhood, confidence, and childbearing efficacy, and it
relieves psychological distress and the postpartum blues [2].
Although birth education is important for pregnant women, the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic changed the social atmosphere and culture, especially in the field of
health-related education [3]. Face-to-face education was curtailed in Korea because of social distancing and quarantine. Birth education has also been limited in order to avoid personal contact in
the past 2 years since COVID-19. Pregnant women have lost educational opportunities to obtain
knowledge, have appropriate attitudes reinforced, and develop the necessary skills for healthy pregnancy and birth because many birth classes have been shut down. Even when a birth class is open,
only a limited number of pregnant women can participate in on-site education because of governmental quarantine rules. The strengthened social distancing regulations to prevent the spread of
COVID-19 permit private gatherings of only up to four people nationwide in Korea [4]. Gradually,
midwives, nursing educators, and medical staff have tried to provide remote birth education


Hyun Kyoung Kim


perpustakaan horizon


march 2022


fajar bagus w









Hyun Kyoung Kim, “Vol. 28 • No. 1 • March 2022 : The role of childbirth educators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2883.