Vol. 28 • No. 2 • June 2022 : Strategies to improve the quality of reporting nursing research

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Vol. 28 • No. 2 • June 2022 : Strategies to improve the quality of reporting nursing research


Research that demonstrates high quality reporting is important to improve clinical nursing practice
and facilitate follow-up studies in various disciplines. Poor reporting is unethical [1,2], and such papers are often confusing, resulting in impractical, futile information that can even be detrimental to
patient care [1,3]. Therefore, quality journals are invested in publishing good papers with good reporting quality, often maintained effectively via a peer review system [3,4]. However, the effective
use of reporting guidelines is also considered a useful strategy to enhance the reporting quality of research published in academic journals [3,5].
The most frequently recommended and well-known reporting guidelines were developed by the
EQUATOR Network (https://www.equator-network.org/). EQUATOR is an acronym for Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research. As the name suggests, the EQUATOR
Network, an international organization, is a new initiative to persuade clear and transparent health
research reporting [2,6]. It aims to ensure accuracy, completion, and transparency in reporting
health research studies to promote functionality and replicability of research and to make health research credible and valuable by popularizing reporting guidelines for health research [6,7].
The Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing (KJWHN), as the official journal of the Korean Society of Women Health Nursing, is constantly striving to improve the journal quality by publishing
quality research reports. Not only is this beneficial for our readership, but this would also be one of
the strategies for the journal to be indexed in international journal databases, such as the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). As one of the efforts to improve the quality of reporting of published
research, while adopting a double-blind peer review system comprising a professional reviewer pool,
KJWHN also recommends using the reporting guidelines of the EQUATOR Network in its author
guidelines [8]. In addition, the editorial board of KJWHN has published three articles analyzing adherence to reporting guidelines of research published in KJWHN and highlighted areas for reporting improvement [9-11]. KJWHN’s effort to adopt and inform the reporting guidelines of the
EQUATOR Network is advanced level compared to other journals in Korea


Ju-Eun Song


perpustakaan horizon karawang


june 2022


fajar bagus w









Ju-Eun Song, “Vol. 28 • No. 2 • June 2022 : Strategies to improve the quality of reporting nursing research,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed February 5, 2025, https://repository.horizon.ac.id/items/show/2884.